Timothy E. Clune Senior Execu*ve Insurance & Risk Management
***********@*****.*** • linkedin.com/in/5m-clune-a64b1028/ 425-***-**** • Lynnwood, WA Influen’al, client-focused Casualty Insurance Broker & Risk Management Specialist with 20 years’ experience advancing client services, placement, business development, and team performance with global insurance brokers. Comprehensive knowledge across a diverse range of insurance coverage products (e.g. casualty, risk management, general liability, worker’s compensa’on, auto insurance, and more). Provide ac’ve technical support to sales execu’ves to expand revenue. Deliver excellence with client insurance porLolio lifecycle management and proac’ve control of accounts to promote ini’a’ves, convert sales, improve client reten’on, and drive sustainable boMom-line growth. Areas of Exper,se include: Professional Experience
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT WILLIS, SeaMle, WA 2004 to 2009 Led design, establishment, and expansion of Risk Management and Na5onal Accounts. Specialized in the design, management, assessment, and implementa’on of insurance risk management programs including risk iden’fica’on and analysis, risk transfer u’liza’on products, and alterna’ve risk financing. Industries served included finance, technology, manufacturing, construc’on, real estate, transporta’on, consumer products, retail, hospitality, entertainment, public en’ty, tribal na’ons and not-for- profit organiza’ons.
Key Accomplishments:
Met and exceeded client expecta’ons through collabora’ve interna’onal engagement with clients, client managers, and the underwri’ng community to deliver excellence in programs and servicing.
Upheld service standards in accordance with Willis Excellence Model in role as Internal Corporate Auditor.
VICE PRESIDENT (SEATTLE) MARSH, New York, NY & SeaMle, WA 1994 to 2004 Serviced Fortune 1000 client base across a diverse range of industries and casualty program structures; managed book of business in collabora5on with client advisors and brokers. Standardized client advisory servicing func’ons throughout the Insurance Services (IS) department. Led group of 4 team leaders and 30 employees with hands-on account management as Group Client Advisory Lead. Audited satellite offices and ensured opera’onal alignment with corporate professional standards and procedures that reinforced consistent client services while mi’ga’ng errors and omissions. Reviewed documenta’on, ’meframes, renewals, and client services. Member of the Corporate Graduate Training Program for Marsh offices worldwide.
Key Accomplishments:
Led the West Coast IS Department to achieve first-ever internal audit score of 95% and a client reten’on rate of 97% with delivery of superior services and errors and omissions avoidance.
Opera’ons, Administra’on & Fiscal Oversight
Audi’ng / Compliance / Documenta’on
Risk Management
Presenta’on, Pricing & Contracts
Project / Program Management
Team Building & Rela’onship Management
Marke’ng / Sales / Account Reten’on
Casualty Loss Forecas’ng / Cash Flow Analy’cs
Timothy E. Clune
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Op’mized team performance with model leadership; developed and trained team leader proficiencies in casualty loss responsive ra’ng plans, loss forecas’ng, and program cash-flow analysis.
Team leader in global broking placement division across the Western region; led team of brokerage professionals with a book of 100 clients in Washington, Idaho, and Alaska.
Casualty Subject MaMer Expert: collaborated with outside trainers and university professors on mul’- day, off-site programs educa’ng ~100 new hires on insurance fundamentals and mock service presenta’ons.
Promoted steadily through mul’ple posi’ons in New York’s Risk Management Casualty Department over course of 5 years including Client Advisor and Team Leader (1994 to 1999)
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Addi5onal experience acquired as Client Manager, Willis, New York, NY, Intern & Sales Associate, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., White Plains, NY and as Lloyd’s of London Broker, Gallagher Interna5onal, London, England. Educa4on & Licensing
Bachelor of Science in History STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, PlaMsburgh, NY Semester at Sea Global Studies Program UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, 10 Countries Licenses:
Property & Casualty License Washington State, In Progress of Reinstatement