Curriculum Vitae
Mobile: - 972**-*****,972**-*****
E –Mail: - ***********@*****.***
Can work in a demonstrating teamwork with self-confidence and good communication skills.
Honest, Positive attitude and Self motivated and self confident
Academic Qualification:-
SSC passed winth 44.57 in March2005 from G.H.S.E.B.
HSC passed with 52.00% in March 2007 from G.H.S.E.B.
I.T.I Welder (Gas AND Electric) passed July2008
Technical Skills: -
John Energy Ltd. ( Floorman )
Working Experience :-
2.7 Year Experience John Energy Ltd. ( To be continue)
Personal Information: -
Date of Birth : - 5-12- 1989
Gender : - Male
Place of Birth : - Balol.
Languages : - English, Gujarati, Hindi.
Hobbies : - Surfing Internet, Playing Volleyball, Music
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is true to the best of my knowledge.
F/12 Sapan Exotica Radhanpur road
At & Po: - Mehsana
Ta & Di: - Mehsana
Pin: - 384002