Megan Deutsch
Dynamic Production Planner with success in supporting production operations and supply chain management. Highly adept and detail-oriented in developing production schedules, promoting operational efxciency, managing inventory and coordinating logistics. Proven history of managing compleG production schedules aligned with sales forecasting and customer order deadlines. EGpert in maintaining meticulous records to identify aspects needing improvement and develop solutions. Employment History
Material Coordinator, Boston Beer Company, Breinigsville AUSU2T 0 — 0 — • P R E 2 ENT
W korjed with proqect managers to determine schedule and volume rebuirements in order to effectively coordinate deliveries and maintain supply levels. W Realigned production schedules to factor in changing conditions such as materials shortages and changing designs.
W Created timetazles and production commitments using data from sales forecasts.
W Addressed internal supply prozlems head-on and developed creative solutions to prevent delays and missed targets.
W Managed receiving operations and proper storage of incoming materials. W Completed daily cycle counts and full inventory audits daily. W Reviewed material inventory stocj and reordered to maintain supplies for production.
W Created production forecasting plans utiliBing EGcel spreadsheet tools and input from production and management teams.
W CustomiBed 2AP production planning and detailed scheduling tools to support factory production initiatives.
Account Manager, FMI, Allentown
OCTO1ER 0 — J J • YANUAR8 0 — J 5
W 1oosted sales numzers with proactive account servicing and diligent relationship-zuilding.
W Increased longevity of fortune 6—— accounts zy providing individualiBed customer service and developing relationships with account holders. W Introduced new processes to improve account and marjet tracjing, increasing company revenue in 0—J9 zy 0 million.
W EGceeded sales goals and marjet competitions through effective negotiation of product and material pricing.
W Achieved %0$ of monthly buota and grew sales to 46 million from 0—J6-0—J5. W Improved operational planning and zusiness frameworjs to enhance resource utiliBation and reduce waste.
W Elevated account management zy predicting potential competitive threats and outlining proactive solutions.
Project Coordinator, FMI, Allentown
0 — — % • OCTO1ER 0 — J J
W Coordinated presentations for customers and proqect memzers detailing proqect scope, progress and results, jeeping all entities well-informed of milestones and goals.
Proqect Management
Detail Orientated
Customer Relationship
ConCict Resolution
Inventory Management
W Communicated with all internal team memzers to jeep proqect on schedule. W Oversaw productivity streams for ongoing and special proqects. W Counseled departmental leaders to determine issues and deliver solutions to individualiBed prozlems and concerns.
W Sathered rebuirements for ongoing proqects and organiBed details for management use.
W Checjed compliance of company safety plan and delivered recommendations to address regulatory issues.
Operations Lead, FMI
Y UNE 0 — — 5 • AUSU2T 0 — — %
W Performed buality control and monitored production efforts. W Delivered zusiness strategy and developed systems and procedures to improve operational buality and team efxciency
W Improved operational systems zy implementing Inventory tracjing system and growing efxciencies on 1PM.
W Reduced operational risjs while organiBing sales and Inventory data to forecast performance trends.
W Applied performance data to evaluate and improve operations, target current zusiness conditions and forecast needs.
Northampton Community College, Bethlehem
2 E P T EM1ER 0 — — 5 • MA8 0 — J —
1usiness Management
Renuka Patel from FMI
William Torres from Boston Beer Company
Paula Spring from FMI
Asher Business Global
Y UNE 0 — J 3 • Y UL8 0 — J 3