Curriculum vitae
Enze Owam Mafunda
Personal Information
Date of birth 23-12-1996
Nationality South African
Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Home language IsiXhosa, IsiZulu & English
Other language SeSotho
Home adress S’dumo Trust
Contact details Cell: 064-***-**** /082*******
Email *********@*****.***
Education Background
• HIV/Aids Awareness & Counselling
A self-driven 23 year old female, with determination and diligence, eager to learn and contribute effectively through hard work.
Training course primary health care
TB,HIV&Aids prevention, STI's, Hast,
lay counsellor, Finger Prick and other
chronic diseases etc (Completed in
the year 2019 at Sthembile Training
• Matric/ Grade 12 (2016)
Employment History
Position & responsibilities Institution
Volunteer Magadla Clinic 09/2018
Community mobiliser
Finding and recruiting youth who will volunteer their time to join HIV/Aids group Conducting health education
Educating the community about ways to prevent the spread of HIV/Aids Explaining to the community the importance of using protection during oral or sexual intercourse to minimize the spread of HIV/Aids together with STDs. Discussing ways to prevent HIV/AIDS spread such not sharing needles, toothbrush also wearing gloves when helping an injured person as well as wearing a condom. Educating the community about the signs and symptoms of HIV/Aids Encou3raging those who live with the virus to adhere to treatment. Lay Counsellor TB Care 03/06/2019 to 30/11/2019
TB Care 02/02/2020 to 01/04/2020
Conducting group education sessions with health service users Provide voluntary and confidential HIV testing services Provide HIV test with pre and post counselling and on going face to face counselling with clients already on Art.
Monitor client’s adherence to treatment regimen.
Contucting index testing from new and on art clients Refer newly diagnosed client’s for art initiation
Connecting client at different levels
Maintaining confidentiality.
Skills and Strengths
• Outstanding administrative and organizational
• Motivation and multi-tasking abilities required to meet demanding deadlines.
• Able to work independently under no supervision.
• Problem solving and advice giving.
• I am genuine, respectful, honest and confidential.
• Good listening skills.
• Well spoken with good client relation skills.
Name Position Contact
Sihle Mzozoyana PN TB Care 068-***-****
Katlego Mohoto Prof Nurse DOH 071-***-****
Lindiwe Mbanjwa Prof Nurse Khethimpilo 083-***-****