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Web Developer Front

Lagos Island, Lagos, Nigeria
August 08, 2020

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Oluwatoyin Adesina

Front End Web Developer

PHONE 090********

LINKS Online Javascript Algorithm and Data

Structure Certi,cateR kesponsive Web

Design Certi,cationR LinMedIn

EyAIL **@***********.*********

01 PROFILE Passionate Web Developer able to build prowessional jebsites wrom the scratch upf Able to build pro-ects ew,cientl@ and satisw@ customers jith attractiveR responsiveR accessible and user wriendl@ jebsitef Fast learnerR hard jorMer and team pla@er jho is pro,cient in an arra@ ow scripting languagesf2


Jul 10—5 B Present


Front end Web developer at Remote (Freelance)

DesignR buildR or maintain jeb sitesR using authoring or scripting languagesR content creation toolsR management toolsR and digital mediaf

Perworm or direct jeb site updates

WriteR designR or edit jeb page contentR or direct others producing contentf

•acM up,les wrom jeb sites to local directories wor instant recover@ in case ow problemsf Evaluate code to ensure that it is validR is properl@ structuredR meets industr@ standardsR and is compatible jith brojsersR devicesR or operating s@stemsf Select programming languagesR design toolsR or applicationsf Projects Done2

V :oiceout https/GGvoiceoutfnetliw@fapp2

V •log http/GGm@ react blog 44ca8fjebfapp

V 7ithub kepo https/GGgithubfcomGeto@inR

V Codepen Page http/GGcodepenfioGeto@in

V Covid —9 Estimator Design https/GGeto@infgithubfioGCovid —9 Impact EstimatorG Oct 10—’ B Present


Ofgcial Reporter at LaJos State Cudiciary

WorMed in a committee ow Honourable JudgesR

WorMs as an administrative ow,cer in the Chiew kegistrarxs ow,ce Does technical -obs including s@stem troubleshooting yar 10—’ B Oct 10—’

IMe-aR Lagosf

Project Ofgcer at LaJos State Pension Gommission

Evaluate -ob positionsR determining classi,cationR ezempt or non ezempt statusR and salar@f Prepare occupational classi,cationsR -ob descriptions and salar@ scalesf ObserveR interviejR and surve@ emplo@ees and conduct wocus group meetings to collect -obR organi'ationalR and occupational inwormationf

Won an ajard wor the best staww ow the semi @earf

Nov 10—4 B Feb 10—’


,raduate Trainee at Ministry of Custiceh LaJos State WorMed as a trainee

Jan 10—4 B Aug 10—4


Mat/ematics3P/ysics Tutor at Metamorp/osis GolleJe CompileR administerR and grade ezaminationsR or assign this jorM to othersf Evaluate and grade studentsq class jorMR assignmentsR and papersf Prepare course materials such as s@llabiR homejorM assignmentsR and handoutsf yaintain student attendance recordsR gradesR and other re(uired recordsf yaintain regularl@ scheduled ow,ce hours to advise and assist studentsf Collaborate jith colleagues to address teaching and research issuesf Advise students on academic and vocational curricula and on career issues 0U EDBGATION

Sep 100— B Jul 100’

Ilorin Nigeria

Emmanuel kaptist GolleJeh Tan4eh

Senior Secondar@ Certi,cate Ezamination

kepresented m@ school and state )Kjara StateT at the 1nd2round Ph@sics Ol@mpiad 1006f Oct 1008 B Jul 10—1


Bniversity of Ilorinh Ilorinh NiJeria

•f Sc )HonsT Ph@sics

y@ coursejorM is based on data anal@sis ow the o'onef 0K S5ILLS keact Js

PHP CodeIgniter

Node Js






yar 1010 B Present


Front end Web developer at Faceboo4 DevG LaJos

WorMing in a &eam ow developers remotel@f

•uilt the jhole Front End Part ow the pro-ect


07 LAN,BA,ES English Ioruba

08 HOkkIES yoviesR FootballR yusical Instruments


yar 10—9 B ya@ 10—9 HTMLh GSSh Cavascript at PluralsiJ/t=com

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