LInked in :
To pursue a challenging career in Data Analytics/Data visualization and be a part of the progressive organization that gives a scope to enhance my knowledge and utilizing my skills towards the growth of the organization.
Master of Science, Data Analytics
2018 - present
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
2015 - 2017
S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil.
Higher Secondary,
Pearl Matriculation School.
Pearl Matriculation School.
INTERN - Wavicle Data Solution - Coimbatore
(January 2020 - March 2020 )
Worked closely with a computer vision based OCR project. PROJECT
Bengaluru Restaurant Analysis using Tableau
Tools used: Tableau Desktop, Tableau Prep Builder, SSMS Technology used: Python, sql.
Using data scraped from Zomato for the Bangalore region. Came up with the answer for questions like most common cuisines of Bangalore? What kind of food is more popular in a locality? Through an interactive dashboard on Tableau. Data was stored into MS SQL and the database was connected to Tableau Prep where the data preprocessing works were carried out and the result data file was connected with Tableau desktop and the dashboard was built.
OCR using computer vision for receipt parsing
Tool used: Spyder IDE
Technology used: Python, OpenCV, Pytesseract
OCR for parsing information from a receipt using python with OpenCV and pytesseract packages. The input was given as an image of the receipt taken using any digital/mobile camera, which is parsed using the OpenCV and the parsed input was taken through the pytesseract package to convert it into text. Which can be used to take down the spending details using simply the image of the receipt. Aadhar Card Detail extraction using Opencv
Tool used: SPyder IDE
Technology used: Python, Opencv, Pytesseract
From the images of the aadhar card, basic details like name, D.O.B, address, aadhar number were parsed using OpenCV packages. The parsed text was taken into pytesseract packages where they were converted into text and saved in a .txt format. This can be used to record details from an aadhar card using an image. TOOL SKILLS HARD SKILLS
Tableau Desktop
Tableau Prep Builder
Microsoft Excel 2016
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
“Tableau Desktop Specialist” from Tableau.
“Google Analytics For Beginner” from Google Analytics Academy.
“Data Analysis with Python” from Cognitive ACHIEVEMENT
• Attended “Global AI Bootcamp” at ThoughtWorks, Chennai.
• Attended the workshop on “Predictive Data Analytics Using Python and R” at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College.
• Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking.
• Adaptability, Learning Agility.
Father’s name: R.Kalyana Selvan.
Languages Known: English, Tamil, Malayalam.
Sex: Male.
Address: 38, Raja Pathai, Pattariyar Nedum Theru, Kottar, Nagercoil- 629 002. Area of Interest: Data Visualization, Business Intelligence, SEO, Digital Marketing. Hobbies: Cycling, Video-Editing, Photography.
I hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. Sriram.K