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San Antonio, TX
July 16, 2020

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MR. Aaron Conway

**** ******* ***

San Antonio, TX 78259 United States

Mobile: 580-***-**** - Ext:

Day Phone: 210-***-**** - Ext:

Email: *****.******@***.***


Job Type: Permanent, Telework

Work Schedule: Full-Time

Desired locations:

United States - VA United States - CA United States - DC United States - HI United States - TX Work Experience:

AMEDDC&S, HRCoE Quality Assurance Office

BLDG 2840, 3630 Stanley Rd


Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234-6100 United States

05/2015 - Present

Salary: 90,143.00 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 40

Series: 1750 Pay Plan: GS Grade: 12

Instructional Systems Specialist, Quality Assurance Evaluator (This is a federal job) Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

Served as a quality assurance (QA) expert for AMEDDC&S, HRCoE by conducting instructional program evaluations as a team lead in accordance with the Master Evaluation Plan. Planned, organized and directed QA functions across proponent school site, US Army National Guard and US Army Reserve Component sites for service members and civilians to ensure successful course evaluations and Site assessment visits supporting major command initiatives. Provided QA and educational guidance and assistance to commanders, department chiefs, training developers, and trainers. Conducted evaluations in accordance with TRADOC Reg 350-70 to determine training-to-standard by collecting and analyzing evaluation data, making recommendations, and preparing evaluation reports. Served as an independent elevator to determine training or training product alignment in accordance with the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) process, Army standards for quality, technical adequacy, appropriate training objectives, regulatory compliance, conformance to the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS), and budgetary resources. Developed survey instruments and analyzed results to determine if training is meeting the needs of the operational Army. Prepared a variety of quality assurance reports and briefings for trainers and leadership.

Developed the Instructor Evaluation Program policy and first ever Performance Support product. The policy effectively communicated the intent, process, and tools utilized in standing up this Chief of Staff level program. The program is aligned with providing critical performance feedback to the instructor but also aligns and applies Kirkpatrick level 3, performance of the Staff and Faculty Development Division's instructor preparation courses, and level 4, results tied to the Commanding General's priorities. In support of this program, initiated contact with the Instructional Technology Division to develop a performance support product to address the knowledge and skill gaps within the community. Utilized the performance support product to mentor the middle managers in the Training Program Manager's Course responsible for enforcing the instructor evaluation program within their respective teaching departments. Provided guidance, direction and approval in all phases of the instructional design of this product to include a strategy to for both short and long term solutions. Developed the first-ever course evaluation tracking tool in the Army enabling commanders at Center of Excellence (CoE), Brigade, Battalion, Company and teaching department access to enduring records from the course evaluation process as well as dashboard metrics enabling evidence-based decision-making. Planned, organized and directed future development efforts of the system to ensure compliance with major command standards. Developed the policy for Chief of Staff authorization for tracking tool implementation across the CoE. Provided system training to CoE personnel ranging from leader level awareness down to instructor and instructional systems specialist usage. Briefed tracking tool to other installations for adoption. Tracking tool dramatically reduced course evaluation reporting while increasing personnel awareness and engagement at all levels. Developed the first-ever QA Evaluator developmental assignment (DA) program. This talent management initiative was designed to "build the bench" by developing a pipeline for future evaluators while simultaneously providing internal development to a specialized AMEDDC&S Career Program (CP) 32 population. The DA required cradle-to-grave design and approval from the Deputy to the Commanding General who also serves as the Civilian Corps Chief. The program administration included marketing the DA to the CP32 population, creating selection instruments, conducting the selection process, onboarding the applicant, and planning the applicant's training program. Served as the Knowledge Management (KM) Representative for the QA office as an initial charter member supporting the AMEDDC&S, HRCoE KM Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan. Created and maintained the AMEDDC&S, HRCoE Army Accreditation SharePoint site facilitating collaboration among a wide range of offices and organizations. This initiative facilitated a smooth self-assessment and alleviated stress and time the QA office spent in meeting the Army accreditation's requirement.

Supervisor: Tammy Griswold 210-***-****)

Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes

Career Program 32 Office, Headquarters TRADOC

Bldg 950 Jefferson Ave.

Fort Eustis, VA 23604 United States

01/2015 - 05/2015

Salary: 64,000.00 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 40

Series: 1750 Pay Plan: GS Grade: 11

This a time-limited appointment or temporary promotion Army Career Program 32 Manager (Developmental Assignment) (This is a federal job) Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

Under the supervision of the Career Program (CP) 32 Assistant Functional Chief’s Representative (AFCR), worked on projects associated with talent management requiring deep analysis, thorough research, critical and creative thinking, as well as exhibiting a fast-paced, purposeful work ethic. Made recommendations addressing performance gap mitigation strategies which enhanced training plans developed for the 1712 (training instructor) and 1750

(Instructional Systems Specialist) Occupational Series within CP-32 in support of the Civilian Workforce Transformation (CWT) competency management initiative. These strategies are being approved by the Office of Personnel Management. Provided assistance and guidance in developing the policy, analysis of participants, and logistics for the CP-32 Mentorship Program pilot. Used ISS subject matter expertise and experience in recommending changes in the contractor proposed training materials for the Mentorship Program including lesson plans and scheduling effectiveness, educational soundness, technical accuracy reliability, and validity. Provided guidance and subject matter expertise for recommendation and validation in revising the Master Intern Training Plan governing the recruitment, development, and retention of the Department of the Army's ISS workforce. Created a recruiting packet including video and brochure being targeted at recent graduates across the United States. The video portion of this recruiting packet was the first ever and only by a career program. It was identified by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) as a "best practice" for all 31 career programs. Provided guidance, resources, and workflow process to the ASA's staff in charge of intern programs as to the details of drafting, creating, and distributing future recruiting videos. Managed CP systems such as GoArmyEd, Army Career Tracker (ACT) and Competency Management System (CMS). Completely revamped CP-32 milSuite page which increased its social media presence and outreach. Additionally, the page dramatically aided in recruitment of prospective employees as well as a viable communication forum for the existing CP32 workforce. Created the Social Media Outreach Plan for CP32 which details the purpose, goals, and tools necessary for a successful External Official Presence. The plan makes operational recommendations, in plain terms, recognizing future employees might experience anxiety and fear in utilizing social media. Edited the CP32 webpage using a current HTML editor resulting in careerists being supplied with the most current, relevant information. Drafted a strategic planning document for the Army CP 32 Office containing not only the projections for budget execution but tracks all of the major initiatives CP-32 is working and advises the Functional Chief's Representative of impending staffing shortfalls. Conducted and synthesized research fueling the Army CP 32 Office's official position paper on the development of two new Occupational Series (OS) within CP 32, the Capability Developer and the Doctrine Developer. The intent of this talent management initiative will yield more purposeful oversight from the CP level and produce a better trained, focused civilian workforce. Recommended developmental assignment applicants for selection to the CP-32 Assistant Functional Chief's Representative based upon the CP-32 Office's Crediting plan.

Supervisor: Ms Valerie Helms 757-***-****)

Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes

Army Medical Dept Center and School, Health Readiness Center of Excellence 3599 Winfield Scott Road

Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6100 United States

11/2011 - 05/2015

Salary: 64,000.00 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 40

Series: 1750 Pay Plan: GS Grade: 11

Instructional Systems Specialist, Curriculum Developer (This is a federal job) Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

Served as a valued member of the Specialty Education Training and Development Branch (SETDB) within Curriculum Development Division (CDD.) The duties accounted below not only represent those assigned as a part of my job but most account for duties assigned well above the minimum standard of job performance and required being a self-starter, initiative, and the ability to handle multiple projects at once. All of the duties listed below are the exact same as fellow GS-12 Instructional Systems Specialist (ISS) colleagues within CDD on a performance level commensurate in scope and quantity given the same resources.

Served multiple departments within the AMEDDC&S to plan, develop, and assess course lesson plans and Programs of Instruction (POI). Provided professional advisory services to include delivering, briefing, and directly applying subject matter expertise in the areas of instructional strategies, adult learning, and educational technology in support, creation, and management of department-specific course content. Though MEDCOM is not subordinate to the TRADOC, it follows the current TRADOC regulations for all areas of the Systems Approach to Training using instructional systems covering analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (the ADDIE model.) Guided, directed, and made recommendations on the management of all instructional systems projects, specifically course content, assessment, and resourcing governed by TRADOC regulations applying professional training, education, and development methods. Using the Environmental Health (EH) branch of the Department of Public Health Services (DPHS) as an example, provided subject matter expertise in instructional systems, instructional design, and test construction to completely rewrite the design documents upon which the course was built. This initiative tied required training to not only long-range plans but more closely aligned assessments with instruction ensuring educational soundness, technical accuracy reliability, and validity.

Served as the Army Service Representative during the Interservice Training Office's (ITO) facilitation of MOS course alignment and validation of tri-service training conducted at the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC). This duty required ensuring the validity and accuracy of curriculum addressing the Army requirements i.e. Critical task List (CTL), certifications, job-specific licenses, and accreditation standards for several Army MOS. Researched Army requirements advocating for accurate training levels for soldiers in determination of training being conducted as collocated, consolidated and/or service-specific. Tasked with the analysis and review of assessment consistency and validity for the Medical Laboratory Specialist course conducted at the METC on behalf of AMEDDC&S.

In support of the major TRADOC tasking spanning 16 months across all Army commands, performed several duties well beyond that of any other GS 11 within CDD. Used subject matter expertise in task analysis including not only accounting for task performance measures and steps but also the soldiers involved, their skill levels, and roles. Provided professional advisory services to not only MOS-identified subject matter experts but even within the CDD ISS staff. Analyzed and reviewed for educational content work performed by others during this tasking ensuring a consistent and complete product. Created a repository and "one-stop" shop for all collaborative efforts and documents using MS OneNote. Getting this system off the ground required initializing the software on the computers, developing job aides, and conducting training for over 20 ISS. To further streamline the CDD successful completion of this process, created job aides and conducted training for the CDD support staff to absorb the data entry component for 2500 MOS thereby dramatically trimming weeks and/or months of time from the completion date.

Evaluated and provided feedback for contractor products for the Patient Administration Officer course, Medical Logistics Officer course, and Distributed Learning Division (DLD) web-based curriculum for educational soundness, technical accuracy reliability, and validity. Was competitively selected for a Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) developmental assignment serving as an action officer within the Career Program 32 Training, Capability, and Doctrine Warfighting Developers program office. Actively monitored best practices in instructional and educational technology through blog subscriptions, webinar attendance, and collaboration with current practitioners in the field within the government, education (K-20), and private industry. Supervisor: Karen Haupricht 210-***-****)

Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes

Staff and Faculty Development Division, Fires Center of Excellence BLDG 755 McNair Rd

Ft Sill, OK 73505

Ft Sill, OK 73505 United States

07/2009 - 11/2011

Salary: 57,000.00 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 40

Series: 1750 Pay Plan: GS Grade: 11

Instructional Systems Specialist, Instructor (This is a federal job) Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

The primary function of this job was instructor development. I was part of a two-man team that developed the newly revamped Army Basic Instructor Course. The result was a course which exhibited all of the Army Learning Model's "buzz words" and gave the entire Army a vision of what Army Learning could be. To this point, the Army, represented during the TRADOC Accreditation visit, documented Ft. Sill's ABIC as "the Army's best practice" for instructor development. Implemented research-based (Brain Rules, Medina), student-centered instructional practices. Assisted developing instructors in a collaborative model of observation, dialog, and lesson demonstration to analyze and reflect on practice, promote quality instruction and positively impact student learning. Aligned teaching with appropriate common core and subject area standards (tasks and TRADOC accreditation standards), 21st Century Soldier Competencies and assessments. Promoted and modeled strategies for developing positive, engaging, productive, student-centered learning environments focused on outcomes and the "why behind the learning." Using formal and informal assessments, mentored teachers through non-evaluative, non-judgmental coaching that fostered planning, self-assessment and reflection.

Facilitation skills and strategies were deeply rooted in the foundation of this course. Each block of instruction was designed to create productive interaction and bring about change in classroom practice and student learning away from "death by PowerPoint" to more experiential, student-centered opportunities. Future school staff were guided in assessing the effectiveness of instructional practices and were motivated to collaboratively implement necessary systemic change. The course design included implementing assessment and performance feedback mechanisms such as peer observations, 360 degree assessments, problem- based learning (Army termed as "scenario-based"), and a lesson study. As the resident educational technology leader, implemented tools and strategies to illustrate the power behind technology in the classroom. Created the FT Sill Staff and Faculty Facebook page which was not only used to generate discussion and reflection during each iteration of the course but was accessed post-wide and beyond as a forum to elaborate on a host of topics regarding education. Exposed future students to a wide range of Ed tech tools to exhibit learning in a variety of ways through the use of online tools for communication, productivity, collaboration, and presentation. Lastly, shared a litany of Ed tech resources and encouraged them to actively sift through the ever-developing and changing world of not only the Ed tech arena, but of education at large. Actively monitored best practices in instructional and educational technology through blog subscriptions by current practitioners in the field. Supervisor: Dr Casey Blaine 580-***-****)

Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes

Edmond Public Schools

Edmond, OK United States

08/2006 - 01/2009

Salary: 45,000.00 USD Per Year

Hours per week: 40

Multimedia/Technology Teacher

Duties, Accomplishments and Related Skills:

As a participant horizontal/vertical department teaming, used a collaborative approach to implement student-centered instructional practices and took advantage of co-teaching, dialog, and lesson demonstration to analyze and reflect on practice, promote quality instruction and positively impact student learning. Aligned teaching with appropriate common core and subject area standards (PASS skills, OK state standards), developed curriculum materials, National Educational Technology Standards (NETS), and assessments. Used strategies for developing positive, engaging, productive, student-centered learning environments inclusive of all students. Promoted interdisciplinary curriculum integration when appropriate as a practice to deepen student knowledge, conceptual understandings and application of core content and process standards. Exhibited a high level of ethics and confidentiality in regards to student information and classroom performance.

Ran formal and informal school-based learning communities ranging from extra-curricular clubs for chess and technology to intervention and enrichment clubs for science, math, and reading. Utilized educational technology as the means of introducing other teachers to the potential for new and engaging learning experiences complete with authentic assessments.

Increased personal effectiveness and results by utilizing a variety of student data, interdisciplinary testing and standardized testing, to impact teaching. Created a dynamic, digital-age teaching and learning environment that provides rigorous, relevant and engaging education for teachers and students through the use of online tools for communication, productivity, collaboration, analysis, presentation, and research. Served as the "unofficial" education technologist to provide assistance and support in the use of the adopted curriculum, supplemental materials, and appropriate instructional technologies, tools, and resources to engage learners. Used technology to manage data, information and electronic resources and provide ongoing feedback and celebration on progress of instructional improvement.

Supervisor: Tara Fair (retired) 405-***-****)

Okay to contact this Supervisor: Yes


Pepperdine University Malibu, CA United States

Master's Degree 07/2005

GPA: 3.6 of a maximum 4.0

Credits Earned: 30 Semester hours

Major: Educational Technology

Southern Nazarene University Bethany, OK United States Bachelor's Degree 05/2001

Major: Elementary Education

Job Related Training:

Army Basic Instructor Course - 2009

Small Group Instructor - 2009

CES Basic Course - 2010

Army Basic Instructor Course Train-the-trainer - 2010 Systems Approach to Training Basic Course - 2010

Blackboard Instructor Course - 2011

CES Intermediate Course - 2014

Foundation Instructor Facilitator Train-the-Trainer Course - 2014 Evaluating Instructors Course - 2015

Kirkpatrick Four Levels Evaluation Certification Program (Bronze Level) - 2015 Affiliations:

Serious eLearning Manifesto - Signator

The eLearning Guild - Associate member

Association for Talent Development - Member


Name Employer Title Phone Email

Ms. Tammy

Griswold US Army Medical Dept Center

and School

Chief, Quality Assurance Office 210-***-**** *****.*.********.***@****.*** Ms. Valerie Helms US Army Career Program 32


Assistant Functional Chief's Representative 757-***-**** *******.*.*****.***@****.*** Ms. Karen

Haupricht US Army Medical Dept Center

& School

Chief, Specialty Education and Training

Development Branch

210-***-**** *****.*.*********.***@****.***

Dr. Casey Blaine US Army Fires Center of


Chief, Staff and Faculty Development Division 580-***-**** *****.*.******.***@****.*** Indicates professional reference

Additional Information:

Oklahoma Teaching License (2001-present)

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