Proposed position : Civil Inspector
Contact No : Qatar +974********, Pakistan +92-345*******
Email : ****.*******@*****.***, ****.*******@*****.***
Driving License : Valid GCC Driving license No: 82375073 Muscat-Oman
Personal Particulars
Date of Birth : 14-05-1988
Nationality : Pakistani
Passport : MR4111543
Permanent Address : P/O Noinkey Tehsil and Dist. Gujranwala, (Punjab) Pakistan.
Languages : English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali and Punjabi.
Objective with having Over 12 Years of Professional experience of handling Civil Engineering Projects in Qatar & Oman. My objective is to join a dynamic team and to utilize my vast experience and Knowledge for the Betterment of the team and attaining professional satisfaction. My corporate mission is to meet the needs of employer through technical excellence and innovative solutions.
Educational Qualification
1) Diploma of Associate Engineer in Civil Engineering - (2007)
(A-Grade Securing 72% Marks) from Board of Technical Education Lahore Pakistan.
2) Matriculation in Science
Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Gujranwala Pakistan.
Computer Skills
Proficient in computer applications (Windows XP/ Microsoft office applications, MS word,
MS excel & MS power point) web based filing system and Civil Engineering Software’s.
Professional Experience Brief
Having over 12 Years of extensive GCC professional experience of working as Civil Inspector & Site Engineer on Large scale Construction projects like construction and supervision of Local Roads, Highways, Infrastructure projects, Utilities & Drainage, Micro Tunneling and Civil Engineering Projects. These projects included for Cut and filling section of Earthwork/Embankment, Sub-Grade, Utilities works like open cut, Micro Tunneling, TSE lines, SWD lines, Gullies, Chambers and Road Sub Base, Aggregate Road Base, Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course, Foot paths, Sidewalks, Granite installation for hardscape work, signalized junction, Granite kerbs, Cobbles stones, camel paths, Pedestrian crossing, Bridges, Box & Pipe Culverts, Interchanges, Flyovers, underpasses, retaining walls, Piles and Pile caps, Piers and Pier caps, Abutments, Pre-cast Girder Casting and Installation, Raft Foundations, RCC Drain, Stone Pitching, Gabion, Rip Rap & Ducts, Catch Pits. Expertise included supervision and monitoring of work in accordance with the project Specifications, Standard Specifications approved drawings and Familiar with Various Codes ASTM, AASHTO, ACI, and British Standards. To check all safety measures as per international standard rules. Duties included implementation of drawings, Review and approval of method statements, material submittals, RFIs, and monitoring scheduled progress of work and assist in finding the solutions of contractor’s problems. My Experience has covered both the consultancy and contracting aspects of the construction industry and I have held a variety of roles within the various projects.
1- Parsons International Ltd. - QATAR (Aug. - 2019 to Still Present).
Position: : Works Inspector Civil
Project : DS-016 Pkg-1 Local Roads & Infrastructures Development
Client : ASGHAL- Public Works Authority PWA Qatar.
Contract Value : QAR- 749 Million
Project Components include:
Infrastructure development project consisting, Roads (26.5km), Drainage and Utilities 108.55km Pipeline of Foul Sewer, Surface Water Drainage, Ground Water, TSE, Potable Water, 16.2km Micro Tunneling 200mm, 450mm & 600mm Dia., 2050 Manholes, Soak away system, 210.2km of cable laying and 2042 house connections, Deep Injection well, treated water network, Potable water network, Street lighting, Telecommunication network, Electrical network, Local Roads and related works including Micro tunneling for drainage works. Construction of Cycle path, bike lane, camel path & sidewalks.
Monitoring and Inspection of Road & Utilities Activities and Associated work as per QCS-2014.
Ensuring & Maintain the quality of work as per QCS-2014, Project Specifications and Standards.
Maintain a Detail dairy of all site Activities, Approved & Unapproved work, Issues, Worked Hours, Labor and Equipment available at site.
Report to the Senior Site Engineer and supervising the construction of drainage, sewerage network, Micro tunneling, and utilities works (ITS, MOI-SSD, Electrical ducts, Potable water, TSE, QAF, Irrigation, CRA, Street Lighting ducts).
Inspect site conditions to ensure suitability for the designed permanent works. Construction supervision incompliance with the design drawings and specification
Supervising Deep injection well construction and Pumping station works for Ground water lowering. Construction of Deep chambers, Air valve chambers & inspection chambers.
Supervision and Inspection of Earthwork, Sub-Grade, Sub Base, Aggregate Road Base, Prime coat, Asphaltic Base Course, Tack Coat & Wearing Course. Hardscape & soft scape works.
Supervision and Inspection of TSE lines, SWD lines, Dry Utilities, Futures Ducts & Relocations.
Monitoring & Supervision Laying of Sub Base, Aggregate Road Base, Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course to ensure the Laying Quality as per QCS-2014 and Approved Method Statement.
Joint inspection of laid wearing course for performance observation after road opening on monthly basis and preparing reports accordingly.
Give practical advice on construction matters to contractor site team.
Inspection includes temporary works also to ensure compliance with approved methods and contract requirements. Maintain records of inspections, dairies etc.
Implementing Project Quality Plan, process and procedures as per project requirement including sub-contractor’s work. Assist in or measure work done when required.
Observe site safety ensuring HSE compliance on site coordinating with safety department for implementing HSE policies and procedures. Monitoring contractor’s dewatering system.
Coordinating with other stake holders Kahramaa, QNBN, CRA for site inspection.
Assist in checking of "as-built" drawings. Preparation of snag lists and assist in handing over to client.
2- Parsons International Ltd. - QATAR (Oct. - 2018 to Aug. 2019).
Position: : Civil Inspector
Project : QPR-Dukhan Highway (East Contract) Khalifa Avenue - P005
Client : ASGHAL- Public Works Authority PWA Qatar.
Contract Value : QAR- 6.847 Billion
Project Components include:
Construction of Dual Carriageway (8 Lanes) 7.8 Km Main Road with both side service roads, 3.9km Ghrafa street road Dual carriageway 4 lane each, Interchanges 07 No’s, 4.5Km Underpass with Retaining walls, 6 cut and cover tunnels, 8.8Km surface water tunnel with chambers. Construction of Cycle path, bike lane, camel path & sidewalks along the road both side. 04 signalized junction.
Monitoring and Inspection of Road & Utilities Activities and Associated work as per QCS-2014.
Ensuring & Maintain the quality of work as per QCS-2014, Project Specifications and Standards.
Inspection of all Site Activities & Field Surveillance on Daily basis to keep updated records.
Maintain a Detail dairy of all site Activities, Approved & Unapproved work, Issues, Worked Hours, Labor and Equipment available at site.
Supervision and Inspection of Earthwork/Embankment, Sub-Grade, Sub Base, Aggregate Road Base, Prime coat, Asphaltic Base Course, Tack Coat & Wearing Course.
Supervision and Inspection of TSE lines, SWD lines, Foul Sewer lines, Potable water lines, Dry Utilities, Electrical ducts, Futures Ducts & Relocations of existing networks.
Supervising the Pipes laying GRP, VC, HDPE, and D.I.
Supervising of different tests on sewer & storm water pipes lines like Air test, Pressure test, Hydrostatic test, Deflection Test.
Monitoring & Supervision Laying of Sub Base, Aggregate Road Base, Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course to ensure the Laying Quality as per QCS-2014 and Approved Method Statement.
Joint inspection of laid wearing course for performance observation after road opening on monthly basis and preparing reports accordingly.
Preparing and initiating the NCR & Observation notes and joint inspections for closeout.
Inspection and Supervision of Landscape & Hardscape work like Cycle path, Camel Path, Sidewalks, Granite Curbstones and Washed Concrete for cycle path. Paving slabs Installation.
Checking of Cobbles Fixing, Granite Tiles and Natural Stones (Granite) for Sidewalks & Cycle Path & construction of camel path.
Supervision and monitoring of concrete pouring work in View of Approved Concrete Mix Design and Specification for all Components of Project.
Supervision and Monitoring of RCC Open/Close Drains, Retaining walls, Chute Drains, Ditch Lining and Embankment Slope Protection.
Supervision and Inspection of Structural Backfilling works like retaining walls, Utility trenches, MSER Walls Construction, Piers and Abutments.
Supervision and Inspection of Road Signs Boards, Road studs and Road lane markings as per Approved drawings and method Statement.
Supervision & Inspection of Pre-casting works for Traffic signs foundation, signal foundations, Street light pole foundations, Directional signs and Concrete barriers CB-SF, CB3.
Check and inspect the installed sign boards on permanent road sides as per approved drawings.
Inspection of MIR material inspection requests as per delivered material for approval & records.
Checking & Implement Arrangements of Project Safety and Safety Measures by Contractor.
3- Techno Consult International LLC – OMAN (July - 2016 to Oct. - 2018).
Position: : Civil Inspector Highways
Project : Construction of Al-Ubaylah to Fayyad Road - Al Braime Oman
Client : Directorate General of Roads & Land Transport MOTC, Oman
Contract Value : OMR- 68.346 Million
Length of project : 40 KM Main and 9.1 KM of Link Roads
Project Components include:
Construction of Dual Carriageway (6 Lanes) 40 Km Main Road and 13.6 Km Service Roads, Interchanges (1 Nos.), Bridges (1 Nos.), Overpasses (2 Nos.), RCC Box Culverts (18 Nos.).
Monitoring and Inspection of all Daily Road Activities and Associated work.
Ensuring & Maintain the quality of work as per Project Specifications and Standards. Ensure Performance of the work in strict accordance of plans & Specifications.
Maintain a detailed diary of the day’s work activities, issues, work approved or rejected etc.
Supervision and Inspection of Earthwork/Embankment, Sub-Grade, Sub Base, Aggregate Base course, Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course as per specifications and maintain the Quality.
Checking of all Structure Multi cell Box/Pipe Culverts and water proofing of all structures.
Check and Record of daily Available Manpower, Machinery and Equipment of Contractor at site.
Checking of Side Slope in Cut Section of Roadway as per approved cross sections, Embankment works, Aggregate Base course layers & Prime coat applications.
Checking and Laying of Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course to ensure the Laying quality as per approved JMF and Project Specification. Supervision of Field Density Test (FDT).
Checking of all incoming Bar Bending Schedules (BBS) and Shop Drawings.
Supervision and Inspection Utilities work like Future ducts, Relocation ducts, Existing Ducts Encasement, Underground & Overhead Relocations, Storm Water Catch pits & live Relocations.
Checking of MSER Wall of Interchanges and Flyovers and Backfilling work.
Supervision and monitoring of concrete pouring work in View of Approved Concrete Mix Design and Specification for all Components of Project and Pre-Casting Yard.
Supervision and Monitoring of RCC Open/Close Drains, Retaining walls, Stone Pitching, Gabion, Rip Rap work, Chute Drains, Ditch Lining and Embankment Slope Protection.
Checking of Guard Rail (W-Beam 3.9m) Fixation and RCC Crash Barriers.
Supervision and Inspection of Road Signs Boards, Road studs and Road lines marking as per Approved drawings and method Statement.
Supervision and inspection of all electrical related structures like Sub-Stations, Pole Foundations, feeder pillars foundations and different types of cable laying.
4- Techno Consult International LLC – OMAN (May - 2014 to July - 2016).
Position: : Civil Inspector Highways
Project : Al-Khadra To Wadi Al-Himle Road Project
Client : Directorate General of Roads & Land Transport MOTC, Oman
Contract Value : OMR- 82.297 Million
Length of project : 82 KM Main Road Dual Carriageway 02 Lane each side.
Daily Routine Inspection work for all Road activities and associated work at project.
Supervision and Monitoring of Execution Activities as per Approved drawings and Specifications.
Monitoring and Inspection of Embankment, Sub-Grade, Sub base, Aggregate Base course, Prime and tack coats, Asphalt Laying, Road Protection work and Footpath work in city Areas.
Checking of laying Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course to ensure the Laying quality as per Approved method statement, Specifications and Standards. Monitoring Asphalt Temperature, Asphalt mix Design and Compaction Procedures as per project specifications.
Supervision and Inspection of Highway structures like Bridges, Box and Pipe Culverts, Retaining walls, Pedestrian Crossing Bridge. Supervision and monitoring of expansion joints of Bridge.
Installation of elastomeric bearings in Pedestrian Crossing Bridge and shear key.
Concrete works i.e. Pre-Casting of I-Girders, Pre-stressing according to the Specification.
Monitoring & Inspection of all Utilities work like Future Ducts, Relocation Ducts, Existing Ducts, Relocation of underground & overhead utilities & Centre Median Road Concrete Barriers.
Checking finished levels of different layers of road and structures as per drawing.
Checking Road studs, Road Signe Board and line marking as per drawing.
Preparation of Daily, Weekly & Monthly progress Reports & Preparation of Project snag list.
Arrangement of project safety at working zones.
5- Simplex Infrastructures LLC – OMAN (May - 2011 to April -2014).
Position : Project Engineer Civil
Project : Construction of Batinah Expressway (Package-03)
Most Prestigious and “State of the Art” Project of Oman.
Consultant : Parsons International Consultant & Company LLC. Oman
Client : Directorate General of Roads & Land Transport MOTC, Oman
Contract Value : OMR- 122.25 Million
Project Components include:
Construction of Dual Carriageway (8 Lanes) 46.20 Km Main Road and 29.1 Km Approach and Link Roads, Interchanges (5 Nos.), Bridges (4 Nos.), Overpasses (4 Nos.), RCC Box Culverts (220 Nos.), Weigh Stations (2 No’s) and Heavy Vehicle Layby (02 No’s).
Supervision and Monitoring of all Road Activities and Associated work from sta. 113+000 to 124+000 KM as Section Engineer .
Ensuring/Maintain the Quality of Work as per General Specifications & Project Specifications.
Supervision and Monitoring of Earthwork/Embankment, Sub-Grade, Sub Base, Aggregate Base course, Bitumen Base Course & Wearing Course as per Specifications and Maintain the Quality.
Supervision and Monitoring of Day to day Engaged Sub Contractors performance, finalizing their scope of work, assist in preparing their Work Orders, Monthly Bills and debit Notes Also Close Monitoring of their daily Progress.
Maintain detail Activity Cost Analysis of each activity as per BOQ rates and actual cost to activity.
Monitoring of all associated Structure work like Pile and pile caps of bridges, Pier and Pier caps, Girder Installation, Multi cell Box/Pipe Culverts and water proofing.
Preparation of Daily, Weekly and Monthly Progress Reports as per Planned Vs. Achieved.
Preparation of RFI’S and Daily Inspection with Consultant for Approval of work.
Monitor and Record of daily Engaged Manpower, Machinery and Equipment at site.
Preparation of Side Slope in Cut Section of Roadway as per approved cross sections.
Supervision and Monitoring of daily Material Productions in Barrow Pits.
Supervision and Monitoring for Laying of Aggregate Base Course, Asphaltic Base Course & Wearing Course to ensure the Laying Quality as per Project Specification.
Preparation of Bar Bending Schedules (BBS) for Different structures and Shop Drawings.
Supervision and Monitoring of Laying of Geostrips, Geogrids and Geotextile.
Supervision and Monitoring of MSER Wall Construction for IC and OP and Backfilling work.
Supervision and Monitoring of RCC Open/Close Drains, Retaining walls, Stone Pitching, Gabion, Rip Rap work, Chute Drains, Ditch Lining and Embankment Slope Protection.
Supervision and Monitoring of all Utilities Future Ducts, Relocation ducts, irrigation ducts, and Catch Pits and Rain water pipes, RCC Pipes for catch pits 800mm dia. Guard Rail (W-Beam) Fixation and RCC Crash Barriers.
Supervision and Monitoring of Road Sign Boards, Road studs and Road lines marking Work.
Preparation of monthly material indents and as per monthly requirements.
Maintain and Monitoring the Project Safety and Safety Measures as per Specifications/Law.
Monitoring of all electrical related structures like Sub-Stations, Pole Foundations, feeder pillars foundations and different types of cable laying’s.
Supervision and Maintain of all temporary service roads and diversion roads as per drawings.
6- Simplex Infrastructure LLC - OMAN (Mar - 2010 to May - 2011)
Position : Site Engineer Civil
Project : Al-Seeb Waste water Project
Consultant : Parsons International Consultant & Company LLC. Oman
Client : Muscat Municipality Directorate General of Roads, Oman
Contract Value : OMR- 208.120 Million
Project Components include:
Construction of Waste water system, House connections, Street Sewers, Rain water Lines, Main sewer lines, collection wells, Pumping Stations and Treatment plants.
Supervision and Monitoring of all activities of the projects and Manage the 02 zones works.
Monitoring & Supervision of Network layouts as per drawings and excavation works as per available work fronts for house connection in private villa as well commercial area.
Supervision and Monitoring of Bed preparations and pipe laying 200mm dia. HPVC to 1200 mm dia. HDPE pipes after aggregate bedding approvals and Geotextiles installation.
Supervision and Monitoring of chambers bed preparations, HDPE chamber installations of different sizes with different benching designs as per approved drawings.
Supervision and Monitoring of cast in situ house connection chambers 1m x 1m and depth as per required level inside private villas and commercial area.
Application of epoxy paints in cast in situ chambers to protect from leakage and corrosions.
Supervision & Monitoring of construction of RCC collection chambers at approved stations and pipe connections. Reinstatement works after completion of all tests inside villas.
Supervision and monitoring of gravity/flow tests after pipe layings inside private property and street lines also before any backfilling.
Supervision and Close Monitoring of day to day Activities of Engaged Sub Contractors, preparing their quantities as per actual work done.
Supervision and Monitoring of RCC Box Culverts, Pipe Culverts and HDPE Rain Water Pipe Lines.
Construction of pumping stations, sewer disposal system and other mechanical installations.
Preparing material indents and material allocations as per weekly requirements.
Check and Record Daily Deployment of Manpower, Machinery and Equipment at site.
7- Chohan & Co. (Pvt). Ltd Pakistan (June - 2007 to January -2010).
Position : Site Engineer Civil
Project : Gujranwala Institute of Nuclear Medical Center (GINUM)
Client : Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Lahore
Project Components include:
Construction of Rigid Pavement Roads (4 Lanes) 7.5 Km Main Road, Main OPD Building, office building, Underground water tanks, overhead water tanks, sewer & sewer disposal system, water supply network, RCC Pre-cast boundary wall, Central Park and RCC Parking
Construction of Main Rigid Pavement Road 4.5km and Internal Roads 7.5 km from OGL to FFL.
Supervision and monitoring of Execution Activities of Main OPD Building 25000sq.ft (Frame structure), Office Building 3000sq.ft (Load Bearing), Reception Building 1100sq.ft & Parking Areas 64000sq.ft as per approved structural drawings and specifications.
Construction of Completes sewer system including layout, excavations, marking, leveling, RCC pipes lines, D.I pipe lines, connection chambers, manholes and inspection chambers.
Construction of complete water supply network consists 25mm to 150mm G.I pipe lines for whole hospital and after completion pressure test for 24hrs.
Supervision of Overhead water tank 3000g, Underground water tank 7000g, retaining walls, close drains, catch pits, water supply chambers, electrical sub stations and transformer rooms.
Supervision of Excavation work under water for soak pits to maintain 6ft water table in the pits.
Supervision of Sewer Drainage system, Sewerage, RCC sewerage Disposal System, Septic & Soak Pits with Pumping Station. Preparation of Perforated slabs for filtration and curb beams.
Detail Leveling Work for OGL and Permanent Structure work. .
Preparation of Variation reports as per contract limits. Preparation of monthly Running and Contractor bills. Preparation of Detail Daily, weekly and monthly Progress Reports.
Day to Day Liaising with Consultant Representative for Daily Inspection & Approvals.
I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information in this resume is true and correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my experiences.
Muhammad Aamir Yaqoob Khan