James Hammill
Glenn Dale, MD 20769
Solution Focus
Provide support as a consultant in Sponsor’s Source Selection process
Prepare Independent Government Cost Estimates (IGCE) for Source Selection to support the contracting process using EXCEL and the ACEIT cost model
Prepare Cost Estimates for Business Case Analysis (BCA) and IGCEs
Develop Acquisition Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) and Tech Evaluations
Conduct market research, pricing analysis, justification and approvals
Prepare OMB E-300, Dashboard, Tech-Stat, CPIC deliverables
Develop Business Case Analysis for new projects and OMB E-300
Prepare Risk and Benefit analysis for Business Case, Cost models and Cost estimates
Provide Resource, Business, Investment and Risk Decision-Making and Analysis support to Project Managers, Integrated Program Team (IPT) and other executives
Acquisition Review Board (ARB) and System Engineering Life Cycle (SELC) process
Decision making involving system acquisition investment, cost, technical performance, and schedule tradeoffs
Writing internal processes for use in the development and executions of budget and acquisition lifecycle
Analyzing current and proposed legislation to ensure program aligns with it from a budget perspective
Portfolio Review analysis and support
Written reports, technical documents and briefings for both internal and external audiences
Agile/Modular Development Project Management approach
Security Clearance
ACTIVE: Top Secret (TS) Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Polygraph
Strategic Alliance Consulting
MITRE Projects
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Worked on acquisitions involving Satellite Imaging Software
Dates: October 2017 to present
Roles: Senior Acquisition Specialist
Created and submitted GIMS $325 Million-dollar Development, Integration and Operation & Sustainment contract proposal
Developed a new GIMS Acquisition Plan
Prepared documents in preparation for the Acquisition of Capabilities Board (ACB), Contract Review Board (CRB) and for Budget Management Reviews (BMR)
Initiated Engineering Change Proposals (ECP) and Tech Evaluations for change requests proposals for the current GIMS program
Oversee Invoices, funding requests and Program Work Statements (PWS) for GIMS
United States Coast Guard – Air Craft Division
Worked on Cost Estimating for C130 Aircraft using EXCEL and the ACEIT cost Model
Dates: January 2017 to September 2017
Roles – Senior Cost and Financial Analyst
Developed a $2 billion-dollar IGCE utilizing EXCEL and the ACEIT Cost Model for the purchase and Maintenance of C130 Air Craft
Prepared monthly cost and financial briefings for Budget Management Reviews
US Secret Service – Information Integration & Technology (IIT)
Worked with the IIT on upgrading the US Secret Service’s main IT communications infrastructure in costing and finance
Dates: June 2016 to January 2017
Roles – Senior Cost and Financial Analyst
Provide overall cost analysis for the IIT to include Inflation & Risk
Developing Life Cycle Cost Estimate for their Enabling Capabilities project
Developing Life Cycle Cost Estimates for their Radio projects
Developed a high- level briefing document to be briefed to senior US Secret Service and the Home Land Security Acquisition Review Team
Developed a more detailed LCCE Report to supplement the brief with a more detailed breakout of the EC program’s $740M LCCE
Department Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Enterprise Case Management
Support the establishment of a new program management office (PMO) for the new startup project Enterprise Case Management (ECM). Specifically, in budget, finance & contracting areas
Dates: January 2016 to June 2016
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analyst
Developed a 40-million-dollar budget plan for fiscal year 2015 & 2016
Stood up a monthly and quarterly financial management meeting
Developed key spreadsheet to track status of ECM contracts and government FTEs
DoD Health Affairs Care & Benefits Integrated Systems (CBIS) Program
Assisted the DoD HA CBIS integration of 12 new projects under their program. My responsibilities included determining the financial health of each projects, address deficiencies and integrate each project’s financial system into the CBIS program financial system
Dates: October 2015 to December 2015
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analyst
Evaluated the financial health of each of the 12 new projects
Determined how each project was financed and from what services
Determined each project’s current and optimal manpower needs
Worked with the CBIS PM to integrate new projects into the CBIS financial system
Food & Drug Administrations (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Provided financial budgetary analysis for the FDA’s FSMA program
Dates: April 2015 to September 2015
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
Developed a five-year budgetary plan for the FSMA program to include development, implementation and operation and maintenance costs.
Defense Healthcare Management Systems Modernization (DHMSM)
Cost Analyst in support of the DoD’s Defense Health Agency (DHA) new $8 Billion Seamless integrated sharing of standardized electronic health data between the DoD, VA, and private healthcare providers and other Federal Healthcare providers. This includes acquiring, test, integrate and deploy a modernized EHR System to unify and increase accessibility of integrated, evidenced-based healthcare delivery and decision-making.
Dates: October 2014 to March 2015
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
Assisted in the development of an IGCE of the new DoD standardized electronic health care data system for use as a baseline to compare against RFP Proposals.
Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Acquisition Program Management Function (APMF) program
Cost Analysis support in standing up the VA APMF program which was established as the VA’s acquisition review governance process authority. A main responsibility of the APMF is to review and recommend approval or disapproval to the VA acquisition review board (ARB) 28 required artifacts through the life cycle of the acquisition review process
Dates: May 2014 to October 2014
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
Provided the APMF with a cost analysis of each of the 28 required artifacts allowing the APMF the ability to discuss and provide to the VA programs or projects going through the APMF with the required resources and funding requirements to develop each artifact.
Corporation for National Community Service (CNCS) department
Performed a cost analysis and report of what CNCS was spending on IT to assist them in determining how to better manage their office of IT resources.
Dates: February 2014 to June 2014
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
Delivered an IT financial analysis deliverable to the CNCS department along with recommendations for ways to manage their IT program more effectively through better management of their resources.
The Department of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) CADE 2 Program Management Office's (PMO)
Developed and delivered Basis of Estimate (BOE) to migrate (upgrade) the IRS’s CADE2 TS2 legacy software to an updated more robust and flexible software.
Dates: February 2014 to June 2014
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
This included costing out the updating of the IRS’s TS2 Individual Master File (IMF) accounting system software from its legacy software (ALC) to a modern version (JAVA) as well as addressing Financial Material Weaknesses to the tax payer account management system.
Internal Revenue Service Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Program
Supported the IRS project to initiate a program where IRS employees will use their own mobile devises at work “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) to communicate and to perform work related matters. They requested MITRE’s support in the development of a Business Case Analysis to include a Basis of Estimate (BOE) which will lead to the development of an RFP.
Dates: September 2013 to February 2014
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
Delivered a business case to the IRS EMM program in support of their BYOD initiative. This included developing a business case cost model, developing alternatives, determining costs, risk and benefits.
Department of Defense: Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.
Worked with the DoD SBIR program in developing 5 propose IT system architectures to replace their existing outdated SBIR IT system.
Dates: September 2013 to January 2014
Roles – Senior Cost Analyst
Interviewing 10 different DoD components that participate in the SBIR program on their IT needs and working with MITRE engineers in the system architecture development.
Preparing and submitting Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost estimate deliverable to OSD/AT&L for 5 different proposed IT system architectures.
This ROM will be used to support the development of an RFP and used in the source selection process.
Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) Infrastructure Protection (IP)
Infrastructure Protection/Infrastructure Collection Division (IP/IICD): supports the IICD’s Critical Infrastructure Technology & Architecture (CITA) program in the areas of cost estimation, budget planning and management in support of multiple IT projects and applications.
Dates: September 2012 to September 2013
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
Updated LCCE to reflect: FY12 actual costs, IT programs discontinued or falling under IP Gateway and new IP projects.
Provided Subject Matter Expert (SME) support in the development of an IICD budget process plan.
Initiated an execution and integrated methodology plan for resource allocation, budget & financial management.
Technical advice on budget related documents required by DHS Acquisition Directive 102-01.
Provided sustainable and efficient processes to gather, store, retrieve, and disseminate cost and budget information.
Plan & execute the conversion of their LCCE from an Excel format to an ACEIT format per DSH guidance.
Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS)/US Customs & Immigration Services (USCIS)
I supported a two-billion-dollar IT transformation program in the areas of Business Case Analysis (OMB IT: E-300, Dashboard, Tech-Stat), Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE) analysis, finance & scheduling and overall governance. My work on the FY13 OMB E-300 and the upcoming FY14 OMB E-300 garnered me as a trusted adviser to senior management to include the Director, Program Manager, COTR Lead and the Chief of Staff of the USCIS Transformation program. They utilized my knowledge and ability to communicate verbally and in writing to assist them in their dealings with DHS CFO, CIO and PARM in governance matters as well as addressing external inquiries from OMB, Congress & other Federal agencies.
Dates: September 2011 to May 2012
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
I was a key player in the drafting and submission of the FY14 Financial and IT Resource Allocation Plans (RAPS) which are used to support program funding requirements and for governance Portfolio Reviews.
I was directly responsible for the final submission of the USCIS Transformation program's FY13 OMB E-300 which received a high passing grade from DHS and OMB. This was quite a feat for one of the largest programs in the DHS and one which had previously received a failing score on their previous FY12 OMB E-300.
I am currently working on a draft of the program's FY14 OMB E-300.
I provided key briefing slides for the USCIS Program's March 2012 Tech-Stat which impressed the OMB and led to their recommendation for the program to go forward using an agile development and deployment methodology.
I am currently supporting the update to the USCIS's transformation programs Life Cycle Cost Estimate. I most recently identified and collected all the program's current sunk cost which was used by the LCCE team in their LCCE analysis.
Monthly updated the USCIS Transformation Program's OMB Dashboard a highly visible and important document describing the overall health of the program with access at all levels of government and the public.
DHS National Security Systems Program (NSSP) – I&A/OCIO
Description: Stood up the DHS Joint Program Management Office (JPMO) National Security System Program (NSSP). This included taking over two current projects; Homeland Security Data Network (HSDN) and Communication Security (COMSEC) and starting up two new projects, Homeland Top Secret Network (HTSN) & Homeland Secure Communication (HSC).
My Primary role was in supporting the NSS Department Head and Program Managers through the Financial & Budgetary Planning and Execution during the Planning, Acquisition and O&M stages of the new HTSN & HSC projects and up and running HSDN & COMSEC projects. This role included the following responsibilities: alternative analysis, business cases (OMB E-300s) financial/budget execution, acquisition, schedule, performance measures, risk management, internal/external audits and portfolio reviews.
Dates: February 2009 to September 2011
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
Key team member who supported the DHS in the establishment of the NSS program that included the startup of two new secure network projects: HTSN & HSC. The NSS program (NSSP) director relied heavily on my expertise, guidance & leadership in preparing & presenting key presentations that spelled out the mission of the program and its goals and objectives which were instrumental in NSS program receiving DHS approval for short and long range funding for the three projects.
Provided Significant DHS Mission Impact to the DHS intelligence community through the preparation of NSSP justification packages for two new intelligence systems which were submitted and approved for $80M in funding by the DHS Peer Review Board in FY11 in what was a tough fiscal environment for new money. This funding was also approved by OMB to go forward to Congress for funding.
Delivered high quality deliverables for the customer to include: Resource Allocation Plans (RAPS, white papers justifying working capital (O&M) funds for each of the 4 NSSP projects. This provided funding time tables for the program managers to work off and use in developing their project schedules. These documents were key in identifying the impact to DHS if funding were cut on these NSS projects.
Developed strong rapport and trust among NSSP contractors & government teammates while preparing three new E-300 OMB business cases which received some of the highest scores in DHS from OMB. Develop Alternative Analysis, life Cycle Cost Estimates, Risk Management Plans, Acquisition Strategies & Performance Milestones that were key tools in the successful management of the new & current NSS programs.
Wrote and submitted a strong justification during the FY11 OMB Pass back process to justify why the new HTSN projects should be funded. It was one of 4 new projects across all of DHS to receive funding and make it onto the President’s budget. These documents required strong narrative & statistical justification for funding approval.
Responsible for mapping the HTSN, HSC and HSDN projects to the DHS Bottom Up Review (BUR) process and to the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review’s (QHSR) mission, goals and objectives which was imperative to obtaining support from the DHS for funding these projects.
Oversaw and managed the budgetary strategy and day to day financial management for NSS program’s HTSN, HSC and HSDN secure networks to include the development of yearly spend plans, updating the projects funding via the FYHSP and tracking contractual activity through PRISM.
DHS Acquisition Program Management Division (APMD)
Description: Worked in the APMD office which is responsible for developing and maintaining acquisition policy, procedures, and guidance, and for providing support and assistance to Department acquisitions and acquisition personnel.
Dates: October 2007 to January 2009
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
Reviewed DHS program acquisitions requests and prepared decision support information and analysis for the Acquisition Review Board (ARB) to make their decision to allow or not allow the project to move forward in the DHS acquisition process.
Supported DHS development of acquisition workforce training & certification standards
I was part of the APMD team that received the Secretary's Team Excellence Award in 2008 for the outstanding development and implementation of the ARB process which they stated significantly improved DHS acquisition policy and procedures.
Managed the OCIO Information Technology Acquisition Review (ITAR) program ensuring all Acquisition Review Decisions were completed and submitted to the CIO board within 10 days for review. ITAR was recognized by the DHS CIO as one of their true Governance successes to date.
Developed key changes to the new periodic reporting system (nPRS) that greatly enhance the documentation of the multiple initiatives the APMD performs to ensure the component's acquisitions are functioning properly and are on track.
IRS New Portal Implementation (NPI) Project
Description: Worked on the IRS’s New Portal Implementation (NPI) project. This included supporting the project in business case development, independent government cost estimation, budget forecasting and execution
Dates: August 2006 to October 2007
Roles – Senior Finance and Budget Analysis
Responsible for the development & submission of the NPI’s Business Case (E-300) to the Office of Management & Business (OMB).
Prepared and submitted internal Treasury Pre-Select and Select Business Case documents in support of the NPI project.
Submitted justifications to Treasury to support business systems modernization (BSM) funding for the NPI project for FY08 & FY09.
Played a Lead role in developing NPI Project’s Alternative Analysis & Acquisition plans
Assisted Program Manager in budget planning and execution for FY 07 through FY 10
Developed a funding baseline spreadsheet for the NPI project.
Prepared various Budget presentations for the PM to present to IRS management, Treasury and external agencies i.e. IG & OMB.
Previous Experience
Company: MCRI
Title: Senior Analyst
Dates of Employment: 2002 - 2006
Location: McLean, VA
Contract: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Provided independent cost estimates for the Federal Aviation Administration for their Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS) and Terminal Radar Approach Control Centers (TRACON)
Oversaw the financial operations ($1billion dollars), planning and deployment of 112 ASR-11 radar systems throughout the USA
Performed life cycle cost analysis and a budget baseline audit to ensure the programs was on time and within budget.
Prepared and obtained approval for a baseline change request from the FAA’s Joint Resource Council (JRC) which increased the ASR-11 program baseline by $150M. This involved performing a cost estimate by WBS of the work required to complete the project
Company: CTA
Title: Senior Analyst
Dates of Employment: 1998-2002
Location: Rockville, MD
Contract: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Managed the financial forecasting and budget execution of the $2 billion-dollar FAA STARS automation (IT) program replacing all existing Air Traffic Control terminals (188) worldwide.
Provided the FAA with key financial planning & analysis to include Life Cycle Cost and Budget Baseline audits and analysis to help keep costs in line with schedule for the multi-billion-dollar Air Traffic Control project.
Provided long term financial planning as well as addressed all audits and congressional inquiries for the STARS program.
Developed and implemented an Enrollment-based Capitation and Medicare model, which is used as a financial management tool for DoD healthcare delivery.
Managed 12 IS contracts ensuring tasks were accomplished, on schedule and funds spent appropriately.
Advised project managers in the planning, development and future deployment of the Computer Based Patient Record, Smart Card, and Financial Health Care Information Systems.
Company: SAIC
Title: Deployment Manager
Dates of Employment: 1996-1997
Location: Fall Church, VA
Successfully deployed 20 Million dollars’ worth of DEC computer hardware at 28 sites worldwide
Help write 3 winning multi-million-dollar government computer systems contract proposals (RFPs).
Point man for customer service at 40 sites dealing with hardware/software, technical staffing and contract issues.
Supervised the testing of new hardware and software for a100 million-dollar project.
Previous Experience Continued
Company: Smart Corporation
Title: District Manager of Operations
Dates of Employment: 1993-1995
Location: Columbia, MD
Managed the overall operations of medical records copying service operations which served over 150 customers generating revenue of $3M dollars. This included the supervision of 100 employees in VA, MD and Wash D.C area.
Under my management, the Region maintained a 45% profit margin & 25% growth rate and in 1995 I was selected as top regional manager in the nation.
Worked in sales soliciting new business, preparing proposals, and customer service.
Company: US Air Force
Title: Chief, Clinical Quality Management
Dates of Employment: 1990-1993
Location: Bolling AFB
Developed & standardized clinical plans & policy for over 115 Air Force medical facilities.
Developed DoD plans & policies for Drug Testing, Organ Donor & DNA Human Remains Identification Programs which required excellent oral & written communication skills.
Worked with the AF Director of Mental Health developing mental health plans & policies involving such areas as Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) & Gays in the Military.
Company: US Air Force
Title: Director of Finance, Information Systems and Medical Records
Dates of Employment: 1987-1990
Location: Laughlin AFB
Two years of Comptroller experience managing budgets of over $8,000,000.
Established a third-party payments program, which collected over $500,000 annually.
Supervised 50 personnel in finance, medical records& information systems whose program was ranked in the top 15% of all similar programs in the Air Force (AF).
Performed internal audits of the hospital in preparation of external AF and JCAHO inspections.
Implemented & deployed 5 computer systems for identifying patient eligibility, appointment scheduling, resource utilization analysis and third-party collection.
Company: US Air Force
Title: Director of Medical Recruiting
Dates of Employment: 1986-1987
Location: Chicago
Managed the USAF's largest health care recruiting station.
Exceeded all USAF recruiting goals and was recognized for aggressive and innovative advertising.
Company: US Air Force
Title: Director of Facilities, Human Resources & Medical Education
Dates of Employment: 1982-1986
Location: USAF Regional Medical Center, Philippines
I was responsible for the management and development of key personnel programs for over 2000 employees. My strengths include ability to motivate people, design effective training programs and strategic manpower plans.
Supervised a $3 M/year facility improvement plan for a 20-bldg medical center whose housekeeping program was rated best in the Air Force.
Supervised the design and construction of 15 major projects worth $1.7 M.
Performed internal audits of the entire hospital in preparation of internal Air Force and JCAHO inspections.
School: University of Wisconsin
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: History
Minor: Psychology
School: University of Wisconsin
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Finance
Minor: Accounting
School: University of Maryland
Degree: Master of Computer Science
Major: Program Management
Professional Development and Training
Business Case Analysis
Life Cycle Cost Estimating
Cloud Computing
Project Modular Development (Agile)
Cost Modeling
Patents and Publication