MOBIL NO : +91-984*******
Personal details
Date of Birth : 22-10-1993
Nationality : Indian
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Address : Yadavalli(post),
Lingapalem (mandal),
West Godavari(distric),
Andrea Pradesh-534461.
Languages Known:
With an experience in the field of Testing and Commissioning of power system products, I look forward for an opportunity to display my skills in the field of Testing & commissioning, Maintenance and Execution of projects related to power systems.
Professional Details
Professional Qualification:
B.TECH (Electrical & Electronics)
Year of passing 2015
Skill Set
Having an experience and knowledge in Testing and Commissioning and Maintenance of Switch yard And Switch gear,substation, +-800KV HVDC Project [ AC&DC Filters ].
Work Experience
3 years 9 Months of experience in Testing & Commissioning.
Name of the Company
Sr Commissioning Engineer
Jan- 2016 - till now
Nature of work
Testing and commissioning of HVDC 800 KV System.
Testing and commissioning of all Electrical equipment’s 415V, 11KV, 33KV, 220KV,400KV up to 765KV System.
Testing and commissioning of 33KV GIS.
Testing and Comm. of Power and Generator Transformer from 2.0MVA up to 315 MVA.
Testing and commissioning of control & relay panel for Transformer, Bus Coupler, Bus-Transfer, and Line feeder.
Knowledge of Transformer Differential Protection, Transformer REF protection, Bus Bar Protection, Line Protection, Teed Protection, Motor Protections.
Testing and commissioning over current and earth fault relays.
Testing of CT, PT, CVT, ICT, Circuit Breakers, LA, Capacitor Bank, Resistor Bank, Isolators, UG cables, Power Transformer, Generator transformer, Motors.
Load Test of Battery charger and Battery Bank.
Trouble shooting of all Electrical circuits, control and protection circuits.
Preparation of cable schedule 415V, 11KV, 33KV, 220KV,400KV up to 765KV Systems And 1CT, PT, CVT, ICT, Circuit Breakers, Isolators, Power Transformer, Generator transformer, Motors And Bus Reactors.
Schneider VARM Relay Sosfware Configuration And testing.
Current project
1. Project : 800 kV, 6000 MW HVDC Multi Terminal NER/ER -
NR/WR Interconnector - I
Client : M/S ABB AB LTD.
Scheme : ABB
Executed the following activities
Commissioning of 400KV SWITCH-YARD.
Testing and Commissioning of 800KV DC HALL &DC SWITCH-YARD.
Testing and commissioning of 220KV SWITCH-YARD
Testing and commissioning of 33KV SWITCH-YARD
Testing and commissioning of 33KV GIS.
Testing and commissioning of Optical Current Transformer, DC Current Transformer, HT< DC Voltage Driver.
AC and DC filtter tested.
Green lined,Fiber optical cable greenlined and checked.
All HVDC equipments handled.
Scheme checking and sequence tested.
Testing of Busbar differencial.
Testing of Transformer differencial.
Testing of primary injection.
Domestic Experience
1. Project : 800 kV, 6000 MW HVDC Multi Terminal NER/ER -
NR/WR Interconnector - I
Client : M/S ABB AB LTD.
Scheme : ABB
2. Project : 800 kV, 6000 MW HVDC Two Terminal -KC
Interconnector - I
Client : M/S GE LTD.
Scheme : GE
3. Project : 33/11 kV Sub Statons,OPTCL PHASE-3.
Client : SOUTH CO.
Projects executed
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place: Yours sincerely,