Jabalpur M.P.
Cell: - +91-831*******,867-***-****
Email: - *****************@*******.***
To see myself growing as a technocrat working in a challenging environment, which will provide me a steep learning curve and a platform to utilise my skills for the growth of my organisation.As long I live, so long I learn, Implement and Achieve.
SUMMARY:9 Years 8 Months in RF/EMF Planning /Optimization On cellular Networks LTE/3G/GSM/CDMA
Working in Reliance jio Infocom Ltd as Senior Field Engineer in LTE-1800/2300/850 Band 4G Network from Oct-2016 to till date.
Worked in Accord Synergy Pvt Ltd (Samsung) as RF Engineer(EMF Report making and coordination) in LTE-1800&2300 Network from Feb-2015 to Oct-2016.
Worked in Teleysia Networks Pvt. RF Lead, RF/EMF Co-ordinator,RF/DT/Survey EngineerfromNOV 2011 to FEB 2015.
Worked in Tempus Telcosys Pvt. RF Engineer, DT Engineerfrom Dec2010 to Nov 2011.
Employment Background/Accomplishments
Company: Reliance jio Infocom Ltd.
Job Title : Senior Field Engineer
Period : Oct-2016 to till date
Job Profile: LTE Planning & Optimization for Banda JC/cluster
Location : Banda(U.P.)
System Exp: Samsung
Job Responsibilities
Monitoring and Improvind Network KPI’s of Banda Cluster (Traffic,VDR,CQI,MCR,IPTP,Session,Handover,Utilization)
Coordination for Planning and deployment of new sites(ENB/ESC/ODSC)
Monitoring and resolving Customer and business complains of Cluster
Alarm monitoring and resolving ENB/MW Alarms on sites for KPI Improvement
ATP11A/11B/SCFT/SCVT Closure on Portal after meeting the desired KPI’s.
SCFT/Cluster drive and optimization of LTE Networks based on KPI Values,
RSRP/RSRQ/SNR/CQI analysis of SCFT & Cluster Reports and optimization based on this.
Company:Accord Synergy Pvt Ltd.
Job Title : RF Optimization Engineer
Period : Feb-2015 - till date
Job Profile: LTE Planning &Optimization for Maharashtra & GOA cluster
Location : Panjim, Goa
System Exp: Samsung
Job Responsibilities
SCFT/Cluster drive and optimization of LTE Networks based on KPI Values,
RSRP/RSRQ/SNR/CQI analysis of SCFT & Cluster Reports and optimization based on this.
Co-ordination of EMF Survey By Taking Clutter Photo, Building Height, Orientation, drawing layout, Antenna Height Operators Details etc.
EMF Survey by all Three Methods: Calculation (by taking all the physical data of Tower including corner and Adjacent Building Data), Broadband and Narroband Testing.
EMF Broadband testing/Narrowband Testing by NARDA Tool, RF and EMF Survey Report making in excel and different Tools.
Submission of EMF Reports to Termcell and sharing it with all operators, coordinating with other operators and submitting the same Reports to Termcell.
Report making by adding all operators static data and then calculation of EIRP(T) and EIRP(TH) and EIRP(T)/EIRP(TH) in building corners and adjacent Buildings.
Boradband Measurment by Narda tool and submitting the reports to the Termcell.
Nerroband Testing for the operator Frequency and submitting the same Report to DOT.SACFA Preperation for all existing sites.
Company:Teleysia Networks Private Limited
Job Title : RF Lead /RF-EMF-SCFTCoordinator
Period : NOV-2011 to FEB-2015
Job Profile: RF Lead& RF/EMF Survey co-ordinator
System Exp: Samsung/Nokia Siemens Networks/Ericsson/ZTE/Vodafone/RCOM
Job Responsibilities
As RF Lead:
Selecting the best suitable candidate among all given candidate for the proposed Nominal plan in the Network.
Site validation & site selection based on clutter & geographical area of respective zone.
Planning of Antenna height for RJIL own build & RCOM sharing site.
Planning of infill sites to fulfill the coverage requirement equivalent to 2G.
Validation of the detail TSS report with EMF compliance & provided Simulation result for major towns of Gujarat circle.
Co-ordination with RE & construction team for private or govt. sites joint survey.
Preparing, uploading & validation of the TSS report on GIS in co-ordination with RF survey engineers.
SCFT/Cluster drive and optimization of LTE Networks based on KPI Values,
RSRP/RSRQ/SNR/CQI analysis of SCFT & Cluster Reports and optimization based on this.
As RF Optimization Engineer/Coordinator/Post Processor
On site coordination with DT team for completion of single cell functional test(SCFT) & cluster drive for Gujarat
Drive test route recommendation, checking for missing neighbors and swap feeders, recommending antenna tilting and orientation changes.
Pre -launch optimization on Base of DT report.
3G/UMTS Drive test analysis of Handset as well as Scanner data with the help of Actix Analyzer and TEMS which contains Best Server (CPICH_RSCP) analysis, Ec/Io analysis, pilot pollution reduction (CPICH_RSCP &Ec/Io), splash area reduction, overlapping cells optimization, missing neighbors (2G & 3G) detection, call initialization failure reduction, parameters modification to get the requested KPI.
Tune Inter-Radio Access Technology (IRAT) 3G-2G Handover and vice versa, neighbor relation to improve accessibility and retain ability for voice, video and packet services
Taking care of congestion & blocking either by adding new carriers to the cell, by adding new sites or by implementing features like Dual Rate, Directed Retry, ADJ Parameters, AMR etc.
Planning of LAC & BSC Boundary based on Signaling Loading & Geographic area.
Planning of Abis Interface Capacity for Data (EDGE) Service such as Dynamic Abis Size for site & Network.
AS RF/EMF Survey Engineer and Report Maker:
EMF Survey By Taking Clutter Photo, Building Height, Orientation, drawing layout, Antenna Height Operators Details etc.
EMF Survey by all Three Methods: Calculation (by taking all the physical data of Tower including corner and Adjacent Building Data), Broadband and Narroband Testing.
EMF Broadband testing/Narrowband Testing by NARDA Tool, RF and EMF Survey Report making in excel and different Tools.
Submission of EMF Reports to Termcell and sharing it with all operators, coordinating with other operators and submitting the same Reports to Termcell.
Report making by adding all operators static data and then calculation of EIRP(T) and EIRP(TH) and EIRP(T)/EIRP(TH) in building corners and adjacent Buildings.
Boradband Measurment by Narda tool and submitting the reports to the Termcell.
Nerroband Testing for the operator Frequency and submitting the same Report to DOT.
SACFA Preperation for all existing sites.
As DT Engineer
1 Optimization of UMTS sites based on Coverage_RSCP, Quality_Ec/Io, Pilot pollution,
2 Missing neighbors, Soft Handover using drive test data’s. Optimize to improve Ec/Io (Reduce Pilot Pollution) by improving RSCP of dominant cells and reducing coverage (Interference) of less dominant sectors through antenna Tilt changes and power changes, thus rectify the overshooting sectors issues.
3 Checking Co scrambling code issues. Adding missing 3G-3G neighbors and deleting the long neighbors using scanner measurements.2G GSM 900/1800 DRIVE TEST, DATA ANALYSER & FIELD OPTIMIZATION: Physical optimization of existing sites. Finding out the Interference problem & rectify the same. Identify the reasons for TCH Blocking, TCH Drop & Handover failures.
Company: Tempus Telcosys Private Limited
Job Title : BTS/RF Engineer
Period : Nov-2010 to NOV-2011
Job Profile: RF Engineer
System Exp: Nokia Siemens Networks
Optimization of GSM sites based on Coverage_Rx Level, Quality_Ec/Io, Pilot pollution
Proposing new sit after analysis of coverage issue. Coverage by skewing sectors, down tilt/Up tilt, power increase/decrease by using better antenna gain
Site Auditing and Verifying Hardware, Tilt, Antenna height and Orientation, According to the site database
Analyzed the Drive test log files using TEMS Investigation. Find the swap, Interference in the sites during the optimization & resolve the swap .Missing neighbors, Soft Handover using drive test data’s.
Mycom-For Monitoring Network KPI’s Trend Daily/Hourly/Monthly
LSMR-Alarm Monitoring Tool To check and resolve the alarms
JCP: For Monitoring Network KPI’s Trend Daily/Hourly/Monthly
Siteforge:For Maintaining site database and deployment activity update tool
Xcal:DriveTest and post processing Tool
Netvelocity:KPI Test and Monitoring Tool
MapInfo 8.5: To take observation of location with perfect latlong& map information and software for planning, Survey & Optimization.
Tems 8.03/10.0.5/13.0:3G/GSM/CDMA network testing tool as well as for post processing.
Nemo outdoor 5.60.6: GSM network testing tool &Nemo analyzer 5.17/9 for post processing.
Network Equipments - Anritsu Site Master, Garmin GPS, Power Meter, compass, Spectrum Analyzer,Narda tool for EMF Testing, Google Earth for physical planning of site.
CNA/CNT: Drive Test and Optimization CDMA Network.
Sl. No.
Name of Qualification
Name of Institution
Percentage of Marks Secured
Year of Passing
BE(Electronics &Communicaton Engineering)
G.R.K.I.S.T Jabalpur
Board of Higher Secondary Education,Bhopal M.P.
Board of Secondary Education,
Bhopal M.P.
1 Name : Sachin Chourasiya
2 Date of Birth : February 01, 1988
3 Sex : Male
4 Father’s Name: Ramesh Chandra Chourasiya
5 Nationality : Indian
6 Languages : English, Hindi
7 Strengths : Team oriented approach
8 PAN Card : AMOPC5082G
9 Passport no :H1125184
I certify that the information furnished above is factually correct and subject to verification. I accept that an appointment given to me on this basis should be revoked or terminated at any time in future if any information has been misstated or not stated.
Date: Sachin Chourasiya