Talon Pinckney
Business Administration/Management, Art and Design
Recent graduate and dedicated professional with progressing knowledge in business development and sales. Seeking an opportunity to leverage business opera;onal experience, per;nent years of study and a natural affinity for marke;ng and promo;on.
• Business Adaptable: Accustomed to working in compe;;ve environments with the ability to think quickly and handle challenging situa;ons effec;vely
• Rela7onship Builder: Strategic rela;onship and partnership building skills -- listen aDen;vely and use diplomacy to achieve win-win outcomes
• Business Acumen: Keen boDom-line vision and business awareness with ap;tude to work autonomously while engaging partners and stakeholders
• Results Driven: Achieve posi;ve results using analysis and market intelligence to strategize and implement sales approach
• Problem Solver: Use consulta;ve sales methodology and needs assessment to guide the best decisions
• Ar7s7c Ability: Uses crea;ve mind and ideas to demonstrate skills learned and need through sketching, portraits and designs
Erstad Architects Boise, ID
Intern 2018 - 2019
Assisted Architects while learning the basics of design and par;cipated in mee;ngs and daily opera;ons.
Stewarts Bar & Grill Caldwell,ID
Server 2019
Recognized as a key team member with a focus on accomplishing daily goals while adhering to the defined standards of a highly regarded establishment. The Golf Club at Black Rock Coeur d’Alene, ID
Beach Club manager 2016 – 2018
Oversaw daily business opera;onal and administra;ve tasks rela;ng to the private beach amenity.
Bachelor’s Degree
Business Administra.on
Dean’s List
Business Communica;ons
Art and Design
Client Rela;onship
Business Opera;ons
Business Development
Dimensional Design
Figure Drawing
Art History
Intro to Design
Advanced Studio
Planning and Execu;on
Execu;ve Engagement
Priori;za;on Management
Available Upon Request