Business Analyst Lloyds
Focused my summer internship advising the
Lloyds Banking Group executive team on how
to become relevant to the next generation.
London / Summer of 2018
Lab Technician Stanford University
Interned in the Khavari Lab over several years
under the direction of a PhD candidate studying
stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.
Was introduced to the power of data modelling
using the open source statistical software R.
Stanford / Summers of 2016, 2017
Engineering Finalist
Architecture Construction Engineering
Won 1st runner-up in the national A.C.E. student
competition, using a hybrid approach to a
pedestrian/vehicle suspension bridge.
San Francisco / Spring of 2016
Game Designer Capital One
Mentored during an internship by an ex-Pixar
Technical Director on the development of an
app that encourages healthy spending habits.
Gained in-depth experience in 3D modeling,
lighting, and rendering techniques in Maya.
San Francisco / Summer of 2015
Entrepreneur Eliot Games
While in middle school, I generated $800+ of
revenue through hosting and building a gaming
server and website from the ground up. I then
hired others to reinvest in a second server.
Silicon Valley / 2013
703 Seddon House
London EC2Y 8BX
United Kingdom
Adam Rubin
Stanford PhD Mentor
Reference Download
Scott Lancaster
Townshend Head Teacher
Mike Wilson
Teacher & Mentor
Foothill College
Reference Download
Pursuing an international
honours BSc in Computer
Science with a scholarship
across China and UK
Ningbo / 2020-2023
4.0 GPA, with an initial
focus on English and
Communications. Was
admitted to the Computer
Science program, but
transferred to Nottingham
for the honours degree.
Suzhou / 2019-2020
Took a gap year to mentor
a diverse group of
secondary students at an
extraordinary Cambridge
International school.
Prague / 2018-2019
Foothill College
Graduated a year early by
compressing my final two
years of high school into a
single year of intense
study at Foothill College
Los Altos / 2017-2018
Impact Engineering
I am passionate about using technology to
positively impact the lives of everyday people.