Accounts Department,
Please note the below mentioned employee is / will be no more in our service with effect from December 25,2OL9. His full & final payment / settlement may please
be made as mentioned:
Employee Name: Abdus Shahid ._ Desgn: F & B Agent
Employee Code: OO3354 Dept: F&B Service
DOJt 24-IL-2OL7 LWD: 28-12-2O19
Reason for Settlement : Resionation
No, Particulars Amount Total
Monthlv Salarv Actual Pavable
No. Of Davs Present In December Month ?8
1.1 lasic RS 6,500.00 Rs. 5.U,/U,
1.2 1RA RS 1.500.00 Rs. 1.354.84
A,J onveva nce Rs RS
1.4 TA RS,
f.f, vledical Allowance Rs.
.6 Decial Allowance Rs. 4,200.00 Rs. 3. /93 _
r. / ;ervice Charoe Rs Rs. 5.582.3:
1.8 TiDS Rs, Rs .755.0(
1,9 Holidav Waqes Rs.
2 B/F Paisa RS Rs 0.51
Gross Salarv o, m. Rs. 12,200.OO Rs. 14,357.2
2 LESS: Statutorv Deductions:
2..7 Provident fund RS 1.160.0C
2. Prof
Rs Rs. 200
2.3 ESIC RS Rs. 83.0C
2.4 Other (Income Tax) Rs
2.5 Teleohone RS Rs.
2.6 Food Deduction Rs Rs. 180.55
2.7 Cess RS Rs.
2.4 C/F Daise RS, 0.5'j
2.9 WF Rs. 12.0C
Total Deductions p,m, Rs. Rs, t,636.22
Net Salaryl Rs, L6,72L
3 ADD: Yearlv Pavments:
3.1 Leave [:ncashment Days
lusiness Attire Reimbursement
3.5 Jnoard salarv of month aqainsl absent Day
Net Salarv Rs. o.o0
4 LESS: Other Deductions
4. Notice Pav Recoverv Davs Rs.
4.2 Salarv deduction aoainst Days Rs.
4.3 Loans / Advances
4.4 Mediclaim Card
Reimbursement excess oaid (Sales Voucher
4.6 Other Recoveries (CL Recoverv) Days Rs.
4.7 Other Recoveries (Pl Rccoverv) o Davs
RS 0.0c
--6- 5
Total Deductions
Gratu it able
TAL PAYABLE h.,l ., 16t72l
Received fronlM/s. HiltoA Mumbai International Airport a sum of Rs, 16,7 Twentv One Onlyltowards Full L f-jnal Settlement of--nv all,legal dues and claims against Companvrthese amounts inctude cjLr@-ln v-iew of these payments, I have now no claim of any nature whatsoever leoal or otherwise aoainst the Company, includinq mV claim from reinstatement and,/ or re-emotovment. Emo, Sionature
January 07,2020
This is to certify that Mr. Abdus Shahid was employed with our organization in the Food & Beverage Department from November 24,2017 to December 28,2019. His designation at the time of leaving was F & B Agent. Abdus teaves us on his own accord. We wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
For Hilton Mumbai International Airport
Director - Human Resources
SaharAirport Road,Andheri East I Mumbai.4OOO99,lndia T: +91222838OOOO / 6199 OOOO I F:
+91 22 2p3B O]O1
E: f eservations.mumbai@hi lton.com
Hotel Owner: BD&P Hotels (lndia) Private Limited
DB House I Gen A.K. Vaidya Marg
I Yashodham I Goregaon East I
Mumbai l400063 India
C I N: U 551O1 M H1997 PT C1O7 571