Carlos Dente
Construc.on Management
Greensboro, NC · 336-***-**** · ***********@*****.*** · Former Corporate and Property Manager with 15 years of experience in fields such as Property and Commercial management. Experience in determining construcOon esOmates and Omelines, while partnering with contractors on Omelines for execuOon, and keeping clients & stakeholders apprised of changes implemented. Adept at managing project schedules, pay esOmates, project procedures, staffing requirements, and Omely project producOon. CORE COMPETENCIES
Associate’s Degree, Construc.on Management Guilford Technical Community College
● Classes: Construc)on Management, Safety Performance, Planning & Scheduling; Construc)on Materials & Methods, Codes
& Inspec)ons, Construc)on Es)ma)ng, Costs & Produc)vity
● Projects Completed: Created schedules, budgets, and plans for a construc)on project; Interpreted construc)on blueprints; Es)mated material for a small building project; and applied NC Building Codes to a building project. Bachelor’s Degree, Business Administra.on Pitagoras University
● Classes: Fundamentals of Administra)on, Business Communica)on, Nego)a)on, Organiza)onal Behavior, Business Budget, Logis)cs, Opera)ons Research, Produc)on and Opera)ons Management; Materials Management, Project Management, People Management I, People Management II; Quan)ta)ve Methods, Financial Management I, Cost Management, Mathema)cs Applied to Administra)on.
● Completed a Materials Management Project involving building product design, iden)fica)on and solu)ons of project interfaces, project details, project compa)bility, and simultaneous engineering. Gamifica.on Cer.fica.on The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Cer.ficate, How to Reason & Argue Duke University Cer.ficate, Interna.onal Trade Nove de Julho University Cer.ficate, Management & Leadership Senac
Property Manager 10/2014 - 12/2017 Forest Hills
Administered and supported 850+ residenOal apartments, responsible for $1.5M annually, as well as operaOonal administraOon and management of 60+ staff. Maintained relaOonships with construcOon suppliers that supported water and alarm systems, pumps, elevators, gates, and playgrounds. Supported & partnered with all residents and government insOtuOons, such as City Hall.
● Implemented an enOre security system for the building complex, along with the inspecOon of all units.
● Carried out the evaluaOon, quotaOon, and hiring of companies to jointly design a containment system due to structural flaws in the buildings, while performing a detailed inspecOon of the buildings. Strategic Accounts Manager 02/2013 - 04/2014
Wex Inc. (Unik)
Business 08/2008 - 08/2011
Nddigital So^ware S/A (NDD)
Team Supervisor 06/2005 - 07/2008
Cards Service Prest. Serv. Ltda.
● Scheduling & InspecOons
● Liaison Between Clients and
InstallaOons, Contracts, and Services
● CommunicaOon with Clients about
Progress & Issues
● NegoOate Change Orders
● Materials Management
● IdenOfy, Recruit, Select and Bring Under Contract Independent Contractors & Employees
● Possess’ Driver's License
● Cost, Revenue ForecasOng, & Budget Management
● Safety, Compliance, and Quality RegulaOons