Michael Tu
U.S. Citizen
●Java, PHP, Microsoft C#, JavaScript, JQuery, Apache Ant, XML, Apache Maven, DHTML, CSS, and XSLT.
●Familiar with: GWT, Microsoft VB.NET, Microsoft C++, Microsoft C, QT, Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Visual Basic, XHTML, and Microsoft VBScript.
●Databases: MySQL, Oracle, Hitachi HiRDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Access.
●Platforms: Microsoft Windows and UNIX.
●Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, and IBM Websphere.
●Shopping Carts: OSCommerce, X-Cart, and MIVA.
●Frameworks: Spring Framework, JAXB, JAX-WS, Zend, Code Igniter, Camel, and JDBC.
●Other: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0/.NET, Macromedia Studio MX 2004, Macromedia Flex Builder 1.5, Macromedia Homesite, phpMyAdmin, Oracle SQL Developer, Kettle, Filezilla, Eclipse, Atlassian JIRA, CVS, Subversion, Mercurial, Tortoise CVS, Tortoise SVN, Tortoise Hg (Mercurial), Cruise Control, Hudson, Macrovision InstallAnywhere, MKS Integrity, and MagicDraw UML.
Senior Software Engineer
2014 Feb-Present
●Develop multi-tier electronic health record site responsible for handling patient information for the opthalmalogy field. Worked on integrating services that were responsible for transferring patient information into the system, and also worked with the creation of charge related message collected from patient visits which were done via REST/SOAP/flat files. Responsible for automating the creation of these message exchange interfaces utilizing Jenkins. Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) to handle deployed instances (EC2s with Elastic Beanstalk for load balancing), S3 for file storage, Route 53 for managing DNS, and RDS for the MySQL databases.
Tools used: MySQL Workbench, Eclipse, Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Tortoise SVN, and GWT.
Senior Software Engineer
2012 Nov-2014 Feb
Westlake Financial Services
●Develop multi-tier customer site utilizing Zend Framework, JAX-RS Web Services, Spring Framework, Twitter Bootstrap, JQuery, and MyBatis to help facilitate and service various customer needs. Converted existing legacy Code Igniter site implementation to use this new architecture so that multiple platforms, including an Android mobile app, an Apple mobile app, and the site itself, could help customers with their accounts. Increased maintainability by applying design patterns to existing code. Performed queries, primarily in MySQL and Oracle, to help retrieve data for reports. Also performed bug fixes to existing legacy applications. Also setup various builds on Jenkins build server so that unit tests were performed for JavaScript, web service load, Selenium (UI), and web service testing. Orchestrated daily process of using Kettle (ETL tool) to transform Oracle data into normalized MySQL data.
●Tools used: SQLYog, Aqua Data Studio, Eclipse, Jenkins, Kettle, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Tortoise SVN, and Spring Framework.
Software Engineer III
2009 Jun-2012 Nov
Northrop Grumman
●Develop multi-tier JEE business application using Spring Framework, web services, JNDI, and messaging. Convert existing legacy QT/C++ application to use this JEE implementation for both the front end, from QT to Swing, and backend, from C++ to Java. Increased maintainability by applying design patterns to existing code. Analyzed and interacted with another facility to coordinate code fixes being performed on their end. Also performed bug fixes to existing legacy application.
Tools used: Apache Tomcat, Glassfish, Eclipse, Cruise Control, Subversion, Tortoise SVN, MagicDraw UML, QT Application and UI Framework, MKS Integrity, and Spring Framework.
SMTC (Release) Engineer Level 3
2008 Feb-2009 May
Sun Microsystems
●Created application using C#, Java, Perl, and bat files to enable communication between servers running different operating systems to build and deploy a popular open source project named OpenESB (https://open-esb.dev.java.net/). Updated build process for existing projects being built with Hudson/Jenkins.
●Tools used: C# Express, Eclipse, Cruise Control, Hudson, Subversion, Tortoise CVS, Tortoise SVN, Tortoise HG (Mercurial), Oracle, and Macrovision InstallAnywhere.
Senior Software Engineer
2005 Dec-2008 Feb
General Dynamics
●Design and develop multi-tier application using Spring Framework, messaging (ActiveMQ), Oracle, and Adobe Flex. Worked on all three layers following the MVC architecture with the view being done in Flex, the controller being done in Flex and Java, and the model being done in Java. The waterfall model was practiced during this software development process. Integrated and performed analysis of application on various servers such as Tomcat, WebSphere, Geronimo, and Glassfish. Inherited responsibilities of maintaining the Cruise Control build system for the application and ensured customized Java plug-ins for eclipse functioned properly.
●Tools used: Apache Tomcat, IBM Websphere, Eclipse, Cruise Control, Subversion, Tortoise SVN, MagicDraw UML, Oracle, Macrovision InstallAnywhere, Spring Framework, Adobe Flex Builder, and Oracle SQL Developer.
Programmer Analyst
2005 May-2005 Dec
FDSI Logistics
●Develop application using .net and purchased controls to create an application that would use marshalling to transmit invoices to various customers. Develop and maintained websites for three different companies using .net. Used Crystal Reports to generate reports for specific queries when information was requested.
●Tools used: Microsoft Visual Studio.NET and SQL Server Enterprise.
Undergraduate Associate
2005 Jan-2005 May
Disney Consumer Products
●Develop and maintain various sections of the internal portal for the company using XML, XSLT, CSS, and JSP. QA work was also conducted on other pages that were being implemented by other engineers.
●Tools used: Macromedia Homesite, Filezilla, Tortoise SVN, and JCreator.
California State University - Northridge, California
2000 Aug-2004 Dec
Northridge, California
●B.S., Computer Science
●Concentration in database design, eCommerce, multimedia, graphical user interface design, and computer graphics.