Masters of Science in Engineering
Concentration in Material Science and Engineering, Nuclear Certificate The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelors of Science in Engineering
Concentration in Nuclear Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Bachelors of Science in Engineering
Concentration in Mechanical Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Naval Nuclear Laboratory, West Mifflin, PA
Surface Ship and Prototype Programs- Mechanical Design and Analysis December 2014- Current
Lead design department certification efforts for A1B Core C and D, authored technical recommendations, lead the design department discussion with the General Manager
Lead engineer for design evaluations of manufacturing issues. This includes coordinating and scheduling status meeting to ensure timely completion of work.
Cognizant engineer of fuel assembly analysis for U.S. Navy carrier nuclear propulsion plant components.
Lead of a core design group effort, including calculations for mechanical distortion using newly developed computational models. Also, lead of design assessment for engineering changes to the technical design requirements for Naval nuclear fuel components.
Routinely assess urgent core vendor issues to support the manufacturing schedule of A1B components, lead cross project design efforts and recommendations
Core Manufacturing- Core Assembly February 2012- December 2014
Cognizant engineer of core components and vendor manufacturing for future U.S. Navy submarines. Primary author for over 200 technical documents to support the manufacturing process and design of Naval nuclear fuel components.
Process owner and primary point of contact for the manufacturing process for one of the Naval nuclear propulsion program’s fuel components.
Initiated manufacturing process improvements to reduce cost and reduce the manufacturing schedule at the core vendor.
Westinghouse Electric Company, Cranberry Township, PA Safety Analysis- Transient Analysis
Summer 2010 & 2011
Performed Feedwater Malfunction Temperature Reduction scenario analysis for V. C. Summer Nuclear Power Plant, documents included: Analysis Plan, Letter to SCE&G, and Calculation Note.
Develop and document two novel methodologies for the Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) accident scenario to regain margin.
Professional Engineer, Effective 2018
NNL representative at multiple career fair and recruiting events Volunteer at WIN outreach events; discuss nuclear engineering with grade school students