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Web Development/Software Engineer

Fremont, CA
August 25, 2020

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Brenden Pennington

Software Engineer

I am a full stack engineer with a passion for designing and

scaling component-based web applications using React, Node.Js and relational/non-relational databases

Fremont, CA 94536




Head in the Clouds Project — Created components for a music streaming page.

● Built a user-interactive microservice for a music streaming website utilizing React.js and CSS in a collaborative team setting

● Implemented a proxy server to route endpoints to correct components

● Integrated connection pooling in MySQL to prevent excess resource usage and timeouts

● Deployed application applying Docker and AWS (EC2, RDS, S3) Ucourses Project — Optimized the back-end for an online learning website

● Horizontally scaled component with a load balancer and multiple AWS EC2 instances to distribute incoming connections up to 3000 RPS

● Enhanced an existing back-end with Express and MongoDB using 10M database records

● Stress tested the component employing and New Relic to detect potential bottlenecks

Poker Vault — Session tracker for win/loss recording

● Designed and created front-end UI using React/Redux, React Router, and Bootstrap

● Integrated NodeJs and Express with a RESTful api and a MySQL database to handle storage of user data

● Implemented Google OAuth2 to conditionally render a user’s unique dashboard interface

● Deployed to AWS utilizing RDS with MySQl, EC2, and Route 53 for a domain name

● Utilized datetime npm package to create a dropdown calendar to select session start/end times


Complete Business Solutions, Newark, CA — Accountant 2014 - 2018

● Worked with clients to correct and properly maintain financial documents

● Reconciled account discrepancies by analyzing account information and adjusting for errors

● Increased productivity by introducing various Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to the company for keeping track of financial data/payroll SKILLS


JavaScript ES6+, jQuery, HTML/CSS,

React.js, Redux, Webpack, Bootstrap


MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node.js,

Express, AWS (S3, EC2, RDS, Load

Balancer, Route 53), Docker


Git, Mocha/Chai, Jest/Enzyme


Hack Reactor, San Francisco, CA

Certificate of Completion, 2018

Advanced Software Engineering

Immersive program

University of California, San Diego

Management Science

Ohlone College, Fremont, CA

Business Administration


Eagle Scout

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