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Java Service

Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid, Spain
>33.000 Euros /Year
July 21, 2020

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Curriculum Vitae Javier Casalengua Durán

Datos Personales Javier Casalengua Durán

Street Mariano Fortuny nº4, 28522 Rivas-VacíaMadrid, Madrid, Spain

+34-91-434-**-** +34-659-**-**-**


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Skype javier.casalengua.duran

Sex: Male Date of birth: 12/06/1965 Nationality: Spanish Posición Consultor IT, Analista Funcional, Tester Software JAVA Social Voluntary Work

03/06/2013 – At present

Consultor de Servicios TI

In the Department of Computer science and Conectalab's Formation for creation, definition and generation of rules, procedure and procedures of development software for third parties; (Clients Conectalab: As Repsol, Town hall of Arganda del Rey or Rivas- Vaciamadrid Toy stores POLY. etc).

Administration, Control and Management of a Public building; (CEFOR II), of Rivas-Vaciamadrid's Town hall, which is used for coworker's, entrepreneurs and students.

Projects de Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Education Centers of the public institutions mentioned URL:

Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.6, Eclipse, J2EE, SPRING Framework, JSP, HTML, TOMCAT, Javascript, Maven2, JUNIT, JMETER, HIBERNATE, Log4j, SELENIUM, SUBVERSION, TOAD, ORACLE 9.2. Professional Experience

30/11/2016 – At present

Analyst Functional Backend; (Contract for Work and Service) Support, development and putting in production of the System of Documentary Management of Prevention of RSI's Money laundering. In the Department of Docalia's Computer science; (Group RSI), for adjustment, maintenance and putting in functioning of the application AETIntra; (Administration, Control and Management of the Stock of bank cards of the financial institutions), that are generated, stamp and codify for the use of the clients of the Group Caja Rural. In Bankia, participation in the development of the internal application in Bankia, for compliance with the European regulations known as Mifid II.

In BBVA, participation in the development and start-up of the new access securization service; (STS + SAML). In Group Santander Bank, participation in the development and start-up of the new app PFM; (personal financial management). At Enagas, participation in the development of new functionalities of its application for Administration, Control and Management of gas infrastructure

At SDL, participation in the development of new functionalities of its corporate website; (Workflow and Billing). Using AWS. At Gloval, participation in the development of new features of its corporate website; (Workflow, Import and Export of Data to Financial Institutions and Billing)


Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.6/1.7/1.8, Eclipse Luna/Neon/Photon, J2EE, SPRING Framework MVC, API REST, MicroServices, EJB, AJAX, JDBC, JSP, HTML, TOMCAT, Javascript, SWING, JSF2;(Icefaces 2.0), Maven2.2.1/3.5.0, Gradle 4.8, JUNIT, JMETER, HIBERNATE, Log4j, SELENIUM, SUBVERSION, TOAD, ORACLE 9.2., Apache Tomcat, Git;(GitFlow), SourceTree, Cassandra 3.0, JIRA 7.2.1, Scala SBT 1.2.3, Gatling 3.0, Kibana 5.6.10, Elasticsearch 5.6.10. AWS;

(Theoretical level: 8 ~ 9, Practical level: 2 ~ 3) 03/06/2015 - 30/11/2016

Analyst Functional Backend; (Contract for Work and Service) Contracted by the company Isoin, in order that the integrator of solutions HP, it delivers and finishes the project UNICA of Telefonica;

(Tool of virtualizacion dynamics of spaces in the cloud), with the technology MEAN; (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js). Taking part in the capture and draft of the requirements of the client and in the analysis of the parts of back-end, since in the part front-end of the project UNICA.


Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: SASS, JAVA, JDK 1.6, Eclipse, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, Express JS, Node JS, Mongo DB. 31/05/2013 - 31/05/2015

Consulting Quality Software; (Substitution for Maternity) In the Information Systems Department Correos, S.A. for Software Quality Office to create, define and generate the rules, procedures and rules for compliance with the guidelines RFC 2560, ISO 15504, ISO 17799. URL:

Sector: Consultoría de Servicios Informaticos en Logistica y Mensajeria. Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.6, Eclipse, J2EE, SPRING Framework, EJB, JBoss, AJAX, JDBC, JSP, HTML, Tomcat, Javascript, SWING, JSF2, (Icefaces 2.0), Maven2, BPM, JUNIT, JMeter, HIBERNATE, Log4j, SELENIUM, SUBVERSION, TOAD, ORACLE 9.2., Maven2. Nota: The diversity of JAVA technology is due to the idiosyncrasy of each Project. 03/09/2012 - 29/05/2013 Consulting Quality Software; Technological Migration, (Contract for Work and Service) Curriculum Vitae Javier Casalengua Durán

In the Information Systems Department CESCE; for Software Quality Office to create, define and generate the rules, procedures and rules for compliance with the guidelines RFC 2560, ISO 15504, ISO 17799 and Rules Solvency II. Checking and Determination that communications between the JAVA application server and Content Management Server; (via Rest), met the requirements of Logical Security, (ISO 17799).

Determination of the fulfillment of the agreements Basilea I and Basilea II by means of Apps Data mining;(Pentaho), Study of Financial Behaviors and Bank Endorsements; (Oracle Financial Services Behavior Detection Platform), of the spanish companies that export his products.


Sector: Consultancy of IT Services in Insurances of Export of Goods Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.5, Eclipse, J2EE, SPRING Framework, EJB, JDBC, JSP, HTML, Tomcat, Javascript, Ant, BPM, JUNIT, JMeter, HIBERNATE, Log4j, SUBVERSION, REST, ORACLE 9.2, ADABAS, ENTIRE-X. Nota: La diversidad de tecnologia JAVA, es por la ideosincrasia de cada Proyecto.

03/11/2011 - 02/09/2012

Member of the Equipment, Consulting of Technological Migration;(Contract for Work and Service)

The IT department of Group Cortefiel, to define the new architecture JAVA, to be used in future applications of the areas of Purchasing, Import / Export and Finance.


Consultancy of IT Services for Textile Sector

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 15, Eclipse, J2EE, SPRING Framework, JBoss, EJB, HIBERNATE, JDBC, AJAX, JSP, HTML, Javascript, SWING, JUNIT, JTRAC, JMeter, SELENIUM, Ant, BPM, SUBVERSION, Log4j, TOAD, WAS; (WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER), ORACLE 9.2. Nota: The diversity of JAVA technology is due to the idiosyncrasy of each Project.. 02/12/2010 - 01/11/2011

Functional Analyst Backend;(Contract for Work and Service) The Information Services Division of the PSA Peugeot - Citroën; (DSIN) for the evolution and generation of new services BackOffice its technology platform. As Project Manager performing the coordination and direction of coding JAVA applications, check the level of JAVA Software Quality Control, architecture design BackOffice Processes, implementation of standards and procedures to be performed for the start of production of BackOffice services JAVA technology platform and software Statistical Process Control in order to optimize the performance of the platform. Defining Creation and communications between the BackOffice and the Alfresco Content Server; (Apache CMIS), prior to enabling and configuring the Alfresco Share collaborative spaces. URL:

Sector: Consultancy of IT Services for Automotion

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.5, Eclipse, J2EE, Struct2, LEGO Framework, EJB, JDBC, AJAX, JSP, TOMCAT, HTML, JBoss Community, JBoss Seam, Javascript, SWING, JSF1, Squale, archives, Maven2, Luntbuild, BPM, SUBVERSION, CLEAR CASE, Maven, Log4j, TOAD, ORACLE 9.2, JUNIT, JMeter, Alfresco 3.3, SOAP, REST, Apache CMIS, RichFaces, Quality Center 9.5. 02/09/2010 - 01/12/2010

Functional Tester ;(Contract for Work and Service) In the IBM Service Area for Technology Migration CRM's application of ORANGE; (France Telecom). Coordinating and Leading in the implementation of tools, procedures, standards and rules for quality control and functional testing for CRM's. URL:

Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.5, J2EE, STRUCT, EJB, JBoss, JDBC, JSP, HTML, Javascript, SWING, JSF, Rational Manager Center, Rational Performance Tester, Rational Functional Tester, WAS; (WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER) log4j, ORACLE 9.2, SOA, HIBERNATE, JUNIT, JMeter, SPRING Framework, SUBVERSION, CLEAR CASE, MAVEN, TOAD, Rational RAS Architecture Software 8.0.

02/03/2010 - 01/09/2010

Developer Tester ;(Contract for Work and Service)

In the Quality Management Computer for the DGT, ( Home Office), in the implementation of tools, procedures, standards and rules for obtaining CMMI Level 3.


Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.4, J2EE, STRUCT, EJB, HIBERNATE, JDBC, JSP, HTML, Javascript, Spring Security, SWING, JSF, Quality Center 9.5, TOAD, ECLIPSE, SPRING Framework, ENTIRE-X, SUBVERSION, WAS; (WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER), ANT, Log4j, MANTIS, Alfresco 2.2, SOAP, JUNIT, JMeter, ORACLE 9.2, 8.0 RAS Rational Software Architecture. 03/03/2008 - 01/03/2010

Functional Analyst Software;(Contract for Work and Service) At the Center for External Relations Management Social Security Informatics, (CAEX of GISS), Area Central Services Relations between Social Security and general government., Autonomous Regions, local authorities, Mutual of Accidents for the implementation of tools, procedures, rules and regulations in the exchange of information:

Acquisition of the general government requirements, Autonomous Regions, local authorities, Mutual of Accidents.

Preparation of Proposals, Standards, Procedures, working protocols, Computer Tools and Processes for AAPP., Autonomous Regions, local authorities, Mutual of Accidents.

Analysis, Design and Development of Computer Process Information Exchange.

Administration, Control and Management of production start services exchanges of information between Social Security and other Public Administrations Spanish State and the European Union. URL:

Sector: Consultoría de Servicios Informáticos para la Administración Pública Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.4, J2EE, STRUCT, EJB, JDBC, Prose Framework, JSP, HTML, Javascript, SWING, JSF, ARTEMIS, CLEAR CASE, CVS, Eclipse, JUnit, JMeter, TOAD, ENTIRE-X, Rochade, Changeman, SOA, WEBSPHERE, ORACLE 9.2, MANTIS, Log4j, Rational Rose Suite, Tomcat.

20/12/2005 - 29/02/2008

Functional Analyst Software;(Contract for Work and Service) In the Development Center INSS, in the Start Up PMO, main activities and responsibilities In the Start Up of the Quality Software JAVA, in the implementation of tools, procedures, standards and rules for obtaining CMMI level 1:

Acquisition Requirements INSS Preparation of Proposals, Standards, Procedures, and Processes Computer Tools INSS.

Analysis, Design and Development Process Quality and Standardization Computer Development Center INSS.

Analysis, Design and Development Tools for Processes Quality and Standardization Computer Development Center INSS.

Coordination Documentation Generation Standards and Quality Regulations Development Center INSS.

Coordinating the use of procedures for developments Quality Development Center INSS Planning Projects Curriculum Vitae Javier Casalengua Durán


Sector: Consultancy of IT Services for the Public Administration Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.4, J2EE, STRUCT, EJB, JDBC, Prose Framework, JSP, HTML, Javascript, SWING, JSF, ARTEMIS, CLEAR CASE, CVS, Eclipse, JUnit, JMeter, TOAD, ENTIRE-X, Rochade, Changeman, SOA, WEBSPHERE, ORACLE 9.2, MANTIS, Log4j, Rational Rose Suite, Tomcat.

02/03/2002 - 10/12/2005

Organic Analyst Software;(Contract for Work and Service) In the development of the new functionalities of the corporate application of Telefonica of Spain: Acquisition of the Requirements, Analysis and Design of the Architecture of the System for the new application, Production of Offers to the Client, Generation of Documentation of Requirements and Development, Creation and Design of the Model of Information of the Application, Creation and Design of the Process model of the Application, Planning of the Period and Milestones of the Project. URL:

Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: JAVA, JDK 1.4, JDBC, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, AWT, SWING, Log4j, ORACLE Database 9.2, SunOne Web Server 6.2, Solaris 9.0 Operating System

01/10/2000 - 01/03/2002

Organic Analyst Software;(Contract for Work and Service) In the Operations and Technology Departament, for the development of SVA in the B2B and B2C sector.

Performing requirements acquisition functions.

Generating requirements documentation.

Project planning.

Management, technical and human resources.

Development of proposals to clients.

Analysis and object-oriented design with UML methodology.

Data Modeling.


Sector: IT Consultancy of Services

Applied Technologies: ASP pages, HTML, Javascript, SQL Server Database 7.0, Microsoft IIS Web Server, Netscape Enterprise Server environment, HTML, Javascript


01/10/1993 - 30/06/1997

Computer Engineering Degree (BAC + 3) Level 8,5

EUITI de la UPM, Crta de Valencia, Km. 7, 28031 Madrid, España System speciality

Project End of Career, finished and dedicated





Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production ENGLISH B2 B2 B2 B2 B1

FRENCH A1-A2 A1-A2 A1 A1 A1

Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient. User Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Publications Software Quality Standards for JAVA applications Cooperative Society ConectaLAB. Presentations MADRE Project (Telefonica Group), CAEX Project; (Management Software of SS), Agora Project; (Development Center of the National Institute of SS), Proyect CAEX; (Administration and Management of the Presentations of the SS to the Law of Dependence) Projects Obtaining CMMI Level 1 in the Development Center of National Institute of SS, Implementation of the new backend computer services by Group PSA, Implementation of the new service information exchange between public entities; (From SS to other public institutions). Conferences Study best practices in Quality Software in JAVA applications in Cooperative Society ConectaLAB. Seminars ITIL Version 2.0; (Basic), Exercise ITIL Simulating Apollo 13, MS-Project 98, Rational Rose 98. Honours and awards Anti Hacking Seminar in Business Environments, Seminar of Training and Adequacy to be teacher. Memberships Founding partner of the Cooperative Conectalab References Francisco Javier Martínez Abad; (***********@*****.***).

Antonio Manuel Fernández Arroyo; (*****************@*****.**).

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