curriculum vitae
Henda Salem Ahmed Matoussi
Computer Lecturer 7/4/20 Saudi Arabia
Henda Salem MATOUSSI, Lecturer
Vitae revised, July 2020
Birthdate: 29/01/1983
Birthplace: Nabel,TUNISIA
Nationality : Tunisian
Marital status : Married to Dr.Nizar Raissi
And mother of two children .
2008: Master Degree in Data systems and Software engineering, Higher School of Technology and Computer Science (University of Carthage), TUNIS-TUNISIA. 2006: Bachelor's Degree B.Sc. in Computer Science, Higher School of Technology and Computer Science (University of Carthage), TUNIS-TUNISIA.
- Certified Cisco Networking Academy : Cyberscurity Essentials
- Certified Cisco Networking Academy : Introduction to Cybersecurity
- Certified Cisco Networking Academy : Introduction to IoT
- Certifed Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2019-2020
- Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, MIE 2018
- Certified Cisco Networking Academy: CCNA1: Networking Basics.
- Certified Cisco Networking Academy: CCNA2: Router and Routing Basics. COMMITTEES AND ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS
- 2020: Computer Skills Course Coordinator, College of Computer Science and Enginnering/Deanery of Academic Services, Taibah University,KSA .
- 2019: Computer Skills Course Coordinator, College of Computer Science and Enginnering/Deanery of Academic Services, Taibah University,KSA .
- 2018: Computer Skills Course Coordinator, Deanery of Academic Services, Taibah University,KSA.
- 2017: Computer Skills Course Coordinator, Deanery of Academic Services. Taibah University,KSA .
- 2016 : Quality duties and Academic Accreditation in IT department/ Deanery of Academic Services,Taibah University,KSA.
- From 2010 to 2014: Member of protection rights students committee / Community College at Al- Mahd, Taiba University, Al Madinah,KSA.
- From 2010 to 2014: Member of e-learning committee / Community College at Al-Mahd, Taiba University, Al Madinah,KSA.
From September 2014 until now :
Position: Lecturer, College of Computer Science and Enginnering/Deanery of Academic Services, Taibah University, Al Madina,KSA.
Courses: Computer skills : ( All About Computers, Windows 10, Internet, Microsoft Office 2016 ). Degree/ Level: Preparatory Year.
From the 04 September 2011 until June 2014 :
Position: Lecturer, Community College Al-Mahd, Taibah University, Al Madina,KSA. Courses: Computer and Information Technology, Internet Application Programming II & III, Advanced computer Applications .
Degree/ Level: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4th Computer programming and Information systems .
From the 20 September 2010 until 30 th June 2011 : Position: Lecturer, Community College Al-Mahd, Taibah University, Al Madina, KSA . Courses: Computer Programming II, Database System I & II, Internet Application Programming I & III, Operating system I.
Degree/ Level: 2 nd, 3 rd and 4th Computer programming and Information systems ..
From the 22 September 2009 until 30 th June 2010 : Position: University Teacher, Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences Beja, University of Jendouba- TUNISIA.
Courses: Object Oriented Programming, Database, internet services. Degree/ Level: Foreign Applied Languages and Multimedia Applied BA/2, Business English Applied BA/2.
From the 17 November 2008 until 30th of June 2009 : Position: University Teacher, Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences Beja, University of Jendouba – TUNISIA.
Courses: Web Site design, IT and Internet Certificate (C2I),E-commerce. Degree/ Level: Business English Applied BA/3, Applied Spanish and Multimedia Applied BA/3, Applied German and Multimedia Applied BA/3
From the 04th October 2007 until 30th of June 2008 : Position: Computer teacher, Private secondary school- TUNISIA
From November 1st 2003 until 30th of May 2004 :
Position: Computer Trainer, IT Management & mathematics applied center- TUNISIA RESEARCH INTEREST
- Data mining and data warehousing concepts .
- Distributed systems and cloud computing.
- Network Architecture,
- Cybersecurity,
- Artificial Intelligence (Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Multi-agent Systems, Robotics)
- Computational and Data Science (High Performance Computing, Large-scale Data Management)
- Computational Neuroscience
- Economics and Computation
- Graphics, Vision and Interaction (Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Scientific and Information Visualization, Computer Vision)
- Programming Languages (Foundations, Design and Application, Implementation)
- Systems, Networks and Databases (Operating Systems, Database Management Systems)
- Theory of Communication
- Theory of Computation.
- Internet of Things.
- From January 2019 : Member of Google Cloud Developer Community Saudi.
- From February 2018 : Member of Microsoft Educator Community.
- From January 2016 : Senior coordinator in International Association of Economics, Finance and Sustainable Business ( IAEFSB), CANADA .
- Vice-President of OKBA association (Culture and cognitive skills) in Kairouan- TUNISIA.
- Member of TechnologuePro team in TUNISIA .
- Matoussi, H., & Raissi, N., (2018), “The influence of ICT adoption on the development of managerial modes of consulting firms in France”, Working paper, Paper 10, ICTO 2018: Information and Communication Technologies for an inclusive world, University Paris Nanterre, UPOND, Paris, March 22th and 23th.
- The role of ICTs in the development of managerial modes: Case of coaching and cloud computing in consulting firms .
- The Correspondence between Consulting and Managerial Fashion: Case of Consulting Companies in IT- FRANCE .
2013: Supervisor for diploma degree in computer programming and IS at Community College, Al-Mahd, Taibah University, Al Madina,KSA:
- E-library web site, Community College at Al-Mahd, Taiba University.
- E-learning CD.
- Lamasat Ladies Salon web site design .
2011: Supervisor for diploma degree in computer programming and IS at Community College, Al-Mahd, Taibah University, Al Madina,KSA:
Women in Cybersecurity,by Jane LeClair (Author), Denise Pheils (Author) : still working (translate to arabic version ).
Cyber Security ; Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Learn the Basics and Effective Methods of Cyber Security by Brian Walker : still working (translate to arabic version) . HUMAN RELATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS
- Social abilities:
Cooperative team member, Feeling comfortable with different kinds of people, Communicating warmth, Understanding human behavior, Creating an environment of social interaction, Negotiating and getting desired results, Working closely and smoothly with others, Gaining trust and respect of key people, Getting maximum output from people, Understanding human motivation, Developing a team that truly works together, Patient with difficult people, Assisting people in making decisions, Helping people help themselves, Motivating/Inspiring people, Decisive in crisis situations, Open to other people’s ideas.
- Personal abilities:
Holding the attention of a group, Strong, pleasing voice,Making convincing arguments,Presenting ideas in a logical, integrated way,Gaining lots of valuable information from graphs, tables, and charts, Conceiving and generating ideas,Improvising,Innovative, Creative, Inventing, Conceptualizing, Synthesizing and borrowing ideas, and creating something new, Developing alternative actions in case the primary plan doesn’t work as expected, Making sure people are in the right place at the right time, Anticipating problems, Determining root causes, Keeping an open mind, Diagnosing needs/problems. Able to sift important information from unimportant .
- Languages : Arabic, English, French
May 2020 : Data design, Flutter, Digital Analysis, Dark Basics For Flutter Developers, Flutter Forms:Beginner Guide, Python For Beginner
March 2020: AI
February 2020 : WebQuest .
October 2019: Nearpod Powtoon EDU Day Cyber Hacker Certified CHC v2. November 2019 : Flipped Classroom.
April 2019 : How to write a research paper design education infographics Microsoft Imagine Academy Virtual Classrooms Cyber Mobile Security . March 2019: Cybersecurity Essentials Preparing interactive worksheets using WIZER Integrated modeling with augmented reality 21st century learning design MIE Expert . February 2019: Social Media Cyber Defense /Advance Microsoft Tools in microsoft education
The role of micro bit in enhancing the computational thinking Professional Communities in the Microsoft Education Community Applying Flipped Classroom strategy using Edpuzzle OneNote Class Notebook .
January 2019 : Google Cloud Study Jam / DevRel MENA Study Jams & TOT . December 2018: Hour of Code From Microsoft Education Community . February 2018 : Microsoft Education Community .
February 2018 : Using Sway and office 365 in Education . February 2018 : Create portfolio using oneNote .
October 2017: Participation in the first scientific forum of the preparatory year,The title of the innovation: Design and implimentation a mobile application :Nearest Emergency Exit (NEMEX) . October 2016 : course report workshop.
2015-2016: effective thinking skills, CORT Program. December 2011: have attended the session of the training of trainers quality. December 2011: have attended the workshop “Faculty Evaluation and peer Review”. June 2011: have attended the course training JUSUR system CMS. June 2011: have attended the symposium on University Education in the Era of Information Technology.
Workshop: using the “course lab” in designing the interactive course. Workshop: building electronic Exam.
April 2011 : have attended the conference “ inside the year English prog : the Future and Beyond”
. Workshop: build your own educational website in 10 minutes. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES
Programming and developing in following IT languages:
Systems : Windows, Unix, Linux Ubuntu, Linux Mandriva, Linux Fedora.
Analyse & Conception : Merise, UML.
Software conception UML : Visual Paradigm UML for Entreprise Edition, Rational Rose Entreprise Edition, Pacetar UML Diagrammer.
Programming Languages : Python, Pascal, C/C++, JAVA, VB, SQL, .NET (C#)
Web Development : XHTML / CSS / JavaScript, PHP / MySQL, XML.
Tools of Programming : kali linux, Jbuilder, Eclipse, Matlab, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, WinDev, EasyPHP,
Data Bases : Oracle SQL Plus, PL/SQL ( Oracle), Data bases Administration
Desktop Software : MS office 2016, MS office 365
Other Knowledge : Web services, ebXML, JADE plateform, computer architecture, Network (Administration and Configuration), Internet, multimedia tools, e- Commerce, project guide, CMMI and ISO methods certification, Data mining, Data warehouse and business intelligence.
College of Computer Science and Enginnering
Deanery of Academic Services
Taibah University
Al Madinah Al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: ********.*****@*****.***
Mobile: 009*********** .