Selected for JNV Barsoor by clearing JNVST 2005 2005
Secured International Rank 2521 in the 11th National Science Olympiad 2008 2008
Secured AIR 145 in GATE- 2018 in Aerospace Engineering 2018 ACADEMIC PROJECTS AND SEMINAR
Computation of flow control using plasma actuators M.Tech Project May 2019 -
Guide: Prof. Kowsik V.R. Bodi, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay
Used SimpleFOAM solver in OpenFOAM for computation for laminar flow past a cylinder using gamma, QUICK, van-Leer schemes
Introduce a Lorentz force model to simulate the effect of plasma actuators on flow separation control
Perform numerical study using extended solver and estimate the effect of Lorentz force on the cylinder model for lower Reynolds number
Experimental validation using DBD plasma actuators
Post-processing using In-house developed python code to compute Strouhal number and FFT for the same Analysis of 7XXX series and 2XXX series Al-Alloys for use in upper and lower wing B.E. Project Jul 2015-Jun
Guide: Prof. Kamal Kumar Pradhan, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MATS University
Conducted a literature survey on various types of 7XXX series and 2XXX series Al-Alloy used in aerospace applications
Analyzed the mechanical properties of 7075 series and 2024 series Al-Alloys, suitable for aircraft structural parts Modelling of Electric Thrusters M.Tech. Seminar
Jan 2019-May
Guide: Prof. Kowsik V.R. Bodi, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay
Conducted a literature survey on different types of electric thrusters for spacecraft propulsion
Studied the performance limiting factors on various types of spacecraft propulsive systems VOCATIONAL TRAINING & INDUSTRIAL VISIT
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Udan Akademi, IGRUA Fursatgunj Airfield Jun 2014-Jul
Acquired practical knowledge in ‘Line Maintenance of Electronics & Avionics’ equipments fitted in the aircraft
Became familiar with specialized tools, equipments, components etc. required for the maintenance of aircraft Visited Hindustan Aeronautics Limited HAL Nashik Unit Apr 2019
Had an exposure of the manufacturing facilities of Sukhoi-30MKI, MIG-21 aircraft
Overview of assembly line and manufacturing line of Sukhoi-30MKI, also, in Overhaul condition Visited Giant Meter-wave Radio Telescope NCRA, Khodad Feb 2019
Observed a total of 30 fully steerable dishes each of 45m diameter spread in a Y-shape over a distance of up to 25 km
Inspected the Antenna configuration, design based on the SMART concept-for Stretch Mesh Attached to Rope Trusses Language Software/Tools
C++, Python OpenFOAM, Gmsh, paraview, Gas Turb, Multall, Ansys (workbench, ICEM, Fluent), Solidworks, CATIA Naveen Markam 183010037
Aerospace Engineering M.Tech.
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Male
Specialization: Aerospace Propulsion DOB: 01/01/1995 Examination University Institute Year CPI / %
Post Graduation IIT Bombay IIT Bombay 2020 7.27
Undergraduate Specialization : Aeronautical Engineering Graduation MATS UNIVERSITY School of Engineering & IT 2016 67.71 Intermediate/+2 CBSE JNV Dantewada 2012 73.60
Matriculation CBSE JNV Dantewada 2010 8.80
Aircraft Propulsion
Aircraft Design
Aircraft Stability and Control
Mechanics of Solid
Aircraft Stealth Technology
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Heat Transfer
Control Engineering
Numerical Methods
Experimental Stress Analysis
Aerodynamics of Compressor & Turbine
Aerodynamics of Aerospace Vehicle
Aviation fuel and Combustion
Space Mechanics
Plasma Processing of Materials
Design and Fabrication of Glider Introduction to Flight (AE 705) Sep 2018-Nov 2018 Guide: Prof. R K Pant, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay
Worked in a team of 7 members, finalized the glider shape and material for 2 gliders for maximum range and endurance
Designed and fabricated 8 prototypes and optimized 2 by adjusting the dihedral angle and CG, 10 teams competed Design of 2-Stage High Pressure Compressor Blade in Aerodynamics of Compressor & Turbine (AE 651) Mar 2019-Apr 2019 Guide: Prof. A M Pradeep, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay
Designed the high pressure compressor blades using Multall software to generate the coordinates points for hub, tip and mean sections
Used CATIA to make 3D model of design
Rocket Performance Characteristics in Aerospace Propulsion (AE 708) Jan 2019-Feb 2019 Guide: Prof. Sudarshan Kumar, Department of Aerospace, IIT Bombay
Calculated thermodynamics and transport properties using NASA CEA for given rocket thrust chamber properties
Analyzed rocket performance for varying area ratios of thrust chamber and metal additive proportion ONLINE COURSES
“Machine Learning” by Stanford University, Coursera*
Supervised learning algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, SVM’s for labelled data
“IBM Data Science” by Coursera
Studied open source tools and libraries, methodologies, databases, SQL, data visualization, data analysis and machine learning
Student Companion ISCP, IIT BOMBAY Jul 2019-Present
Coordinate orientation ceremony of 1867 PG freshmen with a team of 174 student companions and coordinators
Currently facilitating 6 freshmen on one-to-one bases, guiding them on academic and non-academic fronts
Trained by Student Wellness Centre, the Gender Cell and professionals from TISS towards better mentoring
Helped the Department Coordinator in preparing for the department orientation and the department handbook Teaching Assistant Aerospace Propulsion Laboratory Jan 2019-Present
Conducted Lab experiments on the study of Gas Turbine
Assisted 60+ B.Tech. and 15 M.Tech. students to perform the experiment, taken VIVA and evaluated lab reports EXTRA-CURRICULAR
Won silver medal in basketball during PGGC 2018-19 Feb 2019
Played football for Hostel 4 in Hostel General Championship (GC) 2018-19 Feb 2019
Represented H-4 in 5km crossy Sep 2018
Actively Participated in Pot Painting in PG-Cult Phase 1 in IIT Bombay Sep 2018
Actively participated in Rangoli making in PG Cult Phase 1 in IIT Bombay Sep 2018