PhD Student @ University of Houston
@ ********@**.*** 281-***-**** Houston, Texas pavan-kumar-paluri-19940619
pvpk1994 Pavan Kumar Paluri
• Highly Interested in so[ware development,
operaঞng-system design and implementaঞon
• Adept in building theoreঞcal & mathemaঞcal
models for realisঞc problems, design algorithms
and so[ware for developed models.
• Experienced in building so[ware by converঞng
high-level ideas into codes and have wri en
over 6000 lines of code in C, 4000 lines of code
in C++ and 2800 lines of code in Python so far.
• Familiar with operaঞng systems like Linux, Unix, Windows and Virtualizaঞon pla orms like Xen,
XtratuM & WindRiver.
• Have a thorough knowledge and Understanding
of various data structures.
University of Houston
2017 – Now Houston, Texas
• Major: Computer Science
• Research field: Real-Time Systems;
Operaঞng-Systems; Virtualizaঞon; Scheduling
Algorithms; Cyber-Physical Systems; Linux
Kernel Development; Machine-Learning.
• Enrolled for Masters in 2016, opted for PhD in
2017, transferred course credits from Masters
to PhD.
• GPA: 3.40/4.00
VIT University
2012 – 2016 Chennai, India
• Major: Computer Science & Engineering
• GPA: 8.23/10.00
Shell Scripঞng, PHP
Operaঞng Systems and Programming
in C/C++
University of Houston
August 2017 – Now Houston, TX, US
Research in Hierarchical Real-Time Scheduling (HiRTS) University of Houston
August 2017 – Now Houston, TX
• The first-ever to design a fault-tolerance mechanism for Virtual Machine
(VM) scheduling (HiRTS-RRP model) in a Virtualized Real-Time Operaঞng System. Link to Paper: IEEE Xplore
• First-ever to study the problem of efficiently mapping real-ঞme tasks from task level to virtual machines at resource-level in HiRTS-RRP model.
• The first-ever to design and implement single-core and mulঞ-core VM schedulers based on HiRTS-RRP model in Xen & XtratuM hypervisors. Also, developed several APIs and Xen hypercalls to implement efficient message passing mechanisms .
• HiRTS-RRP VM schedulers could achieve minimum latency, maximum throughput and also show be er hard and so[ real-ঞme performance than contemporary Xen and XtratuM schedulers. Project Webpage: Link Research in Real-Time Traffic Rouঞng
University of Houston
October 2019 – Ongoing Houston, TX
• This project aims at minimizing the average travel ঞme of all vehicles in a given network with respect to their individual travel deadlines to improve overall traffic throughput.
• This project offers a test bed based on Simulaঞon of Urban MObility
(SUMO) that can evaluate the performance of a traffic rouঞng policy based on the average travel ঞme of all vehicle agents in a given traffic grid.
• A ”Selfless” Traffic Rouঞng model (STR) is proposed that mostly focuses on reducing the travel ঞmes of all vehicles in a given grid. A value-based reinforcement learning strategy is used to achieve the benefits of an STP model. work-in-progress publicaঞon: IEEE Xplore
• Hypervisors: Xen, XtratuM, Wind River
• Real-Time Systems: RT-Linux, LitmusRT, RT-Xen, LithOS.
• Tools/ So[ware: Nano, Xcode, PyCharm, CLion, Nginx webserver, PHP-FastCGI, Simulaঞon of Urban MObility (SUMO), VxWorks
• APIs: REST, xl-toolstack, Xen hypercalls, Libivrt, POSIX, self-developed Xen APIs, PAPI (Performance API)
• Cheng, A. M. K. et al. (2019). “Fault-Tolerant Regularity-Based Real-Time Virtual Resources”. In: 2019 IEEE 25th Interna onal Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Compu ng Systems and Applica ons (RTCSA), pp. 1–12.
• Paluri, P. K. et al. (2019). “Work-in-Progress: Leveraging the Selfless Driving Model to Reduce Vehicular Network Congesঞon”. In: 2019 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pp. 548–551.
• Guangli, Pavan Kumar Paluri, and Albert M. K. Cheng (Dec. 2018). “RRP Edge Compuঞng System”. In: Interna onal Workshop on Trustworthy & Real- me Edge Compu ng for Cyber-Physical Systems. TN, USA.
• Guangli, Pavan Kumar Paluri, and Albert Mo Kim Cheng (2018). “Task Mapping in a Regularity-based Resource Parঞঞoning Hierarchical Real-Time System”. In: Work-in-Progress of the 30th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS).