Surname: Kutama
Names: Rotondwa
Date of Birth: 30 August 1987
ID Number: 870**********
Gender: Female
Nationality: South African
Drivers Licence: code B
Address: Akoya Oxygen, Juniper Villa 121
Contact Details: 971*********
Marital status: Married
Physical Health: Good
Religion: Christian
Criminal record: None
Linguistic abilities: English (read, speak and write very well) Tshivenda (read, speak and write Very well)
Last School Attended: Tshikevha Christian School
Highest grade passed: Grade 12 (2006)
Subjects passed: English, Afrikaans, Mathematics, Physical Science, Geography, Biology and Computer
Institution: University of the Free State
Qualification: BSc Geology
Duration: 2007–2010
Institution: University of the Free State
Qualification: BSc Hons Geohydrology
Duration: 2011
Institution: University of Stellenbosch
Qualification: Intermediate Project Management
Computer Skills: All components of Microsoft office (2003, 2007 & 2010) PROFFESIONAL REGISTRATIONS
Institution: South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions Category: Professional Natural Scientist
Registration number: 400203/16
Date of Registration: 20 July 2016
Institution: Department of Water Affairs
Position: Graduate Trainee (Geohydrology)
Duration: January 2012- September 2014
Duties: Determination of desktop groundwater Reserves for water use license applications focusing on Water Uses falling under Section 21(a), (e),
(g) and (j) of the National Water Act as these water uses affect and are directly related to groundwater resources. Determination of rapid groundwater Reserves in order to provide an increased level of confidence in the determined Reserves. Assisting senior scientists in conducting site visits from time to time to either do geophysical or geohydrological field work and also mine/farm visits to observe some of the activities taking place and how these are impacting on groundwater.
Institution: Department of Water and Sanitation
Position: Candidate Scientist
Duration: October 2014 - June 2017
Duties: Conduct Water Use License compliance audits for water users in the industry sector. This includes the review of specialist reports, collection of groundwater and surface water samples and analysis of water quality data. Conduct water user verification/validation site visits. Conduct research on unconventional gas to contribute to the understanding of unconventional gas exploration and the implications it will have on South African water resources especially groundwater. Reviewing and providing comments on technical reports about unconventional gases and their related water issues. I have also assisted and conducted investigations on groundwater pollution incidences, emergencies and complains. Institution: Department of Water and Sanitation
Position: Production Scientist
Duration: July 2017 - current
Duties: My responsibilities include Compliance Monitoring of industries within South Africa; The compilation of Regulations for Unconventional Gas Activities; Prioritization of water users in terms of volumes of water used, impact of the water user on the environment and the quality of water discharged; The review of Environmental Management Programmes, Integrated Water, Waste Water Management Plan, Geohydrological study reports and the review of other specialist reports related to a water use authorisation; Collection of groundwater and surface water samples and analysis of water quality data. Conduct water user verification/validation site visits. Conduct research on unconventional gas to contribute to the understanding of unconventional gas exploration and the implications it will have on South African water resources especially groundwater.
I have participated in the following projects at the Department of Water and Sanitation thus far:
Geohydrological Investigation of Vaal Gamagara Pipeline - Source Development Area 4 (Sd4) - Tsineng
Year: 2012
The objective of the project was to assess the exploitation potential of the identified source development area 4 (SD4) and establish the sustainable yield that can augment the Vaal Gamagara Pipeline scheme. The project was lead by Golder Associates as a Professional Service Provider to the Department. I formed part of the team whose role was to conduct a detailed geohydrological study in order to meet the above mentioned objectives. I joined the project in July 2012 were we began by conducting geophysical surveys along traverses that were used for airborne geophysical surveys. The geophysical techniques used are the electromagnetic (EM) method, the magnetic method and the 2D electrical resistivity imaging method. The data obtained from the surveys was analyzed in order to identify possible groundwater exploration target areas. After the exploration targets were identified, a contractor was hired to drill exploration boreholes. During this project I have acquired drilling supervision skills; core logging skills; interpreting drilling results including aquifer behaviour using the FC Program and groundwater exploration report writing techniques. Groundwater-surface water interaction site characterization study within the Lesotho Highlands Water Project river system.
Year: 2012
The objective of the project was to determine sites within the Lesotho Highlands Water Project river system that will be suitable to determine whether there is any interaction between groundwater and surface water in the area; and in later stages to come up protection zones to prevent the disturbance of the ecological integrity should there be interaction. I formed part of the team that went to the Free State to conduct hydrocensus studies in order to establish the type of land use activities and water uses in the area, the number of boreholes in the area and the distance of these boreholes from water courses such as rivers and wetlands.
Literature Survey on Unconventional Gas exploration Year: 2014 to current
The objective of this research and literature review project is to improve and input into the regulatory framework being developed for unconventional gas exploitation in order to improve the protection of water resources and ensure their sustainability. I am responsible for a specific topic which is shale gas exploration (Hydraulic Fracturing). So far I have written four literature survey reports covering topics such as the amount of water used during extraction; environmental effects of shale gas extraction, drilling and casing (well design), waste and water management during and after exploration. I have attended workshops, conferences and meetings on this topic and my reports have been circulated internally for peer review and as information pieces for people within the Department.
Institution: Department of Water and Sanitation
Position: Acting Director: Compliance Monitoring
Duration: 30 November 2018- 07 January 2019
Job Description:
-Provision of leadership, specialist technical inputs and professional judgement in ensuring compliance to water use within the industrial sector. Further skills
Scheduling and conducting meetings with stakeholders in different industries
Managing of various projects within the Directorate
Responding to queries from the public and attending to pollution incidents
Microsoft excel, Power point, MS Office use
Planning programmes for exploration of sites for oil, gas, water and minerals
Surveying and mapping geological promising sites
Collecting and recording samples and data from test sites
Investigate the composition, structure, and history of the Earth's crust through the collection, examination, measurement, and classification of soils, minerals, rocks, and fossil remains.
Ascertaining extraction risks
Preparing reports
A thorough understanding of the Environmental Legislation and Regulations.
Sound knowledge of the constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996.
Sound knowledge, understanding and practicing of the Bathopele Principle.
Sound knowledge of the National Environment Management Act, 1998 (Act No.107 of 1998).
Sound knowledge of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act 36 of 1998).According to the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act 10 of 2004), The National Water Act (1998) defines a water resource as a watercourse (including wetlands), surface water, estuary or aquifer.
Knowledge of the Mineral and Petroleum Resource Development Act (MPRDA), 2002(Act No. 28 of 2002), and the amended Act 49 of 2008.
Knowledge of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008(Act 59 of 2008).
Knowledge of South Africa's White Paper on a National Water Policy, April 1997.
Knowledge of water use investigations, inspection, sampling procedures.
I am constantly seeking new ways to increase my knowledge and expertise in the water environment work.
Knowledge and understanding of the principles of Integrated Water Resource Management.
Always willing to travel extensively in, around and out of South Africa REFEREES
Name Relationship Contacts
Mr L Maluleke
Production Scientist (Previous
Supervisor): Department of Water
and Sanitation
Tel: 012-***-****
Cell: 083-***-****
Deputy Director(Water Utilization):
Department of Water and
Tel: 012-***-****
Cell: 079*******
Ms Dunisani
Production Scientist: Department of
Water and Sanitation
Tel: 012-***-****