Resume of Vidhyashree S Page * of *
Vidhyashree. S
**/**,******** ******, ****: **************@*****.*** Chintadripet, Mobile: +91-960*******
Chennai – 600 002.
Looking for a good opportunity to work in a challenging and progressive environment, Where I can apply the domain knowledge experience for design and development of antennas using CST, HFSS and ADS software. Summary
• 2 years of experience in Design, Development of reflectarray antenna using CST software.
• Working in SSN college of Engineering, Chennai as Junior research fellow for the antenna domain project.
• Enhanced by proficiency in in designing RF antenna array and reflectarray Design and Development.
• Leading the team for application Enhancement and Maintenance.
• Have more exposure towards anechoic chamber since, presiding the different EMC/EMI measurements done in the anechoic chamber.
• Have experience in handling in VNA for [s11 and VSWR] measurements.
• Been a configuration controller of my project.
• Have good analytical, design and problem-solving skills.
• Have excellent written, verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
• Have conducted induction and knowledge sharing session to the team members.
• Ability to do multi-task and work independently under challenging situation. Work Experience
• SSN college of Engineering, Chennai
Junior Research fellow (Dec 2018 – Till date)
• Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai
Assistant Professor (July 2017 to Nov 2017)
• Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai
Assistant Professor (July 2013 to Nov 2013)
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Training programs /seminars/ conference attended
• Participated in three days International webinar series on “Advanced Antenna Design principles” held at SSN college of Engineering, Chennai from 25th Dec to 27th June 2020.
• International Conference - Best paper award for paper titled “Electronically Controlled Frequency Reconfigurable Reflectarray Element for X/Ku-Band” at ICONSTEM 2020, yet to be published in Scopus journals.
• International Conference -Presented a paper titled “Studies on the Reflection properties of Unit Cell Elements for Frequency Reconfigurable Reflectarray” at ICONSTEM 2019, published in IEEE.
• Attended six days FDP on “Antenna Design and Measurement Techniques” held at SSN college of Engineering, Chennai from 10th Dec to 15th Dec 2018.
• International Conference- Presented a paper titled “Highly directional microstrip antenna design for cognitive radio communication” ICCED’ 12, pp 387 – 390.
• Attended two days workshop on “Wireless Communication” held at SSN College of Engineering Chennai on 26th – 27th February 2011.
Professional Experience
Applications : Uplink and downlink Satellite Communication Domain : Antenna
Technologies : CST software.
Project description:
This project aims to present the design and fabrication of a reflectarray antenna with compound reconfiguration for improved radiation performance and reliable long-distance communication. This project will demonstrate the construction of a reconfigurable reflectarray antenna capable of working in the X band, downlink and uplink frequencies of Ku band for the first time. The performance of the reflectarray depends on the performance of the elements in the array. Several novel radiating elements with considerable size reduction for applications in X and Ku band will be developed. These elements will be integrated with PIN diodes for instantaneous switching of the frequency bands. The most critical task in the project is to achieve electronic beam scanning across all realized frequency bands. A varactor diode tuning mechanism is proposed to scan the beam. By changing the ON/OFF states of PIN diodes, the relative phase difference Resume of Vidhyashree S Page 3 of 4
between the two elements in the array is adjusted resulting in tilted beam along the desired direction. Since PIN diodes are used for both frequency reconfiguration and beam scanning, a simple electronic control system with microcontrollers and shift registers will be used. The project will conclude with the development of a compound reconfigurable reflectarray antenna with integrated electronics for applications in space research, satellite communications and RADAR systems.
• To theoretically analyze and identify the various factors influencing the bandwidth and radiation performance of the reflectarray antenna.
• Rigorous analysis of different unit cell structure along with dependency of different substrates to be incurred for structure development.
• To design a compact, novel radiating element operating in the X band, downlink and uplink frequencies of Ku band; and to perform phase characterization using infinite array approach. The integrated unit cell will conserve space and hence enables the construction of a large reflectarray.
• To construct a frequency reconfigurable reflectarray antenna operating in the X band, downlink and uplink frequencies of Ku band using PIN diodes. The reflection property of the designed unit cell is altered by controlling the ON/OFF states of the PIN diode. In the OFF state, the reflectarray works at Ku band and in the ON state, X band operation is realized.
• To realize beam steering/beam scanning property in the frequency reconfigurable reflectarray using varactor diodes. The phase tuning mechanism of the varactor diode dynamically alters the capacitance value by which, beam scanning is made possible.
• To fabricate and to measure the radiation performance of the compound reconfigurable reflectarray antenna in a shielded anechoic chamber to validate the theoretical results.
ME Project : Highly Directional Microstrip Antenna Design For Cognitive Radio Applications.
Applications : For UWB applications.
Domain : Antenna
Technologies : Ansoft HFSS
Project Description:
A low-cost printed UWB antenna based on a circular disc monopole fed by 50 ohms is specially designed for cognitive radio applications. This antenna has a better return loss less than -10dB for operating frequency of 7 Ghz, with s11 and directivity being measured using HFSS12.
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BE Project : Design and Analysis Of Microstrip Series Fed Antenna Array. Domain : Antenna
Technologies : ADS
Project description
In this project a new configuration of novel inset fed antenna is designed and compared with traditional series fed antenna array to improve the performance characteristics such as VSWR, side lobe reduction level. Compared to the traditional one the novel fed antenna array has a return loss of -26.5 dB and sidelobe reduction level of -14 dB. Education
• M.E – 8.25 CGPA, SSN college of Engineering- Anna University, 2012.
• B.E – 73%, Adhiparasakthi Engineering college- Anna University,2010.
• HSC – 77%, ARLM Matric Higher Secondary School – Cuddalore, 2006.
• SSLC – 82.5%, St. Mary’s Matric Higher Secondary School – Cuddalore, 2004. Personal details
Father’s Name : Suresh Das L
Date of Birth : 01/07/1989
Sex : Female
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Married
Languages Known : English, Tamil and Marathi
Place: Chennai