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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Surname / Name Pasquarelli Massimo
Address street indipendenza n 10 Anzio 00042 (RM) italia Phone +39 329/5819540
E-mail ******************@*******.**
Nationality italian
Date of birth 20/08/1983
Gender Male
2002 Military service in the Italian Army as a canine handler with the rank of Corporal.
From 2002 to 2005 working at Soc. Coop. Ital appalti arl D.Birago street Nettuno 00048 (RM)
as a technician responsible for the areas of construction and design. From 2005 to 2007 working in the Gestioni Immobiliari srl, Rossetti street 04011 Aprilia (LT)
As technical director responsible for the shipbuilding industry, design and public relations
From 2008 to 2010 working at the Sea Farm srl Cupa street 00042 Anzio (RM) As a professional diver underwater plant responsible for maintenance and relief in the sea mussel and fish farms.
Since 2010, currently still in force at the Pasquarelli Construction srl. Independenza street 00042 Anzio (RM).
As technical director responsible for the shipbuilding industry, design and public relations.
From 2014 to 2015 Abi Project service
Rov Pilot (rov falcon) bathymetry,inspection,collecting samples (Waterway Veneta)
From 13-02-2015 to 11-2015 Micoperi s.p.a.
Rov Pilot (ROV Falcon; Video Ray pro 4) Isola del Giglio “Site Remediation Project”. Ispection, survey,dive assist, crane assist, cutting machine. From 21-01-2016 to 21-07-2016 Sub Sea Oil Service s.r.l. Rov Pilot Supervisor (ROV Falconon; Video Ray pro 4) Isola del Giglio “Site Remediation Project”.
Ispection, survey,dive assist, crane assist, Airlift machine assist, cutting platforms. Pagina 2/4 - Curriculum vitae di
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From 10-08-2016 to 30-04-2017 Sub Sea Oil Service s.r.l. Rov Pilot Supervisor (ROV Falcon on DP vessel) Isola del Giglio “Site Remediation Project”. Ispection, survey,SAT dive assist, crane assist From 01-05-2017 to 30-11-2017 Micoperi s.p.a.
Rov Pilot Supervisor (ROV Falcon on DP vessel) Isola del Giglio “Site Remediation Project”
Ispection, survey, SAT diver Assist, crane assist. Rov pilot supervisor (Rov Falcon) Adriatic sea
“Ombrina mare platform decommissioning removal and disposal” Inspection, survey, cutting machine assist (CUT).
From 30-01-2018 to 09--2018 Micoperi s.p.a.
Rov Pilot Supervisor (ROV Falcon on DP vessel) Isola del Giglio “Site Remediation Project”
Ispection, survey, SAT diver Assist, crane assist.;demob system. From 13-06-2018 to 08-09-2018 Bourbon offshore DNT srl. Rov Pilot (ROV Cougar XT on DP vessel) Adriatic Sea “NDT Platform” HLK-HDS manip ;CP probe; Brush; FMD probe
From 15-10-2018 to 20-11-2018 Micoperi s.p.a.
Rov Pilot (ROV SMD Quasar on DP vessel) Adriatic Sea “underwater electric cable repair GR.ITA”
MOB system, inspection, survey.
Rov Tooling: Schilling manip. Titan 4, Schilling manip. 5 functions. From 28-05-2019 to 02-02-2020 Sub Sea Oil Service s.r.l. Rov Pilot (ROV Cougar XT on DP vessel) Gulf of Mexico “Abkatun project” MOB system, inspection, survey; touch down monitoring, Spool installation, cut. Rov Tooling: HLK-HDS manip., HLK-33600 4”-Cutter, Blue View; . Education-training
Certificate quantity surveyor
Istitute Paolo Segneri Nettuno 00048 (RM)
With evalutation 85/100
Patent dog guide (caporal)
Ministry of Defence (cynophilist italian army)
With evalutation very good
Operator programmer
school 3F Italia Ellera 06074 (PG)
with evalutation: 68/100
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Personal skills and
Patent Dive leader stage decompression diver
CMAS N.itaf09 09 1445
FIAS (federazione italiana attività subacquee)
2005-2006 2006-2007
G.R. Coach Rugby
C.O.N.I. Federazione Italiana Rugby
Patent R.O.V. Pilot Technician II
Rov Marine Technologies
Italy –Oristano-
Mother tongue Italiana
Other langusges English
Autovalutation comprehension spoken written
listening reading Oral interaction oral
good good good good sufficient
Social skills and
competences technical
Technician ROV - hydraulic, electrical, mechanical repair and maintenance, umbilical welding repair.
Dive Technician- dive umbilical repair and maintenance, Dive helmet (Kirby Morgan) repair and maintenance.
Certificate of Merit in public on April 12, 2011, to witness the work and commitment rendered in the performance of activities related to the events of the Civil Protection
These capabilities were put to me at the service of the community carrying out rescue operations in case of small or large disasters (floods, earthquakes, search and recovery of missing, recoveries in the cave and forra..ecc.) The equipment used in this field are all of my beautiful properties such as many car made such a great grace and inventiveness to good manual skills, and all on the field already amply proven.
currently employed by the National Association of Police (Civil Protection) Aprilia Section 70
How alpine river cave rescuer operator; underwater, 1st aid B.L.S. and operator in survival techniques.
Caving, cave divers with great experience
assistant in water at various new scientific explorations with the national team leader in the field
Artistic Skills Since childhood I have demonstrated good left-handed like any artistic skills that over the years as a teacher, I have refined car and then exploited in the field of work and not as an interior designer and comic book and cartoon characters Pagina 4/4 - Curriculum vitae di
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Competent sports rugby player and captain at the A.S.D. Neroniana Rugby Anzio in the national championship series B.
Former professional player and national youth bowling, swimming / water polo and Athletics.
license Driving license (B), (A3) is currently earning a boat license without limits from the coast
Massimo Pasquarelli