Anwesha Samaddar
SN/IG Hall of Residence, IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur, West Bengal, 721302
Relevant Courses and Cerifications
Technical Skills
Current CGPA-7.92
School Education-
Class X-(I.C.S.E. 2015)
School-Modern English Academy
Class XII-(C.B.S.E. 2017)
School-Bholananda National Vidyalaya
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Manufacturing Science and Engineering with Mtech
in Industrial and Systems Engineering and
Kharagpur, West Bengal
Graduating May 2022
Data Mining(Prof Jhareswar Maiti, Head, Industrial and Systems Engineering, IIT Kharagpur)
:Implementation of research paper algorithm for computation of correlative association score(CAS) of terms and building a model based on the known class labels of training set documents which have the capability to predict the class labels of test documents with maximum accuracy depending on the CAS score of words.CAS combines the strength, mutual information, and strong association of the words to determine the positive and negative nature of the words for the class. NON-CORE: Programming and Data Structures(with lab), Probability and Statistics, Regression and Time Series Model, Educational Data Analytics, Machine Learning(Coursera), Python for Data Science(Udemy), Natural Language Processing(Sentdex),Text processing with NLTK(University of Michigan), Web Development(Internshala), Neural Networks and Deep Learning(Coursera),Operations Research, Transform Calculus, Economics, Mathematics-I, Mathematics-II CORE: Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Thermofluid Science, Kinematics of Machines, Manufacturing Processes(lab), Engineering Design
Programming Languages: C,C++,Python,HTML(Beginner),MATLAB(Beginner) Libraries and Tools:Numpy,Matplotlib,Pandas,Seaborn,Plotly,Scipy,SciKit-Learn,NLTK Position of Responsibility held
Hobbies & Interests
Libraries and Tools:Numpy,Matplotlib,Pandas,Seaborn,Plotly,Scipy,SciKit-Learn,NLTK Softwares:Solidworks, Microsoft Office
Secretary at Mekanika-Society of the department of Mechanical Engineering (Event Coordinator) Hall Executive Committee August 2018 - Present
Fine Arts Secretary SN/IG Hall of Residence- Coordination with a team of 200 students for Inter Hall competetions on Illumination and Rangoli
Senior Cadet at NCC (National Cadet Corps)
Team Member at Spectra - the fine arts and design team of IIT Kharagpur English Fluent
Hindi Proficient
Bengali Native