Qert-ific.atg from Head qf
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. T,..i,1.U5.y1i..il.
S/o or D/o ..{Ayn.fintfiN is a student enrofied in the Deparrment or ly!E.tt!fr.4 0 ru.€il.Ne.€fl.lty.q at the
t n s ti t u te / c o l l e g e . #.Ktcr. t$& . t Q.+{E,n E .q,€ Eti{.w t a u *.oc eg' r th e p ro g ra m as per the details given below:
Do not sign on
1. Roll No/ Registration No./ Student lD: ... .7 i..,1 _ 1... 2. rhe student is in rhe finatyear of .ltl:i.r j.4 fr ffih e .r ffi s.Tech / U B.s./
ffi s.sc Research / ffi wsc / ffi tntegrated
M.Sc / ffi B.Rrcn 7m r,rr.C.n f
Thestudentisinthefinal/pre-finar yearof (m M.E/ t3 M.Tech/ffi Dual
Degree/ ffi lntegrated M.E./ M.Tech) .
3. Duration of the program which the student is studying . years a rh9 student is pursuing the undergraduate program on lateral entry: fi yus / ffi No
(After completing B_Sc. / Diploma in Engineering or Technology) J. i,'),il{',u
Signature of the Cantiid'ate with date:
Signature of the
Date: (
Note: Without signati:re of the Head of the Department/lnstitute & seal, the certiflcate is notvalid. 4- 'a