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Engineer Manager

Lexington, MA
September 10, 2019

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Michael J. Mouris

*** * ******* **

Lexington,MA 02420



Summary: Senior Engineer with over 35+ years’ experience in all facets of software development life cycle including Design, Development, Test, and Documentation. Augmented with system and test engineering experience in the development of DoD secure message and key network systems.

Education: MS Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 1975

BS Physics, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 1973


September, 2018 to April 2019, Raytheon Woburn,MA 01801

Senior Test Manager Missile Systems

Resposible for system and software testing of THAAD radar interceptor system. Package contained ADA software as well as CVS, Matlab verification and Lotus communication systems.

7/2011 to May/2018, Quantech Services INC 91 Hartwell Ave, Lexington MA, Senior SW Engineer Assigned to the Space Surveillance Groups at MIT/Lincoln Laboratory.

Responsible for problem solving as well a enhancements for the S4 SW package used for tracking and analyzing satellite operations. This package contains over 40 main modules, each containing literally hundreds of lines of fortran, C, perl and database subroutines. Main responsibilities are satellite correlations, tracking algorithms and messaging processing.

6/1999 to 12/2010, General Dynamics C4 Systems, Needham MA, Senior SW Engineer Software, systems and test engineer for the Key Management Infrastructure (KMI) program. Responsible for the system and application software installation for a computer-based secure key management system. Verified the user interface followed the statement of work for the user interface of the KMI.

Authored the user interface test procedures to verify all requirements in real-time. Developed the system and software application build procedures.

6/1999 to 12/2010, GTE Government Systems, Needham MA Bought by General Dynamics, Senior SW Engineer

Software and test engineer for the DoD DIRECT secure messaging program. Responsibilities included: Configuration and data management of the build procedures as well as a major portion of the ADA software modules. Designed and installed the DIRECT on-line web site. Assisted in the creation of end-user documentation and on-site training.

11/1993 to 6/1999, GTE Government Systems, Needham MA, Senior SW Engineer

Wrote a simulator for the REACT Minuteman message processing system. Responsible for new REACT message format processor. Upgraded the SW for the ALTAIR Multi-Target tracker.

Lead SW engineer for the Royal Netherlands Army ZODIAC communication switching System. Designed, developed and tested problems and enhancements. Did field testing and wrote A68K patches at Dutch Eurocom field sites. Configuration manager for the ZODIAC SW and build procedures.

6/1992 to 10/1993, GTE Government Systems, Needham MA, Software Task Manager

Contracted at MIT/LL at 45 Hartwell Ave for group 51 under Michael Austin, continued on the Space Satellite System that I was working on in Kwajalein, Marshall Islands.

10/1980 to 6/1992, GTE Government Systems, Kwajalein Missile Range, Marshall Islands, SW Engineer

Designed and developed SW to process ALTAIR radar data in real-time. Developed SW to process HANDE element set algorithms. Was in a group of three SW engineers who completely rewrote the ALTAIR to NORAD messaging processing system. Participated in the testing of the ALTAIR extended range system. Participated as range tracker for WSMC ballistic mission re-entry missions. Designed SW to track Halley’s comet by ALTAIR. Updated the NASA 26 character tracking data processing message. Responsible for the Autodin addresses communication database. Redesigned and rewrote the ALTAIR logistics database program and reports. Designed and wrote MARY! - the make airline reservations yourself for the Kwajalein commuter passengers flying daily from Kwajalein to the radars on Roi-Namur Island. Adapted tracking and element set processing to run on local IBM-PCs. Did an in depth study of both main-frame and PC tracking programs.

12/1978 to 9/1980 Ford Aerospace, MIT/LL Lexington, MA, Software Engineer

Designed and developed various fortran programs to process LITE Laser Radar Data from Kwajalein Marshal Island. Also worked on atmospheric study programs Hitran and Lowtran.

11/1973 to 11/1978 Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Research Assistant

Built an engineering photo duplicating system to process hundreds of Hydrogen Alpha photos from Skylab data that had copies of solar images for every sunrise/ sunsets as well as all prominences and flares. Printed twenty copies of over thirty volumes of photographs. Built a spectrometer to process the satellite Solar Max data. Designed and built and calibrated an inter-observatory photo light system to add a spot of exact number of photons to astronomical plates using pure bureau of standards copper. Worked with Dan Fabricant to create filters for working with Xray detectors.

Hardware/Software Experience:

Operating Systems: VmWare – virtualization SW

WxWorks – embedded OS, Tornado is the IDE


Linux – Redhat, SUSE

Windows – XP, Vista, 8, 10




Tools: Agile processing, topdown, bottomup processesing

Apache Tomcat – open source software implementation of

the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies

Apache Spark - Taming big data with Spark and Python

Sniffer – packet analyzer

PostgresSQL – object-relational database management system

XWindows – computer software system GUI

XDesigner – advanced Moif GUI builder

XML – Extensible Markup Language

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

Macromedia Studio- Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks

Adobe Creative Suite - Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop

SqlPlus and Oracle dabase packages

Microsoft Professonal Office – Word,Excel, Powerpoint, Access

IBM Rational Tools: ClearDDTS – change management tool

Clearcase – SW configuraton management

Clearquest – SW change management

Requisite Pro – require management and use-case tool

Functional Tester – functional regression testing tool

Manual Tester – test authoring and execution tool

Languages: Fortran, C, C++, JAVA, pascal, A68K assembler, perl, python, awk

Clearances: Active Top Secret, Inactive SCI

References: Available on request.

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