Adrian Enriquez
Exeter, Ca. 93221
Pi-me: 559-***-****
E-mail: **************@*******.***
I am seeking a career with an agency where I can use my law enforcement expenence & education to help meet & surpass that agency's goals.
*CNCA Certified Narcotics K9 Handler,'Trainer/Certifier (EOD, Narcotics & Patrol)
*P.O.S.T. Certified Firearms Instructor/Range Master
*P.O.S.T. Certified Field Training Offcer
*Certified Confined Spacc/Urban Rescue Operator *California P.O.S.T. Academy Graduate (2000)
2008 to 2019-City Of Woodlake/Police Department
Reserve Officer-Backup Rangemaster From 2008-2017
Full time Officer-K9 Handler from 2017-2019 (Retired)
General routinc law enforcement duties include patrol, crime prevention. investigations of vanous crimes, traffic accidents and other calls for service in support of the agency as needed.
2005 to 2017-Dcpartmcnt of State Hospitals/Coalinga State Hospital Police
Senior Narcotics K9 Handler-in charge of the Narcotics Enforcement Program K9 Umt. Gencral/routinc law enforcement duties with special attention to preliminary narcotics investigations, report WTiting & evidence processing as the Senior Field Training Officer.
1999 to 2000-City of Tularc/Police Department
Community Scrvicc Officer-in charge of the "Thunderbolt Juvenile Work Program"
Created & implemented the 1st time juvenile offender program in conjunction With the county Juvenile Probation Department.
'994 to 1998-City of Lebanon/Police Department
Police OfT1ccr/D.A.R.E. Officer-tn charge of the D.A R. E. Program (K-S)
General routine law enforcement duties include patrol, crime prevention, invesugauons of vartous crimes, tramc accidents and other calls for servjcc tn support of the agency as nccdcd.
1994-Clmton County Shenffs Department/Jail Division
Jail Officer-Supervtsion of innutes & rcnjunc Jail operations
994-lndlana Department of Correcuons/Juvcnilc Division-Indiana Boys
Correctional Officer-Supervtsion ofJuvemlc tnnutes, transportauon & rouunc facility operations
Military Service
1986 to 1989-U S. Army / 19 Delta Cavalry Scout (E-4)
1991 to 1993-Ca11forma Army National Guard/ I I Bravo Infantrvnan (E-S)
Honorable mth G«xxi Cotuiuct Mcckil & Army Ach•cvemctu Medal unh 2 (kik Leal
Upon Request