Sri Devi **************@*****.*** 513-***-****
Around 6 years of experience and backed with rich domain knowledge, understanding and practical knowledge of several IT technologies, I seek a career with challenging assignments to amalgamate personal enrichment with professional goals.
Strong Experience in Various Agile methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven Development (TTD), Incremental and Iteration methodology, Pair Programming, Agile Development & Testing using Software Development Life Cycle.
Experienced in Development, Testing and Deployment of enterprise applications on Windows, Linux and UNIX platforms using IDEs such as Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Visual Studio code, Brackets, Postman.
Developed UI modules using Angular 8, React Js, Node.js, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery, CORDOVA, CSS4, HTML5, XHTML.
Developed core modules in large cross-platform applications using Java J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring, JSF, IBatis, Hibernate, JMS, JSP, Servlets, EJB’s, JDBC, Web Services (SOAP, REST), E-Commerce, Microservice architectures.
Expertise in java 8 Lambda expressions with custom and predefined functional interfaces, streams, Date time API’s.
Experienced in Singleton, Prototype, Façade design patterns in the Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
Strong experience in Spring Framework modules such as Spring5 MVC, IOC, AOP, JPA, Spring Dashboard, Spring Boot, Spring Microservices, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, Spring Netflix, Spring Zuul Proxy, Spring Cloud Config.
Responsible for support and maintenance of batch jobs, implemented Spring Batch for huge number of transactions.
Strong understanding of Microservices patterns such as Circuit Breaker/Hystrix, DDD, Aggregator, Proxy Chaining.
Expertise In apache Kafka, Rabbit MQ and Zookeeper, Camel apart from JMS as messaging service.
Expertise in using high throughput distributed messaging system such as Kafka Streams, Connectors, Schema API’s.
Experienced in Distributed Transaction Management system with Spring JTA Based on Atomikos and Bitronix.
Experienced in working with Spring JDBC Templates, JMS Templates, Spring EAI, Spring Rest Templates.
Experienced in implementing Service Oriented, Microservice Architectures using SOAP, RESTFUL web services.
Experienced in Middleware persistence frameworks like Hibernate/Spring boot JPA Entities for mapping Java classes using Hibernate Query Language (HQL), HSQL Named Queries, Criteria, Projections.
Designed and developed several mediation flows using the MuleSoft Any Point Studio of Mule ESB.
Implemented cloud services IAAS, PAAS, and SaaS which include Openstack, Docker, Kubernetes and Openshift.
Experienced in creating Docker images, Containers, push/pull the new versions into private artifactory for all the existed Microservices, Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using Kubernetes(K8S).
Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
Proficient in using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, CloudWatch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, RDS, ElastiCache, SNS, SQS, AMI.
Experienced in securing User interfaces and all the Restful API calls with the usage of JWT token-based authentication mechanisms like WSO2 Identity Server, Kong API gate way, Oauth2, LDAP, SASL and Kerberos v4.
Experience with CICD-Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Hudson, CVS, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Splunk.
Experience in working with web servers like Tomcat 8, WebSphere 8, Jetty, JBoss 7.1.0 and WebLogic 10.0.
Hands on experience with build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle and Logging tools like Log4J and Splunk.
Experienced in modeling, design and development of stored procedures, Views, schemas in relational databases.
Strong experience with Mongo DB development (reports, schema design, map reduce functions) and migrations from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like Mongo DB, Cassandra, and Couch DB.
Experience in testing with JUnit Framework using Mockito and Easy Mock, Spring Junit Runner, JMeter.
Java 1.8, J2EE, Scala 2.12.1, Python 3.6.0
Web Technologies
SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlet API 3.0
Spring 5, Hibernate 4.3, Angular 8, Spring Security 3.2
Application/Web servers
Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.0, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, WebSphere MQ 7.5
Relational Databases
Oracle 10g/11g/12C, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1
NoSQL Databases
Mongo DB, Cassandra, Couch DB
Internet Technologies
HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3 and CSS 4, jQuery 2.11, Angular 8, BackBone.JS 1.3.1, Node JS 6.0.
Cloud Environments
Azure, AWS, Netflix Eureka, Mesos, Spring Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes.
Eclipse, NetBeans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3
Operating system
Windows 10, Linux Mint 18.1, Unix
Bug tracking Tools
JUNIT4.12, JIRA 7.0, Bugzilla 4.4.12, Curl 7.36
Reporting Tools
Jasper Reports 6.0, Crystal Reports XI, SSRS 5.0
Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum
Developer IDE Platforms
Eclipse, Edit plus, Notepad ++, TEXT PAD, Jbuilder, Net Beans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, GITHUB 2.12.0
Build Tools
Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1
Web Services
Client: Pearson, Iowa City, IA Date: March 2019 – Till Date
Role: Java Full Stack Developer
Developed the application using AGILE-SCRUM methodology, used JIRA to manage the project workflow.
Participated with team members in Grooming, Planning, Tasking, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospective Sessions.
Implemented typescript features like arrow functions, constants, block-scope variables, and class inheritance.
Designed animated web pages by importing @angular/animations from latest animation package in Angular 7.
Created Single Page Applications with HTTP requests using Angular 8, Node JS and Promises, Rx JS Observable to generate continuous and responsive Web apps, handle multiple values over time without page reloads.
Extensively used Angular-cli to generate components, routes, services, pipes and to run tests.
Implemented mock services with MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular 8, NodeJS) stack in local environment.
Used Java 8 new features like Lambda expression with functional interfaces, default, static methods.
Developed UI of the application using backbone js, Javascript and,Jquery
utilized all java 8 predefined functional interfaces like Predicate, ByPredicate, Function, ByFunction, Consumer, By Consumer, Supplier, used primitive type predefined functions and java 8 Method Reference.
Worked with Primefaces.
Utilized Java 8 features such as Stream API, Date Time API (JODA Date Time) for Bulk data operation, input data validation on Collections which would increase the overall performance and readability of the Application.
Implemented microservices using Spring boot, and enabled discovery server using Netflix eureka server.
Configured Spring Security and Spring Boot to validate the users, Used OAUTH2.0 to provide authentication and authorization for all the microservices by exchanging JWT Access tokens, used Netflix Zuul as an API gateway.
Created REST based web services by establishing links using HATEOAS from Spring based application.
Monitored service health check from Spring Boot admin console using swaggered UI registered microservices.
Implemented Spring Cloud auto configs for microservices, used Spring boot Ribbon for Dynamic Routing and Load Balancer, Hystrix as Circuit Breaker, Zuul as an Edge proxy.
Converted a monolithic app into microservices architecture using Spring Boot using 12-factor app methodology.
Generated Metrics with method level granularity and Persistence using Spring AOP and Spring Boot Actuator.
Published, consumed messages to and from the Kafka topic using most advanced API’s such as KStreams API for the stateful and stateless transformations, Kafka Connectors API and Kafka Schema API.
Used Kafka Connector API for the scalable, reliable data transformation between to and from the data systems.
Installed Kafka on the cluster and configure producer and consumer coding part in java to establish a connection from source to HDFS with popular hash tags, Experienced in messaging systems Kafka, Kafka event Sourcing.
Used Drools engine for validating business rules before executing in runtime.
Developed Mule flows to for external, internal APIs and highly customized Spring Boot micro services with Mule.
Worked with AWS cloud in creating EC2 instances sometimes participated in writing custom policies, deployed applications on Elastic Bean Stalk and EC2.
Experienced with event-driven and scheduled AWS Lambda functions to trigger various AWS resources.
Developed Java API to interact with the Amazon SQS used in sending bulk emails.
Developed and configured Kubernetes cluster for Jenkins CI/CD development pipeline.
Researched Kubernetes deployment strategies for exposing Services through Kubernetes Ingress.
Installed HaProxy ingress to expose internal Kubernetes services through DNS. Deployed POCs to Kubernetes cluster and configured JFROG private Artifactory for Maven/Java artifacts/libraries.
Configured Artifactory to be exposed as internal enterprise Docker registry.
Created Maven builds to build and deploy Spring Boot microservices to internal enterprise Docker registry.
Used PL/SQL for views, indexes and stored procedures in oracle database using TOAD and Query optimization.
Worked with several testing frameworks such as JUnit, Easy Mock, Mockito and Power Mock.
Used Junit for unit testing and implemented with Log4j to provide logs of exceptions.
Used Git for version control and JIRA for bug Tracking and Project Management.
Worked with JAXB parser for marshalling and Unmarshalling XML data.
Developed XPATH, XQUERY and custom XML parsers based on SAX, DOM as part of XML Consumption.
Used automated Ant build scripts to package and compile the application and used Log4J for Logging in project.
Environment: Java/JDK 1.8, J2EE, Spring 4, Hibernate 5.4.15, Spring Boot, JPA, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML 5.0, CSS3, Apache Tomcat, STS, Oracle 11g, Cassandra, Log4J, JUnit, Easy Mock, Selenium, XML, Web Services, SOAP UI, Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Netflix Ribbon, Adobe Flex, Scala, AWS, Python, Ant, Git, PL/SQL, Docker, HATEOAS, Curl.
Client: Equifax, Alpharetta, GA Date: Aug 2018 – Feb 2019
Role: Java Full Stack Developer
Developed and tested modules using Agile (SCRUM) methodologies and developed Technical design documents.
Responsible for developing the UI pages using Angular 2/4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PrimeNG and Bootstrap.
Used various Angular 2/4 custom pipes, directives, developed reusable modules, components, and templates.
Worked with Angular 2 to develop single page applications, used JASMINE in unit testing angular modules.
Created Typescript reusable components, services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 2, Migrated an application developed in Angular Js to Angular 5.0.
Improved source code maintenance which resulted in significant code reduction, ease of upgrade, scalability, ease of developer spin and superior performance by refactoring existing Angular2 application.
Implemented HTTP requests using RxJS Observable library to handle multiple values over time.
Involved in writing Thread safe blocks for Multithreading access to make valid transactions.
Designed and developed processes using Multithreading to make asynchronous.
Developed modules using Core Java APIs, Collections, Java 1.8(Streams), Multi-threading, Stream API, Collection API, Transaction Management, Exception Handling, Generics, Enums, Java I/O streams and designs patterns.
Followed Agile with JIRA for a 2-week release approach of development/deployment strategy.
Worked with Advanced Java 1.8 features like Lambda for adding functionality processing capability and Stream API to facilitate pipeline processing and method to eliminate elements based on the criteria.
Implemented REST Microservices using spring boot, used Drools (Rules Engine) to maintain Dynamic UI.
Generated Metrics with method level granularity and Persistence using Spring AOP and Spring Actuator.
Deployed the Application into Docker container and made easily accessible at runtime using Cloud Foundry and other cloud services like AWS, Netflix Eureka, Spring Hystrix as fallback method, Spring Ribbon for load balancing and a broker service to maintain status using Spring Kafka and Zookeeper.
Integrated Swagger UI and wrote integration test along with REST document.
Implemented Spring modules like Controller, DI/IOC, Auto wiring, Spring security, AOP and AspectJ.
Enterprise level web applications were supported by building Spring based Java and Scala microservices.
Published and Consumed messages from Active MQ. Integrated Active MQ services with spring boot Beans.
Hibernate DAO classes were developed to retrieve and save data using Spring framework manager classes.
All the functionality is implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot and Hibernate ORM.
Implemented Java EE apps using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactions and spring security modules.
Apache Mesos and Kubernetes were used as the best ecosystem to deploy and manage Microservices.
Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes container environment utilizing Kubernetes.
Experienced in Creating Stored procedures and Views on Oracle DB, Worked with large data sets in ILOG.
Developed Ruby on Rails web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using Redis.
Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database of Mongo DB.
Ant is used for building the application EAR, helped resolving merge conflicts in Bitbucket for team members.
Log4J is used for logging purposes and debug levels are defined for controlling what we log.
Writing Unit test cases using JUnit testing framework and performed unit and system testing.
Created and configured management reports and dashboards using Splunk.
Environment: java 1.7, XML, XSL, Node Js, React Js, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Ajax, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 5.x, Git, Aws, WebSphere 7.5, Web Services, JMS, SoapUI, TestNG, JSON, Ant, Log4j, Oracle DB, Spring Cloud Netflix, Config Server, Eureka Server, Hystrix, Drools, Discovery Client, Ribbon, Zuul Proxy, Agile.
Client: 3M, Austin, Texas Date: Jan 2017-July 2018
Role: Java Full Stack Developer
Participating in Requirement Analysis and technical assessment with team members during project life cycle.
Used Agile methodology and attended daily and weekly SCRUM and Retro meetings to update working status.
Implemented content switching using React.js routing and fetched data through asynchronous call.
Experience in creating Responsive Web Design (RWD), using Bootstrap, HTML5 and CSS3.
Worked closely with Photoshop designers to implement UI/UX mock-ups and the layouts of the application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React.js and created UI designs using Web 3.0 standards.
Implemented CSS Selector, CSS Scalable and modular approach in the front-end design.
Designed and Developed Reactjs based UI framework on top of Flux architecture and gulp enhanced workflow.
Extensively Used React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plus Redux, Animations and Flux concept.
Experienced in creating React.js SPA’s using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
Possessed knowledge on creating Custom Reusable React Components Library.
Worked with Apache Tomcat 8 and Node Js servers to deploy and configure Java API’s and front-end modules.
Experienced in working with Node.JS and NPM modules like http-server, Marathon, inquirer, path, mongo DB, Micro Services, Request, Elastic Search, express, luck, spark, and templating engines.
Worked with jQuery plugins like Banner, Slider, Accordion, Tabs, jQuery Dropdown, Image Gallery.
Developed RESTful web services using Jersey, Spring framework and JAX-RS.
Wrote code for consuming a Restful Web service with AngularJS.
Developed UI of the application using NodeJS and JQuery libraries.
Used Drools engine for validating business rules before executing in runtime.
Created REST based web services by establishing links using HATEOAS from Spring based application.
Used Spring core for dependency injection/inversion of control (IOC), and integrated Angular 2 and Hibernate.
Spring Boot Microservices were developed with microservice architecture using REST and Apache Kafka.
Monitored service health check from Spring Boot admin console using swaggered UI registered microservices.
Implemented fail safe and circuit breaker patterns in Spring Boot Microservice applications using Hystrix and monitored the services using Hystrix Dashboard.
Configured Identity and Access Management (IAM), WSO2(SAML) groups for improved login authentication.
Used Amazon cloud formation templates for creating stacks to launch AWS infrastructure and resources.
Deployed Docker contained Spring boot microservices into AWS EC2 container service using AWS admin console and used lambda to run applications in AWS console.
Automate the cloud deployments using python and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
Worked on AWS EKS, ECS, DynamoDB, MSK, VPC, Subnets, EC2 Instances, AppSync, Graph QL Queries, Subscriptions, and Mutations, AWS EC2 instances were configured in Dev and QA environment using Node Js.
Experience on AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, ELB, and EBS in both installing and configuring.
Experience with building Docker Images and running them on Docker container.
Used Docker to virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF.
Develop CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes container environment, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy.
Used Oracle 11g/12c for the backend data and performed complex queries using joins for CRUD operations.
Uploaded files into Oracle database using CLOB and BLOB.
Used Spring IOC for Dependency Injection.
Experience in Normalization and performance tuning with Oracle DB.
Used HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries, and Interfaces such as Expression, Query and Criteria for implementation of Hibernate template and extensively used Hibernate Cache.
Experience on Hibernate mappings, EH cache, Lazy loading transactions and Locking’s.
Implemented service layer on the top of Cassandra using Core Java, Data Stax API and Restful API.
Developed DAO layer using Cassandra and expertise in CQL (Cassandra Query Language), for retrieving the data present in Cassandra cluster by running queries in CQL.
Good Experience in using sqoop to load data to and from Cassandra cluster.
Responsible for developing client's websites using the Magento Commerce e-commerce platform.
Involved in code reviews and unit testing using JUnit framework.
Used Splunk for the engineering dashboards used by the developers for easy track of application health.
Used Junit for unit testing and implemented with Log4j to provide logs of exceptions.
Used Git for version control and JIRA for bug Tracking and Project Management.
Worked with JAXB parser for marshalling and Unmarshalling XML data.
Used automated Ant build scripts to package and compile the application and used Log4J for Logging in project.
Environment: Java/JDK 1.8, J2EE, Spring 4, Hibernate 4, Spring Boot, JPA, JavaScript, Angular 8, HTML 5.0, CSS3, Apache Tomcat, STS, Oracle 11g, Cassandra, Log4J, JUnit, Easy Mock, Selenium, XML, Web Services, SOAP UI, Kafka, Netflix Eureka, WSO2(SAML), GWT, Adobe Flex, Scala, AWS, Python, Ant, Git, PL/SQL, Docker, HATEOAS, Curl, Splunk.
Client: Cardinal Health, Dublin, Ohio Date: Jan 2016-Dec 2016
Role: Java Developer
Developed the application using AGILE-SCRUM methodology. Used JIRA to manage the project workflow.
Participated with team members in Grooming, Planning, Tasking, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospective Sessions.
Worked with Advanced Java 8 features like Lambda for adding functionality processing capability and Stream API to facilitate pipeline processing and method to eliminate elements based on the criteria.
Extensively used core java concepts like Multithreading, Collections Framework, File I/o and concurrency.
Used design patterns like Singleton, Data Access Objects, Factory and MVC design patterns.
Experienced in spring framework extensively used Spring DI, Spring Batch, Spring JDBC templates, Multi-threading and in working with RESTful Web Services.
Used Annotations for Dependency Injection and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for Micro services.
Implemented micro service architecture using Spring boot and Spring REST to create REST end points and integrated Swagger to get dynamic documentation.
Developed server-side application to interact with database using Spring Boot and Hibernate.
Used Spring Batch to develop batch processing, handle bulk requests from the clients for creation of the tokens.
Expertise in implementing Web Services, Micro-Services, Docker, and JMS for the synchronous and asynchronous communications between two applications running in different servers.
Integrated with Spring Cloud projects to provide distributed tracing and other features.
Used Spring Core annotations for Spring Dependency Injection (DI), used Spring MVC for Rest API’s.
Worked on Spring Quartz functionality for scheduling tasks such as generating monthly reports for customers and sending the mails, Developed GSA, LSS and SDL using C++, Multi-threading, socket programming.
Deployed the apps on AWS platform and used it to provide a large computing capacity for scalable solutions.
Deployed applications into Continuous integration environments like Jenkins to integrate and deploy code on CI environments for development testing, used maven as central private repository for building the microservices.
Implemented Rest based web service using JAX-RS annotations, Jersey provider implementation.
Integrated ActiveMQ and spring JMS API to send and receive message for the application’s restful API.
Implemented Hibernate DAO layer to retrieve & store data, configured hibernate files.
Extensively used Hibernate concepts such as inheritance, lazy loading, dirty checking, locking, and transactions.
Created POJO’s and DAO’s for the database entities using Spring JDBC annotation mappings.
Configuring WebSphere on multiple platforms for both horizontal and vertical scaling for Workload Management.
Used AWS for Deploying, managing, operating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems. Also implemented, managed continuous delivery systems and methodologies on AWS.
Worked on Microservices for Continuous Delivery environment using Docker and Jenkins.
Experienced in working with NoSQL Database like MongoDB to manage extremely large data sets.
Used log4j to print the logging, debugging, warning, info statements.
Involved in writing cucumber feature files and used Selenium for automated testing with TestNG.
Used JIRA tool for Issue/bug tracking, monitoring of work assignment in the system.
Experience on implementation of version control software GIT repositories.
Environment: java 1.7, XML, XSL, Node Js, React Js, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Ajax, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Git, Aws, WebSphere 7.5, Web Services, JMS, SoapUI, TestNG, JSON, Ant, Log4j, Oracle DB, Spring Cloud Netflix, Config Server, Eureka Server, Hystrix, Drools, Discovery Client, Ribbon, Zuul Proxy, Agile., Hyderabad, India Date: Jan 2014-June 2015
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Involved in gathering system requirements for the application and worked with the business team to review the requirements and went through the Software Requirement Specification document and Architecture document.
Developed the application using Spring Framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) architecture with JSP as the view. Developed JSP custom tags for front end.
Developed the view-controller components using Servlets/JSPs, JavaScript, JSTL, CSS, HTML and DHTML. Developed server-side services using Spring Web Services (SOAP, WSDL).
Involved in Agile/Scrum methodology and practice in a multidisciplinary team and used version tools like GIT for effectively managing the code changes. Written JAVA script code for Input Validation.
Re-design the website using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap and AngularJS.
Developed user interface using JSP with JavaBeans, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries, JS, CSS, JQuery, and HTML to speed the application.
Used Oracle10g database tool to build, edit, and format database queries, as well as eliminate performance issues in the code.
Used DOM for parsing the XML, XSLT Document and Used Restful web services with JSON.
Developed and maintained the continuous integration and deployment systems using Jenkins, ANT, Maven, and Nexus. Developed J2EE components on Eclipse IDE.
Worked on Collection Framework and also Java Core Concepts while developing the Services for applications.
Used Multithreading and Concurrency and implemented threads while preparing and generating mails.
Developed Web Service client interface with files for invoking the methods using REST and SOAP.
Created tables, triggers, stored procedures, SQL queries, joins and views for multiple databases, Oracle 10g.
Used JUnit for testing the application and Maven for building Projects
Deployed the applications on WebSphere Application Server.
Environment: JAVA - JDK, JEE, Spring framework, Spring Model View Controller (MVC), JAVA Server Pages (JSP), Servlets JDBC, AJAX, Web services (SOAP & Restful), JSON, JAVA Beans, jQuery, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, WebSphere, Agile Methodology, SVN, Maven, JUnit, HTML Unit, XML, XSLT, HTML/DHTML, Eclipse.
Java Full Stack Developer