Mohammad Amin bin Mahmood
Kampung Gemang,
Seeking for a full time Civil Engineer position where time management skills, good collaboration, quick learning and excellent communication skills are vital for career advancement and personal growth. Able to function effectively as an independent staff or as part of a team. Moreover, I would like to work with other professionals to improve my skills as a civil engineer which will allow me to contribute in this company. Education
2015 to 2019 B.Eng (Hons.) Civil Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
2014 to 2015 Matriculation
Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah (KMK)
July 2019 to Unisima Construction Sdn. Bhd.
Present Site Engineer
• Preparing site diary, and weekly report.
• Checking plan, quantities and drawings to ensure accuracy.
• Ensuring project packages meet agreed specifications.
• Coordinated activities with surveyors, sub-contractors, planner and construction manager to manage the project work.
• Observe the construction site and ensure that all safety norms and quality measures are being followed.
• Coordinate work document such as RFI, PTW and drawing.
• Coordinate and manage Bridge Construction – Puncak Alam
• Coordinate and manage Raw Water Treatment Plant - Banting June 2018 to Pembinaan tetap Teguh (PTT).
August 2018 Intern for 3 month
• Assist construction team at construction site by handling and supervising construction work.
• Help project team with construction report and progress report
• Preparing site dairy
2016 to Present De’Xandra Perfume Seller (Business). Dropship
• Coordinated flow of marketing plan.
• Improved communication skill and self-confident to attract customer.
Extracurricular Activities
2015 to 2019 Degree
• Program Facilitator (PERSIS): Involve and handle leadership program for student.
• Community Program: Involve in community service, volunteerism, motivation and running program.
• Sport Player (Football): Win Gold medal in Faculty UMP Sport challenge.
Language Skills: - Bahasa Melayu (Excellent).
- English (Proficient).
Computer Skills: - Microsoft Office Application (word, power point, excel).
- AutoCAD.
- Esteem.
- Movie Maker and Photoshop.
Leadership Skills: - PIC in PERSIS program.
Interpersonal Skills: - Work well under pressure and independent.
- Self-reliant, hardworking and resourceful.
- Creative and quick learning.
References available upon request
1. En. Shamsul Kamar bin Sa’i
Project Manager
Jalan Istiqamah,
Kampung Asam Jawa,
45700 Bukit Rotan,Selangor.
Tel: +601*********
2. Pn. Rokiah binti Othman
Lecturer Faculty of Civil Engineering and Earth Resources Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
Lebuhraya Tun Razak,
26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang.
Tel: +601********