Phone No : 009***********
Dubai : 050*******
Email :**************@*****.***
Name: Adarsh G
Age: 30
Sex Male
Address A.R house Valavil
Pullupana po
Kadakkal, Kerela, India
Name of Father: Gopinathan
Name of mother: Renuka
District: Kollam
State: Kerala
Country: India
Cast Hindu, Ezhava
Education Grade 12
Occupation Aluminium Moulding, Workshop mechanic and Spray
Experience 6 years Abroad ( Muscat)
Work Description
Aluminium pieces are boiled in the high temperature and the aluminium are made to liquid form. The liquid forms are transfer into the moulding. This process is moulding section. The moulds are cut into the different shape and structure and prepare for the customers’ needs.
Worked as an office boy for 6 months