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Maintenance Assistant

Houston, TX
August 12, 2020

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**/**/**** *

Pedro Damian Balbuena Hernadez

**** ******** *****, *** **** Texas, C.P. 77414

832-***-**** ************@*******.***

Birthday: January 27 th of 1982

Years old: 38

Inmigration Status: Permanent Resident (Green Card) PERSONAL DESCRIPTION

I am a person committed with the work, with attitude for learning the new tasks and getover the challenges of everyday life in the company. I like being example for the people that interact in the team of work and I act professionaly in all labor activities.



• Spanish

• English


• Microsoft Office, autocad 2D y 3D, Solidwor & Autodesk invertor, Spatial Analizer for Leica Laser Tracker.


2006 Mechanical Engineering, specialty: Industrial Maintenance, Instituto Tecnologico de Boca del Río, Boca del Rio, Ver




• Engineering drawing elaboration with Autocad, Solidworks and Autodesk Inventor.

• Laser Alignment with Leica Laser Tracker and Hamar Laser

• Motor and gearbox shaft alignments with Rotalign equipment.

• Knowledge of Bearing, Bearing supports and bearing accessories, change, maintenance and selection.

• Knowledge of Gear couplings; change, maintenance and selection.

• Knowledge of grease lubrication systems; instalation, fill, commissioning and maintenance.

• Knowledge of high hydraulics system; hydraulics valves, hydraulic valves stands and hydraulics units.

• Knowledge of hydraulics hoses, selection and hydraulics fitting types.

• Knowledge of Hydraulics actuator, hydraulics cylinders and hydraulics motors.

• Knowledge of pneumatics systems; pneumatics valves, pneumatics valves stands and air treatment.

• Knowledge of machinery mount and lift rigging.


From June 2006

to May 2010;



Company: Desarrollo de ingenieria “DESING”.

Title: Drawiner and mechanical designer


• Elaboration of basic mechanical engineering projects, detailed drawings for workshop, and 3D models.

• Analysis and planification of piping routes, design of the piping supports and selection of pneumatics equipments and hydraulics equipments. Company: Tenaris Tamsa

From June 2010 to February 2016 in Veracruz, Mexico and from February 2016 until today in Bay City Texas, United Estates.

Title: Maintenance Supervisor, Hot Rolling Mill

Equipmet under my supervision.

- Equipment to bars handling, Saws Machine, bars supply chains, levers kick in and kick out of bars, bar manipulator crane and rolls conveyor.

- Rotary Heat Furnace and fans.



- Barrel Type Piercing.

- Pipe Saw Machines.

- Rolling Mill PQF (Premiunm Quality Finishing)

- Bar mandrel circulation

- Antioxidation system (Borax)

- Mandrel Lubrication system witn graphite.

More important tasks:

• Design of improvements and implementations to equipment of Hot Rolling Mill, drawings elaboration of basic engineering and manufacture.

• Development of animations in Solid Work for machinery operators training of the Hot Rolling Mill.

• Commissioning of equipments from utilities services as direct and indirect water system, air, fire water, raw water, irrigation water and potable water, that are centrifugal pumps, chillers systems, air compressors, cooling towers and filters system.

• Definition and development of Lock out/tag out procedures for the electrical and mechanical equipments from the utilities systems.

• Development, implementation and tracking of maintenance inspections, preventive maintenance plans, predictive maintenance plans and cyclical changes to utilities equipments.

• Commissioning of equipment from Hot rolling mill as transport chains, kick in and kick out levers, hydraulics and pneumatics cylinders, gearboxes, planetary gearboxes, rollers conveyors, Rotary arms, Saw Machines, Rotary Heat Furnace, Barrel type Piercing, PQF mill.

• Commissioning of hydraulic power units, hydraulics oil system, lubrication oil system and valves stands units.

• Commissioning of greasing units and grease tubing system fill.

• Motors and gearboxes alignment with Rotalign laser equipment during commissioning of Hot rolling mill.

• Alignment verifications to principal machines of Hot Rolling Mill with Leica Laser Tracker as the Saw machines, the barrel type piercing, PQF mill, main bases of main train of PQF mill, roll ways, pipes cooling bed and other more. 17/07/2020


• Development, implementation and tracking of maintenance inspections, preventive maintenance plans, predictive maintenance plans and cyclical changes to hot rolling mill equipment.

• Participation in the Critical equipments and spare parts definition for the Hot Rolling mill machines.

• Technical support in the Fault analysis and root cause analysis of every issues that happen in the line.

• Development, planning and supervision of maintenance task as:

- Hydraulics Hoses change in 3000 PSI pressure system.

- Gearboxes change and change of couplings to gearboxes.

- Change of electric motors.

- Change of Hydraulic and pnumatic Cylinders.

- Change of bearings to machinery.

- Change of bearings to Fans and change of impelers fan.Technical support in the Fault analysis and root cause analysis of every issues that happen in the line.


• Manufacturing verification of PQF mill main structure with Leica laser tracker at the vendor workshop, located in Mönchengladbach germany, March 2017.

• Extraordinary Reparation in Tenaris Siderca located in Campana Argentina, February 2019. Supervision of Furnace "walking beams" change and alignment in hot rolling mill #2.

• Extraordinary Reparation in Tenaris Tamsa located in Veracruz Mexico, July 2019. Supervision of unassembly and assembly of Rotary arms, roll conveyors, cooling bench, hydraulics pipes and pipe benches of the Hot rolling mill in the area #3 at the mill #2


• Optimize reliability and maintainability of equipments by: defining the maintenance strategy for each system, developing and supervising the execution of the Preventive maintenance plan, ensuring systematic failure, problem and performance analysis on equipments, defining corrective actions and generating improvement opportunities; providing technical support to emergency crews and staff areas.



• Perform and oversee inspections in his/her area of responsibility.

• Fault Analisys and root cause of the issues in the line.

• Guarantee technical resource availability, ensuring a suitable minimum stock.

• Support the Engineering area in the research and assessment of the best equipment available and the start up of new pieces of equipment. In addition support other areas in the definitions related to his/her area of responsibility.

• Draw up the maintenance cost budget and keep costs within agreed limits.

• Ensure the application of health, safety and environment standards and practices. To comply with HSE procedures, report any incident or observation, perform inspections and participate in the investigation process. Implement the preventive/corrective actions. Keep updated the risk analysis and the environmental aspect assessment.

• Participate in the development of maintenance information systems and supports actions as required. Analyzes and uses the information provided in order to support the decision making process.

• Participate in maintenance programs to minimize/optimize the use of required energy.

• Analyze, interpret and recommends courses of action for more complex topics.

• Interact with internal and/or external contacts with a higher level of autonomy.

• Complies with Tenaris policies, procedures and management standards, and ensure adherence with all laws and regulations that apply to the area of responsibility.

• Proactively motivate, coaches, communicates with and develops his/her staff and manage HR related activities in line with Human Resources norms and procedures. Protect from damage, theft or misuse the facilities, equipment and other physical resources assigned to his/her area. The last evaluation of my performant.

In Tenaris every year our performance is evaluated by one committee conformed for our coordinators, managers and directors of maintenance and production departments. Our performant is evaluated from1 to 5 according with aspects as goals compliance, health, safety and environment, customer orientation, drive for results, leadership and technical knowledge 1 as the minimum and 5 as the maximum qualification. I got in my last evaluation a qualification of 5, see below. 17/07/2020



P Ba b a

P i a A ai a Se f A ai a

T a L a 2019-2020 Pending

You ha e not been authori ed to ie our appraisal

T a L a 2018-2019 Completed

La da e f g a : Ag e, Va e a 05/04/2019 11:03

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Ma a G a

Achie e the non-operati e utili ation OPR goals for the HRM area, b leading the maintenance team in appl ing the TENARIS maintenance philosoph : ABC anal sis, failure and root cause anal sis, Equipment Criticalit anal sis, Critical Spare definition, Maintenance strategies.

Parameter for measuring goals: Operational Perfromance Report (INDU) Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal

De elop and implement the TPM-Operators program

Parameter for measuring goals: B the end of the budget ear, TPM Operators should be able to manage 70% of breakdo ns, e ecute 25% of PM01, and 35% of PM11 Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal

Technicall de elop the BMG teams to be able to carr out their responsibilities as per each of their job titles; b promoting continues on-the-job training, technical re ie of 1 2 3 4 5 RANK

1 2 3 4 5 G a


P a A a a

Ped e ac e a d g d a a g a d ga a a ac e h a ea h ch a a e h ha e a g d c f he ach e de h c e

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a

Ped e he TPM a ch a b e ac e a d a he e f he ac e . S A a a (Ba b a, P ):

P a c a a Pa 1 5

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manuals, dra ings, and technical documentation, impro ing their specific technical equipment/s stem kno ledge, setting clear performance goals and e pectations, e aluating their progress, and taking correcti e action hen needed. Parameter for measuring goals: De elopment Plans, indi idual performance of hourl and supe isor personnel

Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal

Achie e the Maintenance TenarisBa Cit HRM Safet Inde (Injuries Frequenc rate: 4.5; Major Injur Frequenc rate: 0) and En ironmental goals (compl ing ith permits, performing en ironmental inspections, reporting and fi ing en ironmental issues/conser es) b appl ing TENARIS safet standards (LOTO; Arc Flash; Rigging; Risk Anal sis per Work Order; etc.) And e ecuting schedule Safet /En ironmental Acti ities (Safet Inspection; Safet Obser ation; Safet Meetings; Safet Action). Acti el correct unsafe beha iors and conditions. Implement 5S / Housekeeping Culture.

Parameter for measuring goals: TSE reports: Injuries Frequenc rate: 4.5; Major Injur Frequenc rate: 0; Safe Hour: 8 per Coordinator Safet /En ironmental Inspection: 4 per month per super isor and assistant; Safet Obser ation: minimum of t o beha ioral obser ation per month per super isor and assistant; Safet Meetings: one per month per super isor and Coordinator; Safet ork orders: ero due per all personnel in the department. No safet in estigations past due.

Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal

Implement, and control of Maintenance HRM Cost budget 1819 for our area of responsibilit ( Variables cost ).

Parameter for measuring goals: Cost Control Budget Report Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal

Implement and compl ith maintenance leading indicators and correct use of SAP-PM in our area of responsibilit

Parameter for measuring goals: 95% of equipment and spares criticalit anal sis done and uploaded in SAP PM; Set needed Safet Stock; Compl 100% ith the pin-plans / Q-plans; Complete the creation/completion of equipment threes, including all BOMs, criticalit assessments; Uploading Maintenance Plans on SAP; 90% monthl compliance ith PM01; 80% monthl compliance ith PM11; Implementing predicti e maintenance on critical equipment; Oil rotation inde .

Aligned to: Not aligned to an higher goal


P a A a a

Ped a h BMG h gh a da d e f he ac e a d bec e a

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a

Ped ha e e ed a d a ed a a e e he afe f he a ea

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a

Ped a a e h eed a d eff c e a e e g a e a de e e a e h eed de a a he b dge .

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):

P a c a a Pa 2 5

:// a.d . c . /PMS/ / d .a 5/1/2020



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Indi idual de elopment plan accomplishment and effecti eness e aluation. There are not de elopment actions defined.

H a, Sa a E

C O a

I a D P a

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Proacti el identifies and anticipate unsafe situations that can affect him/herself or colleagues, and taking action to pre ent them in the future. (If applicable, target on Beha iors Obser ations in TSE: 50% of total obser ations).

Keeps updated safet and en ironment documents related to the area and assures o n and team kno ledge and accomplishment.

Sets the e ample and promotes habits of safet and housekeeping (If applicable, considers the audits results of 5S/ Pro inspections to define the score). Keeps him/ herself updated about HSE (target on training hours: 20 hours per ear). In estigates incidents keeping all necessar records in TSE. 1 2 3 4 5

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1 2 3 4 5

Maintains a respectful and ser ice oriented beha ior hen performing the job, taking care of the Qualit of the processes/ products / ser ices under scope assuring the compliance, e en under pressure. Understands internal and e ternal customers needs and responds to them effecti el adding alue. Acti el supports differentiation initiati es such as: product tracking, rig direct, autonomous maintenance, continuous impro ement groups, ne technolog implementations, etc. 1 COMMENT

P a A a a

Ped ha bee a ead he e e a f he a e a ce ead g d ca, ec a a e a ce a c ea ed a d a e a

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a


S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a

Sh a g d g ba e f he ce de a d g he e f each ea a d h e a e he cce f he c a

S A a a (Ba b a, P ):

P a c a a Pa 3 5

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S D / T a K

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Promotes continuous impro ement in the area (Target: participates in 1 group or lead a local initiati e per ear).

Is tenacious, self-moti ated, has initiati e and accepts challenges and additional responsibilities. Is proacti e rather than reacti e, is fle ible and agent of change adjusting beha ior and attitude to accommodate changing circumstances. Encourage others to take on ne challenges. Efficientl utili e resources in order to ensure that goals are achie ed on time (Target: achie es the main KPIs standars defined b the area).

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1 2 3 4 5

E aluates emplo ee s performance and potential. Pro ides feedback and identifies de elopment opportunities assuring the training requirements for each position: Minimum Qualification courses, On the Job Training, Certifications, De elopment Plan courses. (Meet the e pectations ha ing all emplo ees ith minimum requirements/ certifications completed, and e ceeds hen ha e train emplo ees for more than one position ).

Moti ates and engages the team b sharing information, e periences and kno ledge. Has a defined meeting routine to communicate ith the shop floor emplo ees (Target: from 9 to 12 meetings per ear)

Acti el contributes to team ork in o n shift, bet een shifts and ith internal customers and suppliers. Assure the continuit of ork among shifts. Collaborates ith peers, coordinating one s ork ith that of others to achie e mutual outcomes.

Walks the shop floor and it is a role model to appropriate attitudes and beha iors, super ising acti ities, coaching emplo ees and erif ing the usage of ork instructions on performed acti ities (Target of dail a erage time at the shop floor bet een 3 and 4 hours). 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Accomplish the certifications, de elopment actions or/and training courses defined in the Indi idual De elopment Plan (Target of Total training hours: from 20 to 40 hours per ear) 1 COMMENT

P a A a a


S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a


S A a a (Ba b a, P ):


P a A a a


S A a a (Ba b a, P ):

P a c a a Pa 4 5

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Ma a

SAP PM U a (P a c ea ), ga a a d he g a a ea f he a h h f e gh eeded, e e a d . S he a h d ac e (S de ca).

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Has technical kno ledge of the processes/ products / ser ices under scope. When dealing ith technical difficult e ceeding o n kno ledge, request support to assure a proper solution is reached. Leads and follo up the On-the-Job-Training process certif ing the skills of ne emplo ees and internal rotations to assure kno ledge and e perience is effecti el transferred. Uses necessar s stems to manage processes under responsibilit (Queries, Record keeping, data anal sis, correcti e actions).

Keeps updated the Work Instructions/ maintenance orders related to the area and ensures their compliance.


P a c a a Pa 5 5

:// a.d . c . /PMS/ / d .a 5/1/2020

Contact this candidate