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Technician Assistant

Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
20 hora
September 08, 2019

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Luis Angel Garibaldi Caro

Glendale, AZ *****

*****************@*****.***.** - 480-***-****

Dispuesto a trasladarse a: cualquier parte


Landscaping Assistant

Triple AAA landscaping - Phoenix, AZ -

octubre 2017 a febrero 2018


Yolos restaurant - Las Vegas, NV -

junio 2017 a octubre 2017

Limpieza de cocins y restaurant



marzo 2007 a febrero 2017

Diswasher,storage food,cleaning oven and floor freezer room Technician in telecomunication

Railroad mexicano FERROMEX - Empalme sonora mexico - octubre 1999 a febrero 2009

Installion,repair& maintenace of equipment and buildings in electricity and electronic.

-repair and maintenace of generator of electricity...5,10 & 45 KW.

--Maintenence of transformers and sub estacion electrical

-programing & repairing 11 models of radiocommunication MOTOROLA.,and installation too in railroad locomotor,cars,and repeater in the mountain... I did this work in 3 cities at time around 350 milles.

--I did attend too with big ligths lamp and electricity with plants generators of railroad way aroun 400 miles...

I had 5 persons helpers in charge

-installed,program & maintenance of conmuter NEC (I got training),cable structered Handyman Helper

Daily Labor agency - Glendale, AZ -

marzo 2000 a enero 2009

General helper specialy in electricity and electronic Handyman Assistant

Preciados handyman - Glendale, AZ -

mayo 1998 a noviembre 2008

General helper and specific in electronic and electricity. PRINTAFORM SA

PRINTAFORM SA de CV - Hermosillo Sonora MEXICO -

julio 1984 a febrero 2005

I did job like practice of school in time and movents studios and disyribution of material in tha line of production,I did this work with 20 people.. Electronic Technician

Nelco Contractors, Inc. - Tempe, AZ -

mayo 1999 a agosto 1999

Inspect and repair printed boards for assembly electronic of important customer like IBM,CASIO,SONY,etc.

I did work in all departaments,since make the board until final step... Electronic Technician

FERNIES TV - Tempe, AZ -

marzo 1997 a noviembre 1998

I work here repairing TV's different size and big screen too,repair it to component level and adjust it...

Electronic Technician

AML (Advance microwave laboratories) - Camarillo, CA - agosto 1992 a mayo 1994

Repair and aligment small pieces of amplifiers of microwave communication...I did it in 15 models more or less I did some design too,and work with especial equipment like:microscope analog and digital electronic,scpoe,analise curves of gain and VSW meters;mulimeter,noise,power,Rin- Rout..,etc.

Electronic Technician

Data Exchange Corporation (DEX) - Camarillo, CA -

marzo 1991 a marzo 1992

I worked repairing boards of big printer from around the world and others boars like memories of PC SONY,LAPTOP APPLE,POWER SUPLY OF 72 VOLTAGE D.C. for big printer and big equipment...also works repaing small printers...

Electronic Enginner

Zenith corp. - Douglas, AZ -

septiembre 1987 a diciembre 1990

Alignment and repair and desing and construccion test equipment for PC boards of television Zenith.

I did about 10 equipment and save aroun of 1.5 millions in parts for recovery and find troubles failures of component level...


Electronic enginner en Electronic Industrial

Instituto tecnologico de hermosillo - Hermosillo Sonora Mexico septiembre 1980 a diciembre 1985

Electronic technician en Electronic

Institito tecnologico de hermosillo - Hermosillo Sonora Mexico septiembre 1977 a junio 1980

G.E.D en High scholl. I did all test in a day...I was the first who did it in that time..the goverment gave me a brca for go to english school and elrctrical enginneer too...

Colegio de sierra vista,Az - Sierra Vista, AZ

junio 1991


Microsoft office,electronic technician repair electtonics boards yo component lebel,use of meters about electronivs.. (10 o más años)




GED School

julio 1991 a Actualmente

Equivalent of high school


I consider me,a person of workhard,serious,responsable,honest and Working hard until all...

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