To be involved as a Security Officer with future goal in management
M.A., Psychology, Dec 1996 – Chicago State University
B.A., Psychology, with Computer Science minor, Dec1990; One year of MBA coursework – Governors State University
A.S., with Electrical Engineering Tech/Business emphasis-May, 1983; Addictions Studies Certificate, May, 1998 – Moraine Valley Community College
71LF5 Administration Specialist, August 1997; 75E Personnel Actions Specialist, July 1992; 27E TOW Electromechanical Technician, Feb 1986 – U.S. Army
Certified Nursing Assistant Course, September 2004 - Great Paragon Healthcare Services, Chicago, IL
Certified Retail Loss Prevention Officer Course, September 2004- Security Guard Consultants, Van Nuys, CA
Work experience
May 2019-present Allied Universal Security Services Naperville, IL
Security Officer: Full-Time
In charge of industrial site security. Conducted surveillance, general gate security and conducted daily two hour rounds at industrial site. Performed Incident and daily report writing. Also, utilized PINC software for on-site trailer tracking and in/out-processing over 50+ trucks during a shift
Jan 2017-Jan 2018 U.S. Security Associates Tinley Park, IL
Security Officer: Full-time
Responsible for industrial physical security, processing employees, contractors and visitors at security desk, various exits, truck delivery gate shack and other posts. Experience included issuing badges, conduct investigations of theft, review video surveillance, and reports generation
Aug 1990-Mar 2012 Us Army Reserve Chicago, Forest Park, IL; Inkster, MI; Terre Haute, IN; with last unit location at Arlington Heights, IL
(Mobilized full-time Sep 2005-Feb 2007)
Supervisor: Part-Time
Conducted Administrator/Supervisor related duties up to 20 HR Office and field personnel. Managed over 120 personnel files. Performed interviews, recruitment, orientations and in/out-processing/computerized paperwork. Also, performed Observer/Controller duties at missions/ projects that included office staff mentoring, instructor’s responsibilities, lesson prep and security of perimeter
Nov 2008-Aug 2008 American Heritage Protective Services Alsip, IL
Security Officer: Part-Time
Responsible for industrial, retail, public site security. Conducted processing over 200 vehicles/day at gate (Manheim Auto Auction), public contact (Alamo), hub security at commercial accounts (YRC International), area surveillance checks and daily report writing
Software Knowledge
Word Processing: Word 2016, WordPerfect 7.0, and WordStar 3.3;
Accounting/Bookkeeping: One Write-Plus, Money, Quicken, Dalton’s Tax, Pro -Form, Parson Tax, Tax Cut, and TurboTax; Spreadsheet: Excel 2010; Quick Books;
Database: Access 2016, D-Base IV;
HRIS, Wireshark, Access Data Forensics Toolkit and security surveillance/alarm software packages;
Internet: Internet Explorer, HTML, Outlook, email and internet research skills; Graphics: PowerPoint 2016, Photoshop, and Adobe Print Shop; Operating Systems: DOS, Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 8, 2000 and Windows 10
Awards, Licenses & Certification
Commandant’s Academic Achievement List Award (Army 71L Administrative Assistant Course- 1995); President’s List- 4.0/4.0 GPA (MVCC Spring- 1997); Student Talent Tuition Waiver Award, (GSU); National Honor Society (CSHS); CPR for Health Care Providers Certification (2019-present); Certified Nursing Assistant (2004-2006); 40 Hour Armed Security Certificate/Tan & PERC Card
Extracur-ricular activities
ABT Business Society Liaison Officer, (MVCC); Student Program Action Council
Treasurer, (GSU); Student Senate Treasurer, (GSU); IVCF Club Founder and Chapter President-(GSU); Newman Club Vice-President-(MVCC); Student Senate Budget Committee Chairman-(GSU); I.E.E.E. and I.S.H.M. Member-(NIU); Psychology Club Member-(CSU and MVCC); International Club Member-(MVCC); Finance Club Member-(CSU)
Volunteer Experience
Olive Branch and Pacific Garden Mission-Social Service Assistant; RADS- Overnight Shelter In-Take Coordinator; CBN Volunteer Crisis Phone Counselor; Junior High Leader/Speaker, Church Solo and Choir Musician; OT Department Volunteer-Oak Forest Hospital; PT Department Volunteer-UIC Hospital; FHC-Events Marketer, TV Production Tech and Security Guard-FHC
Read, write, and speak in Spanish, Slovak, Polish and Czech
L. Peter Kovac
15240 El Cameno Ter., Apt. 1W
Orland Park, IL 60462
Cellular #: 708-***-****