Hello! I’m Juan Manuel Díaz
a full stack developer
e-mail: ****************@*****.*** Ph.: +549********** Linked-in: /juanchodiaz Github: /juanchomdiaz Skype Id: juanmla22 Personal Information
D.N.I.: 31.616.360
Nationality: argentine
Birth date: April 18, 1985
Driver license: Class “B”
Other licenses: Private Pilot with current health certificate issued by INMAE About me
I have been working in IT from about 13 years, mostly of them designing and developing software in Java, PHP, Python, Javascript and other techonologies. As a good troubleshooter, I enjoy any challenging project, even more those that implies to learn new technologies that improves my skills. I can describe my self as proactive and self-taught IT professional. Looking for a healthy context with passionate team mates to share my passion. My current tech stack is based on Javascript ES6+ (ReactJs 16.8+) at front end, and JavaScript (Node.js, Express.js. MongoDB, DatoCMS) or PHP (laravel or symfony) or Java 8 (Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySql, Maven) at back end.
My experience
• Project manager at Apps Proyectos Digitales Spain (Remote) (March 2020 – current)
Project manager and tech consultant for Comess Group’s movile app (Don G and Lizarran). Tools: Slack, Trello y Framer. Team language: English/Spanish.
• Freelancer full stack engineer at ActionLift France (Remote) (November 2019 – July 2020)
I have designed and developed a virtual store with complex part selector for theater engines. This tool allows ActionLift’s clients to browse an engine, select the exact part that they want and buy it in the same process. Technologies: PHP7 (Joomla Backend), JavaScript ES6+ (ReactJS 16.8), Bootstrap 4, CSS, OVH Cloud. Languages: spanish and english.
• Programming instructor at National Ministry of Production. (2017 – 2019)
The program’s main goal was to train new software developers to cover the ongoing demand of the software business market. The program was divided in five modules:
M1: Introduction to software development with agile methodologies
(SCRUM framework);
M2: Logical thought (programming principles, computer’s logic, boole’s algebra);
M3: Object Oriented Programming using JAVA8;
M4: Java8 web application development with Spring Boot 2 + Thymeleaf; M5: Introduction to data bases with MariaDB and Hibernate.
• Senior full stack developer at TodoBoda.com Spain (Remote) (Sep. 2015
- Dec. 2019)
PHP full stack web developer and sysadmin. I have designed and developed a complety refreshed system for wedding managment, providers and other tools for the bride; i have migrated more than 25000 client’s data and setted up the server infrastructure hosted in OVH France (Debian Stretch con Sendmail, ftpd, Apache 2, php 7.2, mysqld, svn, sshd, DNS using BIND, Iptables, fail2ban and rkhunter, automatic backups, cronjobs, webmin, etc...). I also participated actively in the company's decision making process. https:// www.todoboda.com
• Full stack web developer for TarifaPlana Peluqueros Spain (Freelance - remote) (Nov. 2016 – March 2017)
I have develop a take-a-number system with touch screen terminal, annouce monitor, printable ticket and “now serving” number accesible from their website: tarifaplanapeluqueros.es . Backend made with symfony 3 and front end with Javascript (React.js), Bootstrap 3.
• Founder at ZienLab Software. (Jan. 2012 - 2016)
A company that sells software development and consulting services.
• Programming teacher at “765 Roca del tiempo” secondary school of Lago Puelo (Jun. 2012 – Jun. 2015.)
• Computer repairment teacher at “765 Roca del tiempo” secondary school of Lago Puelo (Jun. 2012 – Jun. 2016.)
• Computer networking teacher at “765 Roca del tiempo” secondary school of Lago Puelo (Jun 2012 – Jun. 2015.)
• Ssr. Java Developer at Buenos Aires Province’s Secretariat of Legal and Technical affairs. (May. 2011 – Dec. 2011)
I have developed a secured document sharing platform using java applets, symfony2, javascript, html, css.
• Python developer and testing leader at LIFIA (Research and Training in Advanced Computing Laboratory) at University of La Plata. (Jun 2010 – May. 2011)
Team member of ISDB-T and Interactive Digital Television project. I have lead the testing team and developed Ginga Workbench, a tool for automated control and testing of nightly builds of the interactive app middleware called GingaAr running on an autommatically driven digital television environtment. My app can automatically control the build deployment in set-top box, air transmision setting, set-top box’s control over ethernet, executation of test's batteries run using PyUnit and testlink api integration for test's result publishing.
• Ssr Java Software Architect at Perinat Obstetrical Clinic Srl. (Dec. 2008
– Dec. 2011)
I have designed and developed a web app that allows doctors to enter data from obstetrical - and others kind of - ultrasound exams writing as less as posible for time optimization, they also can search and view pacient's past exams, and print reports in PDF and RTF. Clinic manager can generate statistical reports by date, month and exam type. Also, i had to integrate the app with a legacy system to get some pacient data. Tech stack: JavaEE6, J2EE, Struts 2, JSF RichFaces, Hibernate, iText, MySql and Sybase legacy integration. I also did the setup and maintenance of their server.
• Jr. full stack java developer and PKI and digital signature consultant at Buenos Aires province’s Computing Direction. (Feb. 2008 – May. 2010) My main duty was the develop of a platform for create, digital sign and distribute official documents. My task in the team was the development of a java applet to digital sign pdf and rtf documents using usb tokens. As a PKI consultant my duties there was give advice and assistant to ministers and directors in their digital certificate’s issuing process.
• VisualWorks developer at LIFIA (Research and Training in Advanced Computing Laboratory). (2007 – 2010)
I have developed MyLexicon (based on Antonelli’s BaselineMentor), an application to automatic generation of lel, scenarios and cross responsability collaboration cards from hypertext requirements using SmallTalk, a pure object oriented programming language. I+D in crosscutting concerns and software engineer with Ms. Leandro Antonelli (LIFIA/Unlp), Miguel Solinas
(LAC/UNC) y Dr. Eduardo B. Fernandez (Depart. Of Computer Science and Engineering/Florida Athlantic University) (ad-honorem) Computing consultant at Buenos Aires province’s Secretariat of Electronic Government. (2006 – 2007)
Computer repair, networks and other related services. Self-employee.
(1999 – 2015)
Freelance (Joomla and Wordpress) websites
• Freelance Wordpress 5 website developer: www.laspitaslodges.com Currently online. (Sept. 2019)
• Freelance Wordpress 5 website developer: www.cenud.org.ar Currently online. (Aug. 2019)
• Freelance Joomla developer of SIPROGEP – “Sistema Provincial de Gestión Pública”. Client: Buenos Aires province’s Secretariat of Modernization (Dec. 2015)
• Freelance Joomla developer of: “Observatorio de Gobierno Abierto Municipal”. Client: Buenos Aires province’s General Secretariat (Jan. 2015)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.inmobiliariadelagua.com.ar. Currently online. (Nov. 2014)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.losgirasolesteam.com.ar . Currently online (Oct. 2014)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.bomberosdelagopuelo.org.ar . Currently offline (Aug. 2014)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.lorosaleselbolson.com.ar Currently offline (May. 2014)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.alcaldepropiedades.com.ar Currenty online (Dec. 2013)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.amancayalpinas.com.ar Currently online (Aug. 2013)
• Freelance Joomla website developer: www.complejovallepuelo.com.ar Currently offline (Aug. 2013)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: www.legisladortorres.com.ar Currenty offline (Jun. 2013)
• Freelance Joomla 2.5 website developer: Government of Lago Puelo – www.lagopuelo.gob.ar Currently offline (Aug. 2013)
• Freelance Joomla 1.5 website developer: mosqueroplatense.com.ar. Currently offline (Aug 2011)
Formal education and certificates
• CertiProf Scrum Fundation Professional Certificated (SFPC) (Jul. 2020)
• ReactJS (Hooks, Styled Components, Axios, FetchAPI, Redux, Context, MERN) at Udemy (March 2020)
• Certified Private Pilot at A.N.A.C. (June 2019)
• Agile Methodologies with SCRUM – Crash course by Martin Alaimo from Kleer consulting at IPAP (March 2010)
• SUN SL275-SE6 at ITCollege (official SUN Java courses). (Nov. 2009)
• Computer Science at National University of La Plata. Teacher assistant in Object Oriented Programming courses. (2003 – 2009 unconcluded)
• Computer networking technician at F.U.S.E. (2000)
• Computer hardware technician at F.U.S.E. (1999)
• High School with natural sciences orientation at “Escuela de Enseñanza Media No 1, Enrique Mosconi”. Ensenada, Buenos Aires. (2000 – 2002) Languages
Spanish: fluent native
Inglish: advanced (mostly fluent)
• Inglish lessons at C.L.I.F. (Center of Inglish and French Languages) (1999 – 2003)