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UI front end developer

Texas City, TX
May 22, 2024

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Rajeshwar Bolishetty



I am a highly skilled Front-End developer with over 10+ years of experience in React JS, Redux, VueJS, Angular, BackboneJS, REST Services, NodeJS, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, JAVA, MySQL, Mongo DB, GIT, Web pack.

Experience in implementing store actions using Redux and usage in middleware like Redux Thunk and Redux Saga.

Expert in implementing Controllers, modules, services, factories, module optimization, http caching and Angular UI for bootstrap in AngularJS.

Strong Experience in implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Microservices using Java Spring Boot REST web Services.

Worked on writing the unit tests in Jest, enzyme, Mocha and Jasmine. Strong Experience in writing the functional tests using cypress and protractor.

Knowledge in working with the building tools like Maven, Ant, Jenkins.

Experienced with Linux system administration, DevOps and AWS cloud platform.

Proficient understanding of versioning tools, such as GIT, Bitbucket.

During my academic journey, both at the bachelor’s and master’s level, I focused on computer science, allowing me to cultivate strong problem-solving abilities and proficiency in complex algorithms. With expertise in Angular, React, and Node, I have successfully delivered numerous projects that demonstrate my mastery of these technologies.

Furthermore, I possess a deep understanding of responsive design principles, ensuring optimal user experiences across various devices and screen sizes.

Experience in designing and presenting multiple concepts and iterations around user interaction models, workflows, wireframes, screen flows, mockups and prototypes

As a dedicated developer, I constantly seek opportunities to enhance my skill set and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. My passion for coding, coupled with my strong analytical skills, allows me to tackle complex challenges and deliver high-quality solutions.

Proven experience with Java, J2EE, XML, and Web Services for robust server-side development.

Adept at working within Agile Scrum environments, ensuring efficient project delivery.

I am excited to leverage my extensive experience and technical prowess to drive innovation and contribute to the success of your organization.


Bachelor of Technology in computer sciences from NIT Warangal, India.

Masters in Computer Science from Concordia University Wisconsin, WI, USA.


Web Technologies: HTML4/ HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular.js, ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, NextJs, Spring Framework, Redux, Ajax, JSON, Angular 2/4/6, TypeScript, Angular CLI, AWS Cloud Services, Material UI.

Cloud Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Web/App: Web Sphere, Apache, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS EAP, Web Logic Server

Frameworks: Angular 2/4/6, D3.JS, React JS, Bootstrap.

Databases: MySQL, Postgres.

Build Tools: Jenkins

Task & Project Management: Jira,

Version controls: GitHub, SVN Tortoise

Tools: Atom, IntelliJ, VsCode

Unit Testing: Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Enzyme

Functional Testing: Cypress, Selenium, Protractor

Professional Experience:

Dell, Tx Aug 2022-Present

Sr. Full Stack Developer


Working for orders management portfolio team to build custom tracking applications for mid-size and small size merchants.

Helped in building the component for tracking UI where merchants can check order status by entering order id both in logged in and logged out flows.

Experience in developing SPA based unidirectional flow application using React-Redux and NodeJS.

Used NodeJS to run Webpack tasks and build the project properly and Implemented Initial setup and component migration to Redux from context APIs

Designed and implemented a Redux architecture for a high-traffic SaaS application, ensuring centralized state management and improved maintainability for a growing team.

Utilized Redux DevTools for efficient debugging and state inspection.

Extensively worked with making calls to Java spring boot APIs to fetch the data from the backend as JSON response and parse it on the UI for DOM/CSS Manipulation.

In-depth knowledge of building and integrating microservices using Spring, Spring Boot, and Hibernate.

Involved in Setting up the Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines & jobs for the application using the Jenkins.

Developed the classes for Unit testing by using Jest. Involved in writing the functional test scripts using the software testing frameworks like Cypress.

Create server-side APIs using NodeJs and Express.js to enable instant communication to facilitate data transfer and improve overall application interoperability.

Build a foundation for secure and reliable React applications with powerful performance and authentication mechanisms in the NodeJs backend.

Seamlessly integrate third-party APIs with NodeJs to exchange data and achieve continuous functionality.

Improve the performance of NodeJS servers using caching techniques and asynchronous programming technology.

Use NodeJs for server-side rendering (SSR) to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and reduce page load times to improve user experience.

Experienced NodeJs's asynchronous, non-blocking nature to build highly scalable and responsive applications.

Express.js is my framework of choice for building robust and modular web applications on NodeJs.

I'm adept at utilizing the vast Node Package Manager (npm) ecosystem to find and integrate powerful libraries and tools.

I prioritize test-driven development, ensuring code quality and maintainability through frameworks like Jest and Mocha.

I streamline deployments using tools like PM2 or serverless frameworks for efficient application management.

NodeJs is my weapon of choice for building lightweight and decoupled microservices for complex applications.

Staying up-to-date with the latest NodeJs trends, I actively participate in the vibrant community and explore new libraries and frameworks.

To facilitate server side rendering, NextJs was used to gather data and render each request individually, delivering a distinct view for each page.

NextJs was integrated into the current project to render components server-side and access the backend directly, reducing the size of the bundle.

NextJs automated image optimization features were used to manage the right picture format and size based on resolution.

Collaborated with the order support team to understand customer needs and translate them into actionable features.

Ensure responsive design across different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).

Implement proper error handling and user feedback mechanisms in the UI.

Work with back-end developers to integrate order management functionalities seamlessly and understanding the API contracts.

Currently focus on creating a clear, intuitive, and user-friendly experience for customers interacting with the order support system.

Mentored junior developers on ReactJS and Redux best practices for efficient codebase.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Redux, NextJs, JSON, SQL Server.

Sysco Foods, TX Nov 2021-July 2022

Sr. Full Stack Developer


Developed and maintained responsive web interfaces for Sysco's e-commerce platform, showcasing product categories like "Foodie" and "Quality Assurance."

Developed efficient designs and implemented User Interaction screens/Single Page Applications (SPA) using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJs, and Bootstrap.

Leveraged state, specs, props, and events to create interactive ReactJs components.

Utilized Bootstrap extensively to implement buttons, forms, paginations, and grids in web pages.

Employed Material UI and controls for Drag-and-Drop, Widgets, Menus, User Interface, and Forms.

Built responsive pages using Media Queries and Fluid layouts.

Implemented UI components using ReactJs to display product listings, filtering options, and shopping cart functionality.

Extensive experience in building highly scalable and reusable React components for dynamic and interactive UIs.

Designed a reusable React component library for internal use, streamlining development processes and ensuring UI consistency across projects.

Collaborated with designers to ensure a consistent user experience across all product categories and brands (including Sysco Brand Family, vendors and Specialty Companies).

Designed and executed a highly scalable React application with Redux for efficient state management, leading to a significant decrease in development time.

Led the initiative to transition a dated web application to React.

Created a versatile React component library that enhanced team productivity and maintained consistent user interface across the entire application.

Streamlined React components to achieve a seamless user experience with a rendering rate of 60fps, optimizing performance to the highest level.

Advocated for the implementation of accessibility best practices, ensuring that the React application complied with WCAG 2.1 AA standards.

Designed and developed robust RESTful APIs using Spring MVC or Spring Boot for efficient data exchange between mobile apps and back-end services.

Leveraged Spring Data JPA for seamless interaction with relational databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) within the back end.

Implemented Spring Security to secure APIs and user data, ensuring application authorization and authentication.

Written unit test cases using Jasmine/Karma framework and E2E test cases using Nightmare framework.

Utilized Git for version control and efficient code collaboration within the development team.

Successfully migrated the website to Amazon S3 on a regular basis for static hosting, reducing costs and increasing capacity to handle increased traffic.

By leveraging AWS Lambda and API Gateway's serverless framework, website performance is better in serving dynamic content.

Extended location execution through CloudFront CDN execution, moving forward around the world client inclusion.

Made a serverless affirmation system utilizing AWS Cognito, streamlining client login and get to control.

Utilized AWS Lambda to create API endpoints for real-time data getting, progressing application interactivity.

I am Experienced in the art of continuous integration and delivery using Code Build, Code Commit, and Code Pipeline for rapid and reliable deployments.

Adept at building and deploying serverless applications with AWS Lambda, eliminating server management overhead.

I leverage API Gateway to create scalable, secure, and developer-friendly APIs for my serverless applications.

CloudFormation is my go-to tool for infrastructure as code (IaC), ensuring repeatable and automated deployments.

I wield the AWS CLI with precision, automating tasks and managing resources efficiently.

YAML configuration files hold no secrets for me, allowing me to define infrastructure and deployments with ease.

Serverless deployments and IaC with CloudFormation enable me to optimize AWS resource utilization and keep costs in check.

Security is paramount in my serverless deployments. I leverage IAM roles and policies to ensure least privilege access.

I actively monitor serverless functions and infrastructure using CloudWatch to identify and troubleshoot issues proactively.

Optimizing serverless functions for performance is second nature to me, ensuring low latency and high responsiveness.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JavaScript, Type Script, React, Node JS, JSON, Aws, SQL Serve.

Citibank, Delaware Aug 2019-Oct 2021

Front End Developer


Developed Responsible Web Design (RWD) UI using HTML, CSS media queries, DOM, Ajax, JSON, Angular JS and Bootstrap.

Created Angular components like controllers, services, directives, and forms to collect different user data and implemented form validation in Angular.

Used AngularJS as framework to create a Single Page Application (SPA) which can bind data to specific views and synchronize data with server using SASS, Bootstrap and AngularJS.

Using Angular JS created custom directives for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format in UI.

Utilized Git for version control, regularly pushing code to GitHub for collaboration and code management.

Implemented application-level code to interact with APIs and RESTful Web Services using AJAX and JSON.

Utilized ECMAScript 6 features and employed Babel and Webpack for building JSX and ES2015 (ES6) code.

This allows for easy rollbacks if needed and smooth teamwork.

Worked closely with SQA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility.

Displayed tabular data using Angular JS by applying filters on table data.

Used $http with AngularJS interceptors to make sure the requests were valid and used UI-router to handle nested views and avoid page redirection.

Used RxJS framework for functional programing and operations to perform like map, filter, concat and reduce.

Developed cross-platform mobile applications using React Native, delivering native-like experiences for iOS and Android.

Built reusable and maintainable UI components adhering to React best practices.

Implemented efficient state management solutions (e.g., Redux, Context API) for complex application data flow.

Utilized third-party libraries and native modules to extend app functionality and integrate with device features.

Used Web pack, Babel, and gulp for transpiration (compilation) configuration for Typescript to be converted to JavaScript.

Developed backend web services using Spring Boot and custom components for the web applications using Angular.

Used Web pack, Babel, and gulp for transpiration (compilation) configuration for Typescript to be converted to JavaScript.

Have used different operations and extensions in Visual studio.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, TypeScript, NodeJS, JSON, Bootstrap, DOM.

3i InfoTech, India Dec 2015-Nov 2018

Front End Developer


Used the functionalities for writing code in HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY, Ajax, JSON, and Bootstrap with MySQL database as the backend.

Responsible for design and development of web pages using HTML, CSS including AJAX controls and XML.

Designed, developed and updated User Interface Web Forms using CSS, Dreamweaver and JavaScript.

Developed the middleware software components for the implementation of the Data Entry GUI for creating and editing medication instances using client-side technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Extensive experience using Bootstrap for Responsive web Designs.

Translate requirements into specifications and identify issues in both production and non-production applications.

Writing well designed, testable, scalable, and efficient code.

Test and debug new applications and updates. Contribute to all phases of the development lifecycle.

Utilized new software methodologies to be able to adapt to changes in requirements quickly.

Modified code in a web database in Report definition and user profile forms, Users request access to different reports on web, developed views to display data.

Developed page layouts, Navigations and presented designs and concepts to the clients and the management review.

Involved in designing and developing GUI for the user interface with various controls.

Environment: HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, JavaScript, JQUERY, XML, Ajax, JSON, MySQL,GUI.

Smart Connect Technologies, India Oct 2013 - Nov 2015

Front End Developer


Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client-side presentation and, data validation within the forms.

Used jQuery for event handling and GUI functionalities.

Used HTML and CSS for website layout and design.

Responsible for creating dynamic website for clients with a Friendly interface.

Responsible to fix styling issues.

word on WordPress and created few pages and did some maintenance, enhancements on the site.

Transformed design mock-ups’ into cross-browser compatible HTML / CSS layouts and implemented.

Handled all the client-side validations, slide show, hide and show controls, dropdown menus and tab navigation using jQuery.

Responsible for transforming design mock-ups to W3C standards compliant HTML pages using HTML, CSS.

Wrote code to fetch data from Web services using jQuery AJAX via JSON response and updating the HTML pages.

Environment: Windows, Eclipse, WordPress, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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