Brittany ** E. Springfield Marie Fogarty, Street, Apt 3 PA-C
Boston, 207-694-MA 0582 02118
brittfog@ bu. edu Education:
Boston April M.Thesis: Clinical April Core S. Physician rotations 2018- 2017- University Diagnosing Experience July August Assistant 2019 School Delirium 2019 Studies of Superimposed Medicine, Physician on Dementia Assistant in Elderly Program Emergency Department Patients Elective ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Internal Internal Pediatrics, General OBGYN, Neurology, Emergency Psychiatry, Family Cardiac Renal Addiction Gastroenterology, Emergency rotations Transplant Medicine, Surgery, Surgery, St. Medicine Medicine Medicine, Shriners Elizabeth’s St. Arbour Medicine, Med Elizabeth’s Sub-Boston Berkshire Cambridge Surgery, I, II, Boston Hospital Boston Hospital Boston Brigham Internship, Boston Medical Medical Medical Medical Boston Medical Medical Medical Health Medical and Center Eastern Center Women’s Medical Center Center Center Center Alliance Center Center Maine Center Hospital Medical Center University September Bachelor Magna cum of of Science laude 2011-Maine, honors May in Orono Biology, 2015 Minor in Chemistry Licenses and Certifications:
• • • • NCCPA Massachusetts DEA SCOPE registration, of Certification, Pain, Physician completed Expires ID: 1167069, Assistant September October Expires 2019 State 2022 License December Number 2021 PA7250, Expires March 2021 Work Experience:
Boston University Physician Assistant Program, Boston, MA June 2020-Present Clinical ● Assistant Assisting for students the entering PA program their part-clinical time, year, as needed formative with OSCEs, virtual SOAP lecturing, note feedback teaching and procedures additional paperwork.
University Emergency ● Responded Crew Medical Volunteer Chief Technician with to 911 Ambulance the calls responsibilities (Maine to provide Corps, NREMT-Orono, efficient of B medical 2014-ME and 2018) decision immediate making emergency and September appropriate care. 2014-Promoted March to 2017
● ● treatment/Received emergencies Held interviewing, executive training transport (hiring PEARS) leadership in and BLS/decisions. and scheduling ALS, position participated pre-hospital as appropriate Captain in the trauma planning of Relations trainings life support and for and execution new was (PHTLS)EMTs. responsible of, multiple pediatric for MCI drills. Penobscot Pharmacy • • Responsible supervision Maintained practice Technician Community to facilitate collaborative of for pharmacist. accurate Health coordination Center and relationships efficient (PCHC)of patient preparation with, Bangor, care patients, ME of prescription pharmacists February medications and physicians 2016-under March of the the 2017 Husson Research • Investigated interfering University Assistant RNA School exosomes for of treatment Pharmacy, as a potential of brain Bangor, carrier cancer ME for in brain model delivery Zebrafish November of anticancer embryos. 2013-drugs February and small 2016 The Peer Molecular Laboratory Tutor Tutor in Program, and Technician Physics Biomedical and University Biology, Sciences, of Area Maine Coordinator University of Maine September January 2013- 2012-May May 2015 2014 Professional Memberships:
• • American The Massachusetts Academy Association of Physician of Assistants PAs (MAPA) (AAPA) Publications:
• Yang Interfering T, Fogarty RNA to B, Inhibit LaForge Vascular B, Aziz Endothelial S, Pham T, Growth Lai, L, Factor and Bai using S (2016)Natural . Delivery Brain Endothelia of Small Cell-19(2)secreted : 475-486. Exosome Nanovesicles for the Treatment of Brain Cancer, The AAPS Journal.
• Yang (2015)T, . Martin Exosome P, Fogarty delivered B, anticancer Brown A, Schurman drugs across K, Phipps the blood-R, Yin brain V, Lockman barrier for P, brain and Bai cancer S therapy in danio rerio. Pharmaceutical Research. 32:2003-2014. Volunteering: BUSM Volunteer Partners Volunteer ● Science Mentor for Mentor World Teaching for Boston Health, Enrichment area South high Portland, school Program sophomores Maine (STEP)and Senegal,, interested Boson, MA Africa in a career September September in medicine 2012-2017-May May 2015 2018
● ● Recycling Medical mission of unused to Senegal, medical Africa supplies in May to distribute 2015. to international communities in need.