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Asp.Net Web Api

Dallas, TX, 75243
May 20, 2024

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PHONE: +1-469-***-****.



Professional Summary:

●10+ years of experience in the IT industry, delivering innovative and robust solutions with expertise in designing, developing, and maintaining scalable web applications using the Microsoft technology stack.

●Adept in utilizing the latest features of C# 10.0 to write clean and efficient code, improve code readability, maintainability, and productivity.

●Well versed with architectural styles, including layered architecture, microservices, RESTful APIs and SOAP to ensure separation of concerns, scalability, and extensibility.

●Experienced in developing applications using latest Microsoft technologies like ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET core Web API and Azure function and legacy tech like ASP.NET, ASMX, WCF, .NET Webforms.

●Skilled in designing and developing applications following the N-Tier architecture.

●AngularJS, ReactJS, Angular 10+, JavaScript, Razor Pages, Blazor, jQuery, TypeScript, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Font Awesome, and Bootstrap 4+ and Microsoft technologies like WPF, ASP.NET Web forms and ASP.NET MVC.

●In-depth knowledge of Single-Page Application (SPA) development using React JS, Angular JS, Angular 10+, Angular Material, and Angular CLI.

●Experience in using Angular.js, Angular 10+, ReactJS to test views and to do end to end unit testing by using Continuous Integration / Continuous deployment (CI/CD).

●Experienced in developing and consuming services in XML with ASMX, WCF, and JSON format with .NET Web API.

●Experience in creating and Consuming SOAP based ASMX, WCF services as a .Net Remoting Service, exposing Restful APIs developed using .NET Web API, .NET core Web API and Azure functions.

●Profound experience in technologies like ASP.NET Core MVC 2/3/5, Docker, and Kubernetes to build and deploy scalable and resilient microservices architectures, enabling agility, scalability, and fault tolerance.

●Experience in diverse FACETS of .NET core 2/2.2/3/5 development, encompassing analysis, design, development, and execution of Health Applications.

●Expertise in developing independent microservices with RESTful protocol using ASP.NET Core Web API and microservices using Azure functions.

●Experience in implementing API security, authentication, authorization using frameworks and techniques using JWT Token, OAuth 2.0 and ASP.NET Core Identity API.

●Designed, developed, and maintained robust and scalable web applications using a combination of .NET technologies such as ASP.NET, VB.Net, and C#.

●Proficient in working with generic collections, dictionaries, lists, and LINQ (Language Integrated Query) to perform complex data operations, improve code expressiveness, and enhance application performance.

●Experience with data access and ORMs including entity framework, dapper, LINQ to SQL, nHibernet and ADO.NET.

●Exposure to implementing real-time data streaming and batch processing of data with popular frameworks including Kafka, Azure service bus, RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ.

●Experience with unit testing frameworks like Nunit for .Net applications and Jasmine, karma, JEST for JS based apps.

●Exposure to various Web API and web service (WCF) testing tools Postman, Swagger, SoapUI, Fiddler.

●Proficient in developing SQL databases SQL Server 2008, 2017, Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite with Tables, Triggers, Views, and Stored Procedures.

●Experience with NoSQL databases MongoDB, Cassandra and Azure CosmoseDB.

●Major part of my experience in hosting and deploying .NET based applications is into IIS (Internet Information Services), from few years started working with Azure and AWS cloud services for hosting apps in Cloud.

●Exposure to Azure services including Azure App service, Azure blob, Azure AD, Azure Vms and AWS services including AWS EC2, AWS Lambda, AWS S3 and AWS SQS.

●Very good exposure with popular CI/CD frameworks, Azure Devops and Jenkins have hands on experience in both.

●Done app development using IDEs Visual studio code for most part of my career and TFS, GIT for version control.

●Experience with various devops tools like docker for imaging, Azure Kubernetes for managing containers, splunk for logging, GIT, TFS and Bitbucket for repo storage.

Education: Bachelors in information technology from Kakatiya Institute of Technology, India - 2013

Technical Skills:


C#, VB.Net, C++, XML, PL/SQL

Microsoft technologies:

.Net Framework 4.5 / 4.0 / 3.5 / 2.0 / 1.1 / 1.0, ADO.Net, ASP.Net 4.0 / 3.5 / 2.0

/1.1, .NET MVC 5/4/3, ASP.NET Core, WCF, WPF, Web API, Web API Core, ASMX,

.NET webforms

Web Technologies:

HTML5, CSS 3, Typescript, JavaScript, Angular.js, Angular 10+, ReactJS, Jquery,

Bootstrap, VueJS, NodeJS

Server-side technologies:

Kafka, Azure Service bus, RabbitMQ, JWT, OAuth 2.0, Microservices

Data Access and ORM:

Entity Framework, Dapper, ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL, nHibernet


MySQL, MSSQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, RDS, MongoDB, CosmosDB

IDE and a Tools:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 /2013 /2010, SQL Server Management Studio 2014,

2012, SQL Developer

Version controls:

TFS, Git, Bitbuckets, SVN.



Unit Testing and Tools:

NUnit, Jasmine, Karma, JEST, Docker, Kubernetes, Splunk


Azure Cloud Gateway API, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure DevOps, Azure blob, Azure AD,

AWS S3, AWS EC2, Azure Lambda.

Professional Experience:

PenFed Credit Union, Dallas, Tx Jan 2022 - Current

Senior .Net/UI Developer

Job Responsibilities:

●Implemented Agile methodologies to drive the development and delivery of web applications, ensuring iterative development, frequent customer feedback, and timely feature releases.

●Designed and implemented Microservices architecture, enabling scalable and independent development of web applications, resulting in improved modularity, flexibility, and rapid deployment of new features.

●Utilized Angular 10, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and TypeScript to develop intuitive and responsive front-end interfaces for web applications, enhancing user experience, and ensuring cross-browser compatibility and accessibility.

●Skilled in optimizing AWS costs by leveraging services like AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and Reserved Instances, and implementing cost-saving strategies like resource tagging and rightsizing.

●Proficient in horizontal and vertical scaling of applications in Kubernetes and setting up autoscaling based on CPU/memory utilization or custom metrics.

●Knowledgeable in setting up and executing Cucumber tests in parallel, leveraging tools like TestNG and XUnit in Java or the built-in parallel execution capabilities of Cucumber to optimize test execution time.

●Proficient in developing applications using VB.NET, a versatile and powerful programming language in the .NET framework.

●Proficient in using Splunk for log management, including collecting, indexing, and analyzing logs from various sources such as servers, applications, and network devices.

●Proficient in using Node.js for server-side development, building scalable and high-performance web applications.

●Expertise in integrating ASP with databases like MySQL for data storage and retrieval.

●Designed, implemented, and maintained Azure Event Hubs for real-time event ingestion, processing, and analytics in cloud-based applications.

●Designed, implemented, and maintained Apache Kafka-based messaging systems to facilitate real-time data processing, event-driven architectures, and stream processing applications.

●Developed and maintained web applications, APIs, and desktop applications using C# as the primary programming language within the .NET framework.

●Designed and implemented data warehouses and analytics solutions using Azure Synapse Analytics to enable scalable data storage, processing, and analytics.

●Utilized Kendo UI for Angular components to develop rich and responsive user interfaces for web applications.

●Designed and developed interactive and paginated reports using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to meet business reporting requirements.

●proficient in writing and executing unit tests using xUnit, a popular unit testing framework for various programming languages including C#, Java, and others.

●Knowledgeable in integrating AWS services with CI/CD pipelines using tools like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy, enabling automated and continuous delivery of applications.

●Developed and deployed scalable RESTful microservices using ASP.NET Core Web API, facilitating seamless integration and communication between web applications.

●Implemented Entity Framework Core, enabling efficient data access to Core Web API to integration with Database.

●Utilized JSON data format for standardized communication and data exchange between web applications and backend systems, ensuring interoperability with various services and Web APIs.

●Leveraged Azure Cloud's API Gateway to centralize and manage Web API endpoints for web applications.

●Implemented OAuth2 authentication protocol, ensuring secure user authentication and authorization for .NET core web API and Microservices.

●Integrated Node.js applications with databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, using ORMs like Mongoose for data modeling and interaction.

●Knowledgeable in using Kubernetes Services to expose applications internally and externally and leveraging built-in load balancing for distributing traffic across pods.

●Experienced in developing RESTful APIs using frameworks like Express.js in Node.js, enabling seamless communication between frontend and backend components.

●created scalable, reliable, and high-performance distributed systems using Microsoft Orleans Framework.

●Utilized Karma and Jasmine for Angular front-end testing, Cucumber/Citrus for web services automation, and Protractor for end-to-end testing.

●Familiar with integrating Cucumber tests into CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, and Azure DevOps, to automate test execution and provide rapid feedback on application changes.

●Leveraged the versatility of .NET technologies to build backend services and business logic while utilizing ReactJS for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

●Architected event streaming solutions using Azure Event Hubs to enable scalable, reliable, and high-throughput event processing across distributed systems and microservices.

●Optimized C# code for performance, scalability, and resource efficiency, utilizing profiling tools, performance benchmarks, and optimization techniques to improve application responsiveness and throughput.

●Worked on MongoDB to store and manage large volumes of customer data for web applications, providing scalability, flexibility, and fast data retrieval for improved performance and user experience.

●Implemented Apache Kafka as a message queue in full stack .NET development, enabling reliable and scalable communication between different components and microservices.

●Performed component testing for end-to-end scenarios using Xunit, ensuring comprehensive test coverage, identifying, and resolving bugs early in the development cycle, and delivering high-quality, reliable web applications.

●Utilized Postman, SOAP UI, and Swagger UI as testing tools to ensure robust API functionality, perform comprehensive integration testing, and facilitate smooth communication between web applications and backend systems.

●Experienced in designing and implementing disaster recovery strategies using AWS services like AWS Backup, S3 Cross-Region Replication, and AWS Disaster Recovery.

●Skilled in creating and managing pods, the smallest deployable units in Kubernetes, and configuring pod lifecycles, resource requirements, and affinity/anti-affinity rules.

●Experienced in creating custom dashboards and visualizations in Splunk to present log data in a meaningful and actionable format, enabling real-time monitoring and analysis of key metrics.

●Developed Kafka producers and consumers in Java or other programming languages to publish and subscribe to data streams, ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer between systems.

●Conducted unit testing, integration testing, and debugging of C# code using testing frameworks like NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit, ensuring code quality, reliability, and correctness.

●Implemented Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines for seamless deployment, continuous integration, and delivery of web applications, ensuring efficient release management and faster time-to-market for customer management and support applications.

●Utilized Azure cloud services to host and deploy web applications, leverage scalable infrastructure, and ensure high availability and reliability for customer management and support applications.

●Used Git as a version control tool to ensure collaborative development, track code changes, and manage codebase effectively.

●Knowledgeable in configuring alerting and monitoring in Splunk to proactively detect and respond to critical events or anomalies in log data, ensuring system availability and security.

●Skilled in asynchronous programming techniques in Node.js, utilizing features like callbacks, promises, and async/await to handle non-blocking I/O operations efficiently.

●Skilled in writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code in VB.NET to build robust software solutions.

●Effectively utilized Visual Studio as a build tool for efficient development, debugging, and deployment of web applications, enhancing productivity and ensuring high-quality code.

Tech Stack: Microservices architecture, REST, ASP.NET Core Web API, WCF, Entity Framework Core, JSON, C#, Azure Cloud's API Gateway, OAuth2, Angular 10, ASP.NET, AJAX, HTM5L, JQuery, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap, TypeScript, MongoDB, Kendo UI, Kafka, Xunit, Karma, RabbitMQ, SSRS, Jasmine, Postman, SOAP UI, Azure DevOps, Git, Visual Studio

Shaw Industries, NC – Remote May 2020 – Dec 2021

Senior .Net Full Stack/UI Developer

Job Responsibilities:

●Leveraged Agile methodology to drive the iterative development and delivery of telemedicine software solutions, ensuring rapid feedback, enhanced collaboration, and efficient adaptation to evolving healthcare needs.

●Implemented Onion Architecture for promoting the separation of concerns, modularity, and scalability while ensuring seamless integration of business logic, data access, and user interfaces.

●Experienced in deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters using YAML manifests or tools like Helm, ensuring consistent and reproducible deployments.

●Skilled in designing and implementing highly available and fault-tolerant architectures using AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Auto Scaling, and Multi-AZ deployments.

●Proficient in parsing and transforming raw log data using Splunk's field extractions, event types, and lookup tables, making it easier to analyze and correlate different types of log data.

●Architected event streaming solutions using Kafka to enable scalable, fault-tolerant, and real-time processing of large volumes of data across distributed systems and microservices.

●Worked with HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, Reactjs and ES6 for developing user interface.

●Used React.js library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the application.

●Implemented React.js Controllers to maintain each view data and used various bootstrap components like accordion, date picker, time picker, alert, buttons, modal and react -bootstrap components.

●Utilized ASP.NET Core Web API framework to build robust and secure RESTful APIs and efficient integration with healthcare systems and devices.

●Experienced in generating comprehensive test reports and documentation using Cucumber's built-in reporting tools and third-party plugins like Cucumber Reports and ExtentReports, to provide insights into test execution results and trends.

●Extensive experience in backend development using VB.NET for implementing server-side logic, data access, and business logic.

●Experienced in configuring and managing persistent storage for stateful applications in Kubernetes using PVs and PVCs.

●Implemented data ingestion pipelines using Azure Event Hubs to ingest data from various sources such as IoT devices, application logs, clickstreams, or telemetry data into event streams for real-time processing and analysis.

●Managed C# codebase using version control systems like Git, SVN, and TFS, ensuring code integrity, collaboration, and version history tracking within development teams.

●Integrated Kendo UI components such as grids, charts, dropdowns, date pickers, and editors into Angular applications to provide advanced data visualization and user interaction capabilities.

●Developed and optimized high-performance RESTful web services using ASP.NET Core Web API and maintained WCF services by best practices such as API versioning, authentication (OAuth2, JWT), and data serialization (JSON).

●Utilized Entity Framework Core as the ORM framework with .Net core Web API, WCF to effectively mapping complex business models to database entities, implementing data access layer with LINQ queries.

●Implemented JSON serialization/deserialization techniques, leveraging JSON schema validation, and optimized JSON parsing and transformation for improved interoperability and compatibility.

●Collaborated with cross-functional teams to integrate Blazor applications with various .NET technologies and third-party APIs.

●Developed real-time applications using WebSockets and technologies like in Node.js, enabling bidirectional communication between clients and servers.

●Integrated C# code with databases using Entity Framework ORM and ADO.NET, enabling seamless data access and manipulation within .NET applications.

●Integrated OAuth2 flows like Authorization Code and leveraging JWT tokens, OAuth2 scopes, and token validation to ensure robust authentication, authorization, and user identity management for Web API and micro services.

●Leveraged SQL Server features such as indexing, stored procedures, and transactions to enhance performance, scalability, and data integrity.

●Conducted requirements analysis and data modeling to design data schemas, tables, views, and stored procedures within Azure Synapse SQL pools.

●Capable of developing scalable and high-performance backend systems using VB.NET and .NET framework libraries.

●Integrated Kafka with microservices architectures using messaging patterns like publish-subscribe (pub/sub) or point-to-point (P2P) communication to enable asynchronous and decoupled communication between services.

●Proficient in organizing tests into logical groups and namespaces using xUnit's test classes and assemblies, facilitating easy navigation and maintenance of test suites.

●Created data models and queries to retrieve and aggregate data from relational databases for use in SSRS reports.

●Moving the Microservices as cloud bases in AWS EC2 server deployed using Elastic bean stalk/Code commit services of AWS.

●Knowledgeable in configuring alerting and monitoring in Splunk to proactively detect and respond to critical events or anomalies in log data, ensuring system availability and security.

●Configured message queues, implemented message routing patterns, and ensured fault-tolerant message delivery using MSMQ and RabbitMQ.

●Utilized NUnit powerful assertion library and test runner capabilities to achieve reliable and efficient testing coverage.

●Implemented Postman's advanced features such as request chaining, variable environments, and response to streamline testing workflows, identify and resolve issues, and deliver reliable and scalable Web API solutions.

●Employed Git in conjunction with GitHub and Bitbucket to enable code sharing, code reviews, and continuous integration, enhancing productivity and ensuring reliable version control.

●Proficient in creating custom middleware functions in Express.js to handle authentication, authorization, logging, and error handling in Node.js applications.

●Proficient in Kubernetes for container orchestration, managing and scaling containerized applications across a cluster of nodes.

●Skilled in using Cucumber hooks and tags to define setup and teardown actions before and after scenario execution, as well as to categorize and filter scenarios based on specific criteria.

●Familiar with AWS security best practices, implementing IAM policies, VPC security groups, encryption, and compliance standards to ensure data security and regulatory compliance.

●Utilized SSMS's intuitive user interface, query editor, and debugging capabilities to streamline database development and ensure data integrity.

Tech Stack: Agile Methodology, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript React.js, ES6, Bootstrap, ASP.NET Core, Web API, RESTful

APIs, WCF Services, OAuth2, JWT, Entity Framework Core, LINQ, Blazor, SQL Server AWS EC2, AWS Elastic Beanstalk,

AWS Code Commit, Kendo UI, MSMQ, RabbitMQ, Nunit, C#, Postman, Git, SSRS, GitHub, Bitbucket, SSMS (SQL Server

Management Studio)

Air Methods, Englewood, CO Dec 2017 – Mar 2020

.Net Full Stack Developer

Job Responsibilities:

●Employed Agile methodologies throughout the project lifecycle at Air Methods, facilitating iterative development, continuous feedback loops, and cross-functional collaboration.

●Facilitated efficient code management and enhanced overall application performance and user experience by implementing the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern in the development of web and mobile applications.

●Experienced in creating custom dashboards and visualizations in Splunk to present log data in a meaningful and actionable format, enabling real-time monitoring and analysis of key metrics.

●Skilled in writing SQL queries, stored procedures, and database transactions within VB.NET code for data manipulation and retrieval.

●Experienced in using Node Package Manager for package management in Node.js projects, managing dependencies, scripts, and versioning effectively.

●Proficient in using Cucumber's data tables and scenario outlines for parameterization and data-driven testing, enabling the execution of the same scenario with different input values and expected outcomes.

●Implemented checkpointing and state management mechanisms in Azure Event Hubs using features like Azure Blob Storage and Azure Databricks to track processing state and ensure fault tolerance and data consistency.

●Implemented business logic and application workflows using C# to encapsulate business rules, calculations, and data processing logic within .NET applications.

●Customized and extended Kendo UI components using Angular directives, services, and event handling to meet specific project requirements and design specifications.

●Developed highly responsive UI's using Angular 5 framework and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap and performed dynamic data binding, component-based architecture, and modular design principles.

●Leveraged Karma's powerful test runner and Jasmine's behavior-driven development approach to deliver high-quality, bug-free Angular applications.

●Experienced in using mocking frameworks like NSubstitute in conjunction with xUnit to create mock objects and perform dependency injection for testing classes with external dependencies.

●Utilized Kafka Streams or other stream processing frameworks like Apache Flink and Spark Streaming to perform real-time data processing, analytics, and transformations on Kafka data streams.

●Implemented data loading and ingestion pipelines using Azure Data Factory to extract data from various sources, transform it, and load it into Azure Synapse.

●Knowledgeable in using AWS CloudFormation and Terraform to define and manage infrastructure as code, enabling automated provisioning and management of AWS resources.

●Employed JQuery and AJAX for developing the web interface.

●Performed routing, model binding, and razor views to deliver highly interactive and responsive user interfaces by leveraging the power of ASP.NET MVC 5 framework in the development of web applications.

●Implemented Entity Framework to map object-oriented entities to database tables and leveraged LINQ for querying and manipulating data.

●Familiar with Kubernetes networking concepts like Services, Ingress, and Network Policies, and configuring network policies for controlling traffic flow and securing communication between pods.

●Strong understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles and design patterns in VB.NET.

●Improved Web API performance and enhanced UI by utilizing JSON as data format to facilitate lightweight and efficient data interchange between web and mobile applications.

●Knowledgeable in integrating Cucumber with automation testing frameworks like Selenium, Appium, and RestAssured, to automate the execution of scenarios and validate application functionality across different layers.

●Implemented client-side validations, asynchronous data retrieval, and responsive layouts using Bootstrap and Asp.Net MVC 5.

●Developing multiple services to integrating with azure service bus and event hubs.

●Involved in securing the services and deployed the services on secure cluster environment using Azure Active directory and Certificate based secure socket layer.

●Executed powerful SQL scripts on SQL server for ensuring high performance data access to the application.

●Implemented automated unit testing using XUnit framework to ensure the reliability and stability of the .NET application enabling quick detection of bugs.

●Utilized TFS (Team Foundation Server) as the version control tool to manage source code, track changes, and collaborate with the development team.

●Knowledgeable in deploying Node.js applications to production environments using platforms like AWS, Heroku, and Microsoft Azure, and setting up CI/CD pipelines for automated deployment.

●Set up monitoring and alerting solutions for Azure Event Hubs using Azure Monitor for monitoring tools to track key metrics, detect anomalies, and troubleshoot issues in real-time.

●Managed Kafka clusters, including installation, configuration, monitoring, and maintenance tasks, ensuring high availability, scalability, and reliability of Kafka infrastructure.

●Skilled in writing complex search queries in Splunk's Search Processing Language (SPL) to retrieve specific information from log data, perform data analysis, and generate reports.

●Integrated third-party libraries and frameworks written in C# and .NET into project solutions, leveraging their functionality to accelerate development and enhance application capabilities.

●Worked with SSMS to modify database schemas, writing, and executing SQL queries, managing stored procedures and functions, debugging, and optimizing queries.

●Implemented Log4Net for efficient logging and troubleshooting of application events and errors in the project.

●Utilized JIRA as a ticketing and project management tool, facilitating efficient task tracking, collaboration, and timely delivery of project milestones.

●Skilled in developing serverless applications using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and other serverless services, enabling cost-effective and scalable solutions.

●Proficient in configuring Kubernetes clusters for high availability (HA) and implementing disaster recovery (DR) strategies using features like PodDisruptionBudgets (PDBs) and cluster backups.

●Capable of designing and implementing scalable and maintainable object-oriented solutions using VB.NET.

●Integrated SSRS reports with other Microsoft BI tools and platforms, such as Power BI, Excel, and SharePoint, for enhanced data analysis and visualization.

Teck Stack: Agile, Angular 5, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Karma, Jasmine, jQuery, AJAX, ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework, LINQ, JSON, Azure Service Bus, Azure Event Hubs, WCF, Azure Active Directory, SSL, SQL Server, XUnit Framework, TFS, SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), c#, Log4Net, SSRS, JIRA

Crown Castle, Denver, CO Jan 2017 – Nov 2017

.Net/UI Developer

Job Responsibilities:

●Developed new functionalities to the existing user facing application, mostly using Microsoft based technologies like ASP, JavaScript, HTML, XML, AJAX, CSS, and IIS.

●Extensively used Master Pages in designing the WebPages and used Cascading Style sheets (CSS) for a unified look of the application.

●Implemented the Model View Controller Pattern (MVC) 3.0 to ease the complex development environment.

●Enabled fast coding work flowable, and quickly integrate server code into HTML markup with a minimum of keystrokes using Razor Views.

●Worked extensively with HTML Helper functions to build ASP.Net pages which enhance the productivity of MVC applications.

●Knowledgeable in implementing error handling mechanisms and debugging techniques to identify and resolve issues in VB.NET applications.

●Proficient in testing Node.js applications using frameworks like Mocha, Chai, and Jest, writing unit tests and integration tests to ensure code quality and reliability.

●Optimized C# code for performance, scalability, and resource efficiency, utilizing profiling tools, performance benchmarks, and optimization techniques to improve application responsiveness and throughput.

●conducted performance tuning and optimization of Azure Synapse workloads to improve query performance, resource utilization, and overall system efficiency.

●Proficient in integrating xUnit tests into CI/CD pipelines using build automation tools like Azure DevOps, Jenkins, to automate test execution and provide rapid feedback on code changes.

●Optimized Kafka performance by tuning configurations, partitioning strategies, and resource allocation to meet throughput, latency, and scalability requirements of streaming applications.

●Used JQuery and AJAX in the web interface development.

●Used WCF

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