Lawanya Katkam E-mail ID: ****************@*****.***
Mobile : +91-809*******
Career Objectie
Seeking a quality environment that oferr recurity and proferrional growth, where I could conrtantly learn and ruccerrfully deliver rolutonr to the problemr. Wirh to work for a multnatonal or any other dirtnguirher fnancial inrttuton, which we can ofer a great variety of tark and provide challenging opportuniter in the feld of internatonal fnance, capital budgetng, invertment apprairal or dealing of fnancial inrtrumentr. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Financial Analyst, Accounts Receiiables Feb 20, 2014 – Present Infor Global Solutons
Infor maker burinerr rofware beter by acquiring and improving proven, functonally rich rofware backed by domain expertr. Infor maker it beter through contnuour innovaton, farter implementaton optonr, global enablement, and fexible buying optonr. In a few rhort yearr, Infor har become one of the leading providerr of burinerr rofware.
Global Scale:
Infor oferr curtomerr the beneftr of a global company with local prerence and experience. Responsibilites
Global Order Management Process:
Working on Sofrax Revenue Recogniton Sofware for order management and Billing procerr related actviter
Preparing and mailing of invoicer, interfacing of billing rtatur, and handling of curtomer billing inquirier.
Eliminaton of the long and heavy trackerr approach. Maintaining recordr and arrirtng team lead in generatng weekly, monthly and quarterly reportr for internal and external Audit purpore and Finance reportng.
Order Management:
Creatng the Saler rrderr in Sofrax 9
Prioritiing the rrderr and enruring that the rrder Form har all the detailr available to be entered in both the Applicatonr.
Enruring the accuracy of Procerring ar per SLA. (Service Level Agreement).
Review the rrderr where GLrE 2 enter and make the changer ar order form requirer.
Interfacing with rrder Entry Controllerr to rerolve irruer and judgment to ercalate to management ar and when required.
Completng the Fulflled orderr and rending the orderr packr for Licenre Billing team for the generaton of invoice.
Actvely partcipatng in generatng the procerr improvement idear for rimplifying procerr and enruring the rmooth run of the procerr.
Trained the new team Memberr on rrder Management
Maintain the Reportr and Irruer/Problemr trackerr, rerolve immediately or ercalate to Line Manager. License Billing EMEA Region:
Ar part of rperatonr, primary rerponribility ir billing which includer rairing the Invoicer, Creditr and Re- billr and performing quality check of invoicer procerred by the Team Memberr and maintaining TAT ar per the SLAr.
Ar part of Training Actviter, conductng weekly refrerher rerrionr and Training the new comerr and rolving their querier related to the procerr.
Ar part of my daily actviter:
Pulling the open orderr dump from Cognor Tool.
Preparing rpen rrderr Report and rending to Burinerr.
Allocatng the orderr to the team memberr to generate invoicer.
Procerring orderr and performing quality check.
Training the new team memberr to bring them up to the learning curve.
Actng ar Primary PrC to the burinerr and the team memberr for any querier and irruer.
Conductng procerr refrerher trainingr whenever there ir change in procerr rtepr.
Providing procerr improvementr idear and rharing bert practcer with the team to enhance the individual productvity and procerr efciency levelr and to reduce the producton tme
Helping Team Lead by providing required operatonal inputr for hir/her further reportng actviter.
Flexible in rupportng prtream and Downrtream procerrer when required.
Applicaton: Working on IBM Cognor, Citrix, Sofrax and SmartStream, PMQA Tool &, E- Flow.
Projects & Achieiements
I war awarded ar Star Performer of the month for 8 tmer.
Awarded curtomer delight award for the bert performance.
Worked efectvely and accurately, during month endr and quarter clore.
Managed performing variour tarkr in a given day with 100% accuracy. Academic Profle and Project
2013 – 15 Marter of Burinerr Adminirtraton (MBA) from Princeton College of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad.
2010 -13 - B.CrM (Computerr) from Narendar Women’r Degree College (Armoor), afliated to rrmania niverrity.
2008-10 – Commerce IT from Mahararhtra Board, Mumbai.
2008 – S.S.C from Mahararhtra Board, Mumbai.
rperatng ryrtemr – Windowr 2000 proferrional, Windowr 95/98 and XP.
Derktop Applicaton Packager – Mr Excel, Mr rfce, Mr PowerPoint, Mr Word.
Baric underrtanding of fnancial modeling.
HTML, Tally.
Quick learning capabiliter
Mult tarker
Ability to work under rtrict deadliner with good accuracy. Personal Details
Name : Lawanya Katkam
Hurband Name : Shivarhanker Katkam
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : 26/05/1993
Natonality : Indian
Marital Statur : Married
Language Known : Englirh, Hindi and Telugu.
Hobbier : Web Browring & Cooking.
Permanent Addrerr : H. No: 2-31, Port; Aklur, Mandal: Velpur, Dirt: Niiamabad, Telangana, India – 503311.
The above mentoned informaton ir true to the bert of my knowledge and belief. Place: Hyderabad (Lawanya Katkam)