MECHANICAL ENGINEER RESUME: AHMED ELALFY 865-***-**** *.******@*****.***
Mechanical Engineer with over 15 years of experience in project management, opera ons, product design, and fabrica on. High proficiency in Solidworks, AutoCAD, Matlab, SAP, and Office suite including VBA (macro design). Strong troubleshoo ng skills, highly solu on / goal oriented, and highly experienced with technical sales. WORK EXPERIENCE
Torin Drive Interna onal, LLC November 2018 – April 2020 Memphis, TN
● Applica on Engineer and Project Manager
o Managed 50+ projects simultaneously varying in scope from $10k to $500k o Provide technical support / troubleshoo ng
o Designed and implemented automa on tools to increase efficiency and reduce errors when preparing technical datasheets for specifying and configuring trac on machines o Develop reac on force calculator for repor ng required supports in sta cally indeterminate structures
o Designed automated process to produce approval and fabrica on drawings and numerical control files of novel components to increase range of applica ons and product scope
RVT Process Equipment, Inc January 2007 - 2008 & March 2009 – April 2018 Knoxville, TN
● Project Manager
o Technical sales and consul ng / proposal prepara on and nego a on o Design assemblies in various metallic, composite, and ceramic materials including exo cs o Prepare approval and fabrica on drawings
o Installa on supervision
RVT Process Equipment, GmbH January 2008 – March 2009 Steinwiesen, Germany
● Mechanical Engineer
o Created scopes of work and bid packages for jobs ranging from small to capital projects o Provide technical support for field services and interna onal branches o Developed knowledge bank to develop and grow engineering capabili es of interna onal branches
Rural/Metro Fire Department: August 2012 – April 2018 Knoxville, TN
● Firefighter 1 - training includes Apparatus Operator, Vehicle Extrica on, and CPR EDUCATION
Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville - 2006
- Thesis : Energy Harves ng w/ Finite Element Shape Op mized Piezoelectric micro-can levers
Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville – 2004 - E.I.T. (F.E.) Strong working knowledge with:
● Design, fabrica on, installa on, and troubleshoo ng of: 1. mass transfer equipment including high volume injec on molding experience, high volume metal stamping, and custom component fabrica on in sheet metal, plas c, and composites (CFC, FRP, etc)
2. Trac on elevator systems and associated machine room components
● (FDM) 3D prin ng and CNC Rou ng
Notable personal experience:
● Teaching and tutoring technical material to undergraduate students
● RC mul rotor cra including mul ple builds u lizing various frame materials including Carbon Fiber, PPH, Extruded Aluminum, hardwood, and PVC
● Compiled and designed a Neural Network script in Matlab to forecast indicators applied to the Forex market
● Mul -Lingual (Fluent in English, Highly conversant in Arabic, proficient in German)
● High working knowledge of vehicle mechanics, machinery and general pragma c informa on
● Licensed hang glider