Curriculum Vitae of Work Experience:
Muhammad Asim Quality Inspector
Mobile #- +971********* Arc Middle East L.L.C. 2014 – Present
Email add:.
P.O.Box: 3248 Ras Al Khaimah
Duties and Responsibilities:
Objectives: Inquire about the instructions of the product from
To secure promising career that will QC Team leader / QC manager.
provide challenging opportunities for
the enhancement of my skills and Ensure that specification(both article & packaging),
economic growth. quality plan, gauges are available in the respective
Personal Details: Ensure limit samples are kept in limit sample box
and princeps are available in the QC lab for
Date of Birth reference.
December 3, 1992 Inspect the pallets as per AQL level and take
Sex decision whether it is acceptable or not with the
Male functional test results obtained from Lab Operator.
Nationality Enter the results in the prescribed format and
Pakistan communicate to cold end and machine in case of
Language Spoken refusal and provide samples of refusal for the next
days production meeting in the QC lab.
Urdu, Hindi, English
Educational Background: Sales Man
Amazon Shopping Center
Secondary (Pakistan)
Government Boys High School
(Pakistan) Personal Skills and Attributes:
Government Boys School Driving for one year (Automatic Gear) Driver
(Pakistan) License # 615*******
Able to function as an effective team worker or
I do hereby declare that foregoing work independently if required
information is true and accurate to
the best of my knowledge. Basic Computer Knowledge (Hardware &
Software, MS Office)
Self-Motivated and Matured
Eager to learn new skills
Muhammad Asim Able to work with under pressure