Clinton, KY 42031
August 2013 to present – Pain Management Center of Paducah, Paducah, Kentucky. Title: Transcriptionist. Work responsibilities are as follows: Transcribing doctors’ progress and procedure notes; entering information into the medical database; completing all electronic reports and printing them; getting records to Medicaid providers; archiving patient charts.
September 1994 to August 2013 - Saladino, Oakes & Schaaf (currently Saladino
&Schaaf), Paducah, Kentucky. Title: Paralegal/Case Manager. Work responsibilities are as follows: Interviewing and taking initial information from potential clients; preparing legal documents and correspondence; keeping in contact with clients frequently regarding any changes in their medical condition and/or work status; making sure clients’ medical bills are being paid; ordering medical records and reports; summarizing medical records and reports; scheduling depositions; preparing cases for settlement; preparing cases for trial.
August 1986 to May 1989 - Paducah Community College, Paducah, Kentucky. Received an Associate Degree in Applied Science - Emphases were in Office Administration and Computer Software.
August 1982 to May 1986 - Carlisle County High School, Bardwell, Kentucky. Emphases were in general business courses.
Mrs. Karen Cook, Senior Paralegal at Saladino & Schaaf, Paducah, Kentucky. Telephone: 270-***-****.
Bro. David Crowder, Pastor of Springhill Baptist Church, Clinton, Kentucky. Telephone:
Mr. Robert Black, Former President at Clinton Bank, Clinton, Kentucky. Telephone: