Dear Sir / Madam,
I gain my in-depth knowledge of administrative procedures and tools through twenty years’ work experience, that hones my softer skill, e.g. it cultivates the way of logical thinking, endows me with ability to accomplish multiple tasks in an efficient manner. It not only helps save my company more than millions of RMB as compensation, but also assist my partner in obtaining internal approval from management to take the role of some SOE’s Independent Board Director. I follow my partner to join CSC which was one of the largest and most successful PE and VC firms in China in 2016. It has more than $10B (RMB ¥ 80 Billion) in AUM, and was listed on China’s NEEQ.
Except the time with CSC, I spend more than fourteen years in four famous top international law firms and seven years in a 500-fortune company. I got the experience working in an international enterprise and the spirit of service-orientated firm. Moreover, I also obtain the solid skill of pitch preparation, and document formation. Each time I surrender my resignation letter, I was asked to stay in every firm I work for.
I used to play the main role of organizing bit seminars held in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong respectively for about 400 people altogether, that includes venue, facility, food, transportation
& accommodation arrangement. After receiving a two-week training on Marketing Communication in Singapore in 1999, I practice the role of MARCOM in China for three years, e.g. bring big metal exhibits to attend exhibition for a few times.
In addition to my postgraduate in Economic Law at Capital University of Economy & Business, I have earned a BA degree in Beijing Foreign Studies University and passed College English Test - Six Diploma. And now I’m a FRM candidate. Following is my detailed CV for your reference. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours,
Lydia Li
Name: Lydia / Li Na
Date of birth: July 12, 1976
Height: 172 cm
Place of birth: Beijing
Tel: 137-****-****
April 2016 - Mar. 2020: China Science & Merchants Capital Investment Group Ltd. PA to Managing Partner and Office Admin
Besides providing secretarial assistance to the executives who is in charge of overseas investment, I’m responsible for assisting expatriates in their work permit, residence permit / visa, email accounts set-up; coordinate for meetings; safe keeping of contracts and important documents; assist with preparation of project materials. I’m also in charge of the AIC / ODI inspection of around ten subsidiary / sub-subsidiary of the Group that runs under our Dept.
We experienced a fake website that imitated as our subsidiary posting fake chairman / executive’s photo and bio. There are quite a few of investors who cannot withdraw their money after putting money in the website for a few days. The subsidiary is opened and under our Dept control, so I advised our Dept. to call the police and going through the necessary procedure so that the company / our Dept. won’t have to pay back those victims a few million RMB.
I also assist expatriates in their work permit, residence permit / visa, etc.; and recruit admin assistant and two drivers; assist in staff email accounts set-up, etc..
Nov. 2013 - April 2016: Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Beijing Representative Office PA to the Chief Representative and Office admin
Assist the Chief Rep in the operation of the office, so that the Chief Rep may focus most of her energy on BD; take the supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the firm’s policies and applicable laws; review expense reports and organize office event; work with Account Receivable Team in London / Hong Kong and Shanghai for bill collections; set up equipment; act as contact for the administrative support; liaise with service providers to ensure efficient delivery of third-party service.
I assist the Chief Rep in obtaining the internal approval from firm management to take the role as one of some SOE’s Independent Board Director by analytical thinking.
Sept. 2011 - March 2013: Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP Beijing Representative Office Assistant to Partner and Special Counsel
Support seven fee earners at same time, including partner, counsel, and LCs. to prepare daily timesheet, shareholding structure chart, M&A agreement, pitch etc.; invoice; arrange travel logistics and prepare itinerary. I also play the main role of organizing seminars in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong for about 400 people altogether, which includes venue, facility, food, transportation & accommodation arrangement. Aug. 2008 - Sept. 2011: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Beijing Representative Office PA to Partner, the Chief Representative
Help the Chief Rep get accustomed to prepare timesheet on daily basis; and assist other fee earners to work for clients like China Unicom, China Construction Bank etc., and the Agricultural Bank of China for their IPO in Hong Kong.
I guess supporting more than twenty fee earners in one day impresses people the most and that’s why I was asked to stay when I surrender the resignation letter.
Oct. 2002 - Aug. 2008: Shearman & Sterling LLP Beijing Representative Office Secretary
I gained my strong M&A agreement formatting skill through more than sixty hours each month, weekend exclusive for the first three months after joining, to assist lawyers in their service for our clients that include international investors and investment banks, SOEs across a broad spectrum of industries, e.g. GE, Nokia, Huawei, China Minmetals Corp. and China Mobile etc. I was assigned to work in Nokia for three months. I’m also assistant to an arbitration associate.
Oct. 1995 - Sept 2002: Emerson Process Management China Limited Secretary to China Marketing Manager / MARCOM
Provide secretarial support to China Sales / Marketing Manager, and after receiving a two-week training in Singapore, I’m in charge of MARCOM activities of Fisher Valve in China.
2019 - present: Global Association of Risk Professionals Financial Risk Management candidate
2006 - July 2008 Capital University of Economy & Business Postgraduate in Economic Law
2002 - June 2006: Beijing Foreign Studies University B. A. in English
March 2005: Obtained College English Test - 6 Diploma
(The test is held by Ministry of Education of the Republic of China) 3
简 历
姓名 李 娜
生日 1976 年 7 月 12 日
身高 172 公分
户口 北京
2016 年 4 月 – 2020 年 3 月 中科招商投资管理集团股份有限公司
跟随我的合伙人 我来到了中科招商 它是中国首家经政府批
准设立的大型人民币股权投资基金专业管理机构 管理资金规
模超过 800 亿元人民币 并曾在新三板上市
除了协助负责海外投资的部门高管的秘书事务 我还负责协助
外籍员工在华的工作许可 居留许可及签证 国内员工国内外
出差后勤工作 保管各类机密文件 组织和协调各类会议 同
时兼负本部门下运作的约十家子 / 孙公司工商和对外直接投资
的年检 招聘行政助理及司机
我部门曾经历过一次公司被假网站冒充事件 假网站不但冒用
了我部门公司的名字 还冒用了集团董事长 若干高管的姓
名 上传了假履历 照片 导致各地至少数十名受害者在其网
站投资后 发现自己的资金无法取回 受害者纷纷打来电话投
诉 我建议部门马上报警 避免集团陷入以后的混乱及几十乃
2013 年 11 月 - 2016 年 4 月 美国威嘉律师事务所北京代表处
协助首代代表处的日常工作 使其可以集中大部分精力在市场
开发方面 协助制定 监督公司行政规章制度 并确保实施
定期给客户发账单 审核报销 办公室司法局的年检等 和纽
约 香港 伦敦办事处就有关律所各账单 相关税务等事宜进
行交流 探讨 全球其他办公室同事出差来京时 提供相应行
政帮助 组织办公室活动
通过逻辑分析 协助合伙人取得律所内部管理层许可 担当某
2011 年 9 月 - 2013 年 3 月 美国凯威莱德律师事务所北京代表处
在华尔街历史最悠久的律所里 同时负责协助七位合伙人 顾
问及助理 主要责任 准备每天工作日志 股权架构 并购重
组合同 投标 宣传文件 每月发账单给客户 管理日程表
安排会议 准备负责差旅的后勤工作及准备行程单 担任北
京 上海 香港分别举行的 400 人左右大型研讨会的主要安排
者 维护和更新市场部的资料和数据库
2008 年 8 月 - 2011 年 9 月 英国富而德律师事务所北京代表处
协助首代养成了每天准备工作日志的习惯 确保可以定期发出
协助其他律师为国内知名的企业如中国联通 建设银行 工商
银行 及中国农业银行在香港的股票首次公开发行工作
曾经一天为大约 20 个左右的专业人士提供秘书协助 这一点应
该给人留下了深刻印象 故而在我提出辞呈时被大力挽留
2002 年 - 2008 年 8 月 美国谢尔曼•思特灵律师事务所北京代表处
秘 书
刚加入律所的前三个月 每月 60 多个加班小时 不含周末
通过协助律师给外国投资者和投资银行 及中国各行各业的国
营企业和中小型私营企业等各类客户准备交易文件中 我练就
了扎实熟练的修改几百页重组合同的 Word 操作技能 我们的客
户包括 GE 诺基亚 华为 中国五矿集团公司 中石化 中石
油 中国联通 及中国移动等知名企业
1995 年 - 2002 年 9 月 美国艾默生过程管理 中国 有限公司
中国区市场经理秘书 / 市场推广
协助中国区销售经理及中国区市场经理 在新加坡接受了为期
两周的市场推广的培训后 我也同时负责费希尔阀门部的市场
以及负责产品在中国地区的市场推广活动 策划 执行市场活
动 如在全国范围内刊登广告 参加展览会 交流会 培训
等 制作 保持并定期更新产品光盘 投标文件 操作手册
产品目录 客户联系表等 并确保其符合公司全球化标准
2019 - 今 全球金融风险管理协会
2006 年 - 2008 年 7 月 首都经济贸易大学法学系
2002 - 2006 年 6 月 北京外国语大学
2005 年 3 月 获大学英语六级证书