Jim Gagnon
PO Box 292
Comptche, CA 95427
Managerial expertise in creating and sustaining innovative software and internet corporations.
Skilled in relating real-world situations to computational models using theoretical/holistic approaches.
Experience in architecting and implementing database, analytical and financial software.
Able to address multiple problems at a system level and provide scalable, sustainable solutions.
Proficient in explaining complex systems in easy-to-comprehend terms for non-technical audiences.
Success in generating significant savings through development and redesign solutions.
Professional Experience
Served as sole technical expert for a number of small technology and finance firms. Position at Foresight Science and Technology was to architect and implement a revamped corporate knowledge base deployed on Amazon AWS using open source python tools into an online semantic database with search and visualization tools, and RESTful API. Oversaw consultants and others as necessary. Explored and spec-ed out business initiatives to open up new revenue sources.
Simultaneously served as part-time CTO and Secretary of the Board for APT Inc, a financial services startup. Helped take APT public (symbol: APTY) and define innovative technical opportunities, with an emphasis on portable apps to service the equities and trading market. Perform security oversight and technical consulting.
Co-founded Abacus Concepts and nurtured it from a raw, self-financed start-up to a mature 30 employee private corporation. With two MacUser Eddies, six MacWorld World Class awards and a 60% market share world-wide, Abacus was the undisputed leader of Macintosh Statistical Analysis and a significant player in the Win32 world. Wearing a job title of CTO, served on the Board of Directors and as the creative juices behind the software. Managed development staff and budget while serving as lead programmer. Technical responsibilities were the user interface design, software architecture and implementation of the entire StatView product line. Innovative technologies created at Abacus were a lightweight dynamic object engine with full transactional history, container documents and comprehensive change management. StatView’s unique user interface allowed non-technical users simple access to complex and comprehensive Statistical calculations and displays in four languages (English, French, German, Japanese). Sold Abacus in 1997 to our largest competitor, SAS Institute.
Other miscellaneous employment consists of creating secure Java webapps and MySQL development using Linux and Eclipse for a small Software Service company, and jobs ranging from driver-level coding on PCs and UNIX boxes up to complex financial software on IBM mainframes. Also used language skills to serve as a specification and documentation writer in addition to programming.
Programming since 1974 in high school, received a BS in Computer Science, Systems Programming at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Spent several graduate semesters designing a leading edge distributed Relational database for the CS department.
References and Skills:
Software Summary:
Linux, AWS, Python, NGINX, Flask, UWSGI, Gensim, Whoosh, NumPy, MatPlotLib, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Postgresql, MySQL, Java, SQL, Eclipse, Style Report, HTML/5, JSP, XML, CSS, ePub, JSON, Swing, Struts, ACEGI/Hibernate, PHP, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Epic/M, MS SQL Server
iOS, iPhone/iPad, Objective C, Xcode
Windows 3.1 through Win7, x86 Assembler, IBM PC DOS, CP/M-86, Visual C, Visual Basic 6
Apple Macintosh 1.0 – OS X.9, C, C++, Pascal, AppleScript, Assembler, MPW, MetroWerks,
AIX, SunOS 4.x, Solaris 2.x, Solaris 8, Solaris 9
PhotoShop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Acrobat, Quark, MS Office, PowerPoint,
Version VII UNIX, Release 3.0 and 5.0 UNIX, Berkeley 4.1c UNIX, CTIX,
Hardware Summary:
Amazon AWS, Linux
Intel architecture, IBM PC,
Apple Macintosh & Lisa, PowerPC,
Sun Sparc 1+, 2, 10 and 20,
PDP-11/45, PDP-11/70, VAX-11/780,
IBM 3033, IBM 4341, Amdahl/470,
Univac 1110, 1180,
various and sundry UNIX Workstations
Glenda Dowie, CEO Apt Systems, Inc., ******@*************.***
Norton Kaplan, President Foresight S&T, ******.******@***********.***
Will Scoggin; Head of Marketing, Abacus Concepts: ***********@*****.***
John Fisher; Member, Abacus Concepts' Board of Directors: *******@***.***
Jerry Levine; Owner Mentor Inc, Barbados Consulate; 415-***-****
Keith Haycock; Statistician: *********@*****.***
John Newstead; Owner, Branagh Information Group (BIG): ****@************.***
Dan Feldman; Partner at Abacus Concepts: ********@****.*******.***
Foresight ST, 2015-2019
Served as Chief Technology Officer and primary technical and programming staff. Migrated a Sharepoint/MS SQL Server solution on Rackspace to a custom data silo webapp built using Python/AWS/Flask that provides visual search techniques, semantic based text understanding (using Gensim and Whoosh), scalable RESTful API, and reduced server costs. Charged with maintenance of all existing IT infrastructure and migration of said into modern systems and techniques. Explored and proposed innovative blockchain-based platform to open up new revenue opportunities in the Intellectual Property marketplace.
APT Systems, Inc., 2011-2019:
As part-time CTO conceived and architected a modern smartphone stock market trading solution. Handled all technical chores, from server layout, software architecture and security specifications, as well as contributing to business and incorporation decisions. Serves as Secretary of the Board, and helped transition the company in its public stock offering.
Epic Systems, 2014
Served as a maintenance programmer for Epic/M NoSQL DB and VB6 user interface on the Patient Orders team. Helped with iOS product design and user interface.
Branagh Information Group, 2006-2011:
Charged with installation of Style Report report writing package and migrating several offline reports to the web. Migrated two large MS SQL Server databases to MySQL and created a Java webapp wrapped around Style Report engine and ACEGI Security to provide a RESTful and secure online access to reports and to provide foundation for comprehensive online data entry and manipulation. Handled all conversions from legacy FoxPro databases to MySQL. Performed yeoman server maintenance, installations and tuning on our Red Hat Linux server.
Period of Volunteerism and Adventure, 1998-2005:
Single-handedly brought John Swett Unified, one of the poorest grade schools in San Francisco, up onto the Internet and donated enough computers to wire every classroom. Spent time aiding and instructing the elderly in computer skills. Embarked on a year and a half long overseas vacation including a year safaring across Africa. Returned home to begin a family and to find new challenges.
Abacus Concepts, 1984-1998:
Co-Founder of Abacus and architect of the StatView product line. Duties include member of Board of Directors, R&D Manager, Software Architect, Programmer, Systems Administrator and general fire-fighter.
"baby" StatView, 1984-1985:
Quickly digested 2000 pages of Inside Macintosh and together with one partner sharing a single Lisa, wrote first version of StatView, the first Macintosh statistical analysis package. Requiring approximately twelve months and consisting of 100,000 lines of Pascal and 68K assembler, primary responsibilities included conceptual design, all user interfaces, data storage and management, printing subsystem and all OS issues. Innovative technologies in StatView 1.0 were intuitive user interface, vector based data, comprehensive missing values and live interaction between analysis and data. StatView was and still is the only statistical analysis package that one can use without a keyboard. Shopped StatView 1.0 around and found a publisher, BrainPower, that specialized in Apple Educational software.
StatView 512, 1985-1986:
In response to user requests, dramatically enhanced StatView's functionality across the board. Responsibilities included free-form data type (Strings), comprehensive statistic-specific graphical manipulation tools, and completely rewritten ANOVA. The ANOVA was interesting in that it used the powerful yet computationally economic Hocking method utilizing N-dimensional matrices. Tweaked graphics to produce high quality Postscript output to target laser printers and other high end output devices.
StatView II, 1987:
Seeded by Apple with an early Macintosh II, embarked on version of StatView optimized for this new machine. Recovered rights for Macintosh II version from BrainPower and self-published StatView II. As lone programmer added comprehensive color and graphical manipulation tools, optimized all calculations to utilize the Macintosh II's numerical co-processor, and dealt with numerous low level OS bugs to ship in time for Christmas.
SuperANOVA, 1988-1989:
Appraised StatView's user interface and design, and developed a dual document (data and view) foundation and user interface suitable for a StatView 3 and other specialized analysis packages. Designed application architecture and strategy for migration of StatView II code base into it. Created and implemented data access method, and entire view/analysis graphics subsystem. Patched system rom to allow tear-off menus. Devised innovative new variable browser to facilitate data manipulation and specification. Updated data window to include informative univariate statistics pane. Moved staff from StatView 3 effort to SuperANOVA when personnel difficulties endangered its completion. Held team together through the death march to produce Abacus' first Eddy winning product.
StatView 4, 1989-1992:
After the StatView 3/SuperANOVA effort demonstrated that the market for niche analysis products, while present, was too small to warrant large development efforts, Abacus embarked on an object-oriented rewrite of StatView to allow easily written and installed (folder drop-ins) Analysis Modules. Built on top of our own proprietary Object Manager, StatView 4 sported a completely dynamic class structure, robust object reference mechanism, full object Change Management, and comprehensive object logging. TObject implemented all file saving, document management and undo, and all text searching. User interface innovations include the full interdocument data and object reference, and simple brower-based analysis flow. StatView 4 lifted Abacus to a new level and funded a tremendous growth in the company.
Management and Sabbatical, 1992-1993:
Served as acting CEO during partner's sabbatical. Started effort to enhance StatView 4 to handle double byte text and support the Japanese language. Specified and supervised development of a remote data access module to support non-local data files. Exited stage left for a much needed sabbatical in southeast Asia.
Research Phase, 1994-1995:
Returned to the USA to explore the future for StatView and other Abacus' products. Investigated in detail the Taligent CommonPoint (Pink) OS and the Newton platform as vehicles for future StatViews. Mapped technology requirements and began specifications for client-server version of StatView. Aided development team in PowerPC port of StatView, which required a language conversion from Pascal to C/C++.
Windows StatView, 1995-1996:
Upon spying the Windows 95 beta one and subsequent market analysis, embarked on port of StatView to 32 bit Windows (Win95). Evaluated porting libraries, specified development efforts and hired programming staff. Migrated source code so four binaries (Mac non-FPU, Mac FPU, PowerPC and Windows) could be built from a single source. Preserved double byte capabilities and all foreign language resources to allow simultaneous release in all foreign markets. Set up entire Windows network and testing programs, and administered to all Windows machines.
Company Shutdown, 1997-1998:
Once Macintosh sales fell off of the cliff, helped company manage downsizing and subsequent fall-out. Assumed responsibility of company computing resource administration, including all UNIX and web-based resources. Helped shop company around and find suitable buyer. Aided asset acquisition by SAS Institute and helped complete a data warehouse statistical calculator not purchased by SAS. Assisted in asset and property distribution, set up cold record storage and orderly wound the company down. Salved the wounded souls that resulted from the end of Abacus.
Genstar Rental Electronics Inc, 1984:
Aided introduction of Convergent Technologies CTIX (System V UNIX) Megaframes and Miniframes to a formerly Honeywell shop, spec'ed out and developed various tools for application programmers including Windowing/Forms/Menu Management software, and performed various system administration duties including system set-up and hardware/software testing.
free lance, 1983-1984:
Did piecemeal work to assist an independent team of programmers to port a General Ledger and Inventory system to IBM PCs and XTs. Major portion of work consisted of screen handling procedures, handling operating system quirks and differences between various versions of the BASIC language.
MITRE CO., 1983:
Took the Yale/ASCII file transfer protocol for data transfer between IBM PCs and Series/1-front-ended VM/CMS Mainframes and developed a similar protocol to transfer data from UNIX workstations through a local-area network to the Mainframes and back again. Duties included all programming on the UNIX side, and complete analysis of the communication protocol and possible UNIX device drivers. UNIX versions used were Berkeley 4.1c and Bell 3.0.
American Bell Inc., 1982-1983:
Served a reference document writer for two projects on ABI's new network, (AIS)*/Net 1000. Those projects were Format Translator and Unit Testing System. In addition to documentation, duties included assisting with sanity- and certification testing, development of Online documentation and error handling, and technical assistance of other document writers. Systems used were System V UNIX, VMS, Net 1000 and OS/MVS.
Flexi-van, 1982:
Primary responsibilities were the final specifications and coding of the online foreign accounts payable system. Modules written were an online entry/change program and a batch invoice selection program. The machine used was an IBM 4341 with IMS DB/DC and COBOL.
Governor's Employment and Training Office, 1981-1982:
Programs written included several online modules for data entry for a C.E.T.A. participant tracking system. Also developed and coded two programs for translating data from other C.E.T.A. systems into our format, wrote specs for an online statistics generating module, and, finally, assisted in revamping the batch reporting process in order for it to run more efficiently. All this was on an IBM 3033 with IMS DB/DC and COBOL.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 1981:
Participated on a team to implement tabled data on an IMS database. Coded several batch programs and sub-modules, and also redesigned out the security portion of the system to use the very tables we were defining. The system used two Amdahls with IMS DB/DC and COBOL.
B.S. at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Graduated in Computer Science with a G.P.A. of 3.3 and a specialization in System's Programming. Major undergraduate computer programs were:
• Interpreter for DESCARTES (a PASCAL-type language),
• Stream-recursive Macro processor,
• Scaled down operating system, and
• Relational database management system.
Post-graduate work include a graduate course on database implementation and design -- that course's project was the laying down of the specifications for a relational DBMS that also included a notion of sets so that CODASYL (Network) DB's could also be efficiently implemented. I led the group responsible for the designing of the indices and file layout.