Harsh Virani 480-***-**** linkedin.com/in/harshvirani *******@***.*** harshvirani.pythonanywhere.com Computer Science graduate student with experience as a Software Engineer seeking full-time opportunities from December 2020; Skilled in Full Stack Web Development; Goal Oriented and Quickly adaptable to new technologies EDUCATION
Master of Computer Science Graduating Dec 2020
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ GPA 3.77/4.0
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering Jun 2018 Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India GPA 7.3/10
Languages: Java, Python, Javascript, C#, C, C++
Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Django, Node, React, Angular, Express JS, Tools and Technologies: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Flutter, TravisCI, Git, Github, Anaconda, TensorFlow, NumPy, Tableau,
Relevant Courses: Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Data Processing at Scale, Machine Learning, Database Management Systems, Mobile Application Development Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Software Engineer - Infosys Ltd., Pune, India Jul 2018 – Dec 2018
• Worked as a feature developer in AssistEdge Robotic Process Automation which is an end-to-end service for building and implementing RPA. My responsibilities included gathering client requirements, understand it, and based on the understanding, design, and develop the process which is efficient, scalable, and reliable.
• Acquired complete end to end understanding of Robotic Process Automation and different components of the product. Analyzed inputs and gain complete functional clarity on the product, including hands-on experience of CI/CD workflow based on Travis-CI,
.NET framework, impact analysis, coding, and testing of features that needs to be incorporated into production code. Software Engineering Intern - Infosys Ltd., Mysore, India Jan 2018 – Jun 2018
• Worked on developing a secure platform with multi-user permission (manager, employees, test admin) for employee profile portal using ASP.Net, MVC, and Entity Framework. Designed the database in MS SQL Server by creating tables, stored procedures, functions, Views, and Triggers, and integrating them in the application.
• Containerized the infrastructure using Docker for scalability and orchestrated using Kubernetes to mitigate the need for manual connection. Followed agile methodology for software development and successfully completed the project within a deadline of two months.
Software Engineer Intern - Milvus Technology, Surat, India May 2017 – Aug 2017
• Optimized API fetch times using React.js Hooks and TypeScript improving the website responsiveness by 20%. Developed dynamic user interfaces and REST APIs using the Django Framework.
• Worked with other engineers to migrate the company’s website by designing and building services within AWS using EC2 instances and balancing the traffic using AWS ELB.
AWS Object dection surveillance system as a service: Spring 2020
• Developed a python application for object detection using a Raspberry Pi device that uses cloud resources of AWS.
• Designed a real-time object detection pipeline using Raspberry Pi, AWS S3, EC2, and SQS as a medium to communicate between EC2 instances that runs the deep learning model for real-time object detection.
• Implemented a load balancer to ensure the elasticity of the application by automatically scaling out and in on-demand and stored the results of the computation done by the EC2 instances in the S3 bucket. COVID-19 Data Visualization: Spring 2020
• Developed a dashboard for visualizing real-time COVID-19 data of current cases, recovered cases, and total deaths using D3.js.
• Created a time-series line chart and USA map visualization that shows the growth of numbers. Scraped data from WebMD and Mayo Clinic message boards to show the activity of users based on questions and answers by creating a bubble chart and a bar chart visualization over the period of four months.
Hand Image Data Analysis, Indexing, Classification, and Retrieval Application: Fall 2019
• Developed a classification system for Hand images by collaborative filtering using various algorithms. Compressed Multimedia data using algorithms like SVD, PCA, LDA, graph model (PageRank), and stored it in the MongoDB database.
• Implemented graph partitioning algorithms like KD-trees for effective storage and PPR, LSH for retrieval of data. Emaily – Survey System: Full-Stack Web Application https://tranquil-headland-34148.herokuapp.com/ Summer 2019
• Built a MERN-stack survey-feedback collecting application that allows users to create and send mass emails of surveys and receive the feedback. Implemented the authentication system using Passport.js and Google OAuth 2.0, utilized the Stripe API for handling billing and payment processing and the SendGrid API for automated emails. (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)