Vanessa A. Rhoades
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A motivated professional with strong verbal/written skills seeking workforce reentry and a career change allowing the utilization of a recently earned Master of Arts in Communication degree in which valuable skills in problem-solving, analysis, research methods and scholarly writing were enhanced.
Master of Arts in Communication – General Communication Areas of Concentration – Health, Human, Mass and Organizational Communication; Public Relations Thesis: Adapting to New Technological Communication in the Church
Master of Arts and Sciences in Music – Vocal Pedagogy Thesis: A Vocal Handbook for the Performing Church Soloist: Including the Application of Physiological, Scientific and Empirical Aspects
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College Miami, OK Professor/Instructor August, 2005 - August, 2018
Applied vocal/piano studies; vocal diction (six languages); conductor - choral and cabaret choirs; recital(s) director and accompanist; adjudicator - vocal/instrumental juries - contests/festivals,
Additional various music/humanities courses requiring preparation of and informative presentation of lecture materials with adherence to curriculum guidelines; quality performance improvement,
Created syllabi/assignments/projects/exams for respective courses; methodically provided resources to ensure comprehension of course objectives; achieved multiple deadlines; supervised classrooms of 30+ while maintaining decorum; established disciplinary/counseling sessions as needed; embraced diversity/multi-cultural awareness; observed Open-Door Policy; worked cross-functionally with various faculty/staff,
Increased studio enrollment by 58%; utilized Microsoft Office/Outlook: assignment composition and communication; lecture presentations/assignments/exams; calculation/submission of grades electronically.
ONHL (Oklahoma Nursing Homes Limited) Homecare Commerce, OK (a division of Eastwood Manor Nursing and Rehab Facility) Human Resources/Office Manager July, 2001 – October, 2012
Executed hiring process/performance mgt (full training cycle): behavioral interviewing techniques, pre-employment screenings, new hire orientation; delegated work assignments/schedules; file set-up and audit – monitored and maintained personnel records; lean methodologies; off-boarding activities: exit interviews,
Chaired monthly in-service staff meetings; orchestrated annual employee evaluations - performance/competency; processed highly confidential information while remaining in compliance with HIPAA, company rules/policies and OSHA; supervised 25+ employees; calculated timesheets/payroll,
Attended and delivered positive contribution/persuasion in various seminars and training programs; worked cross-functionally with various staff/health teams; demonstrated leadership and ability to interface and partner with facility management in addressing issues while aiding in conflict resolution.
ACADEMIC and SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENTS Graduated with Honors; President’s List; Dobson Presidential Scholarship; Inducted into: The Academic Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi; The National Leadership Honor Society of Omicron Delta Kappa; The National Honor Society of Lambda Sigma; The Honor Society of Outstanding College Students of America.
Research Presentation(s) Topic: The Affects of Embellishment upon the Listener, University of South Florida Research Symposium, Tampa, FL.
Topic: Technology within Corporate Structure, Pittsburg State University Research Colloquium, Pittsburg, KS.
CERTIFICATION The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research: Protecting Human Research Participants.