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Configuration Management Sales Recruiter

Dallas, TX, 75225
May 17, 2024

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Krishna Adimalla



Professional Summary

10+ years of experience in the IT industry, have developed a strong ability to solve problems and have effectively provided innovative solutions for complicated issues during both the development and deployment phases. My area of expertise includes automation for infrastructure and application management through the use of configuration management, CI/CD, and deployment automation and optimization in cloud environments. I have worked extensively with popular tools such as GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Docker, Kubernetes, Ant, Ansible, Terraform, Splunk, and others. Additionally, I possess hands-on experience in branching, labeling, and release maintenance in a Linux environment that uses GIT.

Develops and manages all facets of projects, planning, and implementation including project schedule/milestones, documentation of scope and requirement gathering, resource requirements, project communications, and risk management.

Hands-on experience with AWS services like EC2, S3, ELB, RDS, IAM, Route 53, VPC, Auto scaling,

Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Security Groups.

Uses Terraform to provision AWS infrastructure while using Ansible to configure it.

Automation of AWS using Python scripting (boto3 library) to manage AWS resources, coordinate processes and workflows as well as package and deploy code.

Develop and Deploy web applications using serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda

Developed automation to deploy different versions of API definitions to Azure APIM/ management with power shell.

Hands-on experience in implementing Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, and proactively manage change by writing Python code by using Ansible Python API to automate Cloud Deployment Process.

Collaborates with Development and IT Operations teams to ensure efficient execution of projects.

Experience in setting up monitoring with Datadog to Azure APIM, AKS resources.

Created Azure DevOps pipelines to deploy API definitions to Azure APIM using self-hosted runners.

Establishes Complete DevOps Pipeline (Git-Hub-Jenkins & Maven-Ansible/Gradle-Docker- Kubernetes) on AWS platform.

Builds Jenkins Pipeline and Implements Automated Deployment through the pipeline using Jenkins files.

Creates new Ansible playbook plays and roles for application deployments.

Uses Container Orchestration tool Kubernetes to monitor, notify and auto-scale client infrastructures.

Builds Kubernetes clusters and deploys microservice applications to the cluster to help easily manage such applications.

Manages Container based applications at scale with Amazon EKS


AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate:

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA):


Cloud Platforms AWS, Azure

Configuration Management Tools Chef, Ansible

CI /CD Jenkins, Bamboo, Argo CD, GitLab

Infrastructure as code (IaaS) Terraform, Cloud formation.

Monitoring tools Nagios, New Relic, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK, Datadog, Cloud watch.

Log Monitoring Tool Splunk

Container management Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Helm

SCM Tools Git, GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket

Scripting Languages Shell, Bash, Python

Servers WebLogic, Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, Nginx

Operating systems LINUX (Ubuntu/ Red hat/ Centos), Windows, Mac OS

Other tools Elasticsearch, Vault, SQL, R, Tableau, Power BI

Professional Experience

NEW CENTURY BANK, Manhattan, KS Sep 2022 – Present

Sr. AWS DevOps/Kubernetes Engineer


Creating, configuring and deploying instances on AWS environment, also handling CloudWatch, Elastic Search and managing security groups on AWS.

Provide highly durable and available data by using S3 data store, versioning, lifecycle policies, and create Amis for mission critical production servers for backup and maintained the user accounts IAM, RDS, Route 53, VPC, Dynamo DB, SES, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.

Build and configure a virtual data center in the Amazon Web Services cloud to support Enterprise Data Warehouse hosting including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Public and Private Subnets, Security Groups, Route Tables, Elastic Load Balancer.

Used Terraform to set up the AWS infrastructures such as launching the EC2 instances, S3 buckets objects, VPC, Subnets, etc.

Extensively worked on terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during terraform deployments to enable more control or missing capabilities

Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality and analysis with SonarQube scanner for Maven.

Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch

Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, and GitHub and AWS

Used Bash and Python, included Boto3 to supplement automation provided by Ansible and Terraform for tasks such as encrypting EBS volumes backing AMIs and scheduling Lambda functions for routine AWS tasks

Configured and managed source code using GIT and resolved code merging conflicts in collaboration with application developers and provided a consistent environment.

Implemented Continuous Integration using Jenkins and GIT

Used Maven scripts to build source code. Supported and helped to create Dynamic Views and Snapshot views for end users

Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool to automate the build process and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects

Installed and Configured Jenkins Plugins to support the project specific tasks and Automated deployment of builds to different environments using Jenkins

Wrote groovy scripts to set up job DSL within Jenkins and to develop Jenkins Pipeline jobs and to setup upstream and downstream projects

Developed Chef cookbooks from scratch and wrote recipes, scripts, monitoring checks and also developed LWRP's for the cookbooks

Managed Chef Server in pushing the infrastructure changes to client nodes, monitoring the logs and security. Used Kitchen.yml as a platform to automatically test our Chef cookbooks across many combinations of platforms

Implemented Chef Cookbooks, Recipes in Ruby for Provisioning Dey, Test, Pre-prod, Production environments consisting of DB installations, Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere

Configuration Automation and Centralized Management with Ansible and Cobbler. Implemented Ansible to manage existing servers and automate the build/configuration of new servers

Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS nodes and Tested Playbooks on AWS instances using Python. Run Ansible Scripts to Provide Dev Servers

Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has Integrated Ansible

Automated the process of Apache Webserver installation, configuration-using Ansible

Using Jenkins AWS Code Deploy plugin to deploy to AWS and used Chef for unattended bootstrapping in AWS

Created Docker images using a Dockerfile, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volume and Implemented Docker automation solution for Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery model

Integrated Docker container orchestration framework using Kubernetes by creating pods, configMaps and deployments

Worked on Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, ConfigMaps, selector services and deployed application containers as Pods

Used Kubernetes to deploy load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with multiple namespace versions

Engineered Splunk to build, configure and maintain heterogeneous environments and in-depth knowledge of log analysis generated by various systems including security products

Installed, configured and managed the ELK (Elastic Search, Log Facilitated Scrum ceremonies like Sprint planning, retrospectives, Daily stand-ups, etc. Stash and Kibana) for Log management within EC2/ Elastic Load balancer (ELB) for Elastic search

Implemented a centralized logging system using log stash configured as an ELK stack, AWS Cloud Watch, VPC Flow logs, Cloud Trail Events, changes in S3 etc.

Installed and Configured the Nexus repository manager for sharing the artifacts within the company

Created and maintained documentation of build and release processes and application configuration to comply with audit requirements and industry best practice

Environment: Git, SVN, Jenkins, Maven, AWS, Azure, Terraform, Kubernetes (Kops, Kubeadm, AKS, OpenShift, EKS), ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Fluent Bit, Splunk, Prometheus, Grafana, Datadog, Dynatrace, Ansible, Argo CD, Docker (Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose, Swarm, Registry), AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, AWS RDS, VPC, ELB, Route 53, Ingress, Bash, JSON, Groovy, Python, CloudWatch, IAM, AWS CloudFormation, Kubectl, Helm.

Ameren, St. Louis, MO Apr 2022 - Sep 2022

Role: DevOps/Kubernetes Engineer/ Sr. Senior Reliability Engineer


Proficient in using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and End-to-End automation of build and deployment processes.

Utilized EKS to orchestrate Docker Container deployment, scaling, and management.

Automated infrastructure tasks, including Continuous Deployment, application server setup, and stack monitoring, using Ansible playbooks.

Automation of AWS using Python scripting (boto3 library) to manage AWS resources, coordinate processes and workflows as well as package and deploy code.

Develop and Deploy web applications using serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda.

Deployed Kubernetes Clusters on cloud/on-premises environments and wrote many YAML files to create many services like pods, deployments, auto scaling, load balancers, health checks, Namespaces, Persistent Volumes, Stateful Sets, Persistent Volume Claims, Ingress, Services.

Worked on AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services with Java, PHP, Python and to perform health checks. Integrated AWS Lambda with AWS DynamoDB to automatically respond to events in DynamoDB streams.

Enabled blue green deployments for upgrading and upsizing the Cassandra fleets using Python templates in Spinnaker.

Ensure test automation design is traceable to requirements or existing manual test cases and achieves a high level of requirement/test execution coverage.

Building the Jenkins jobs using Groovy scripts for CI/CD pipeline builds and actively involved in pipeline setups and Jenkins configurations.

Configuring and integrating the servers with different environments to automatically provisioning and Provisioning tools like Terraform and Ansible.

Collaborates with Development and IT Operations teams to ensure efficient execution of projects.

Experience using AppDynamics, Dynatrace, Kibana, Grafana dashboard and Prometheus Alert Manager for monitoring the health of Kubernetes and OpenShift nodes.

Experience with database development concepts, especially Microsoft SQL Server

Experiences creating Kubernetes Deployments in YAML manifest, Services & Pods Using Kubectl

Establishes Complete DevOps Pipeline (Git-Hub-Jenkins & Maven-Ansible/Gradle-Docker- Kubernetes) on AWS platform. Wrote Shell (bash) and Python scripts in Jenkins to automate deployment processes.

Experienced in using Ansible with jinja2 Templating for server configuration, software deployment, and orchestration of continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates.

Written a Ansible role combined with Terraform and Terragrunt deployed in Azure App service application and environment.

Worked on Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) process by automating build on time basis using Azure DevOps. Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Azure DevOps for Continuous Integration and deployment.

Developed YAML to define the build and release pipelines in Azure DevOps and used self-hosted agents to run the CI/CD pipelines and stored the build artifact in JFrog.

Installed and Configured Prometheus and Alert Manager for Kubernetes cluster monitoring and set up alerts to be sent to Pager Duty and Slack.

Proficient in Ansible Tower with knowledge of dashboard usage, Role-based access control (RBAC), and developing Ansible playbooks for managing application OS configuration files in GIT hub, integrating with Jenkins, and verifying with Jenkins plugins. Also deployed applications in Linux environment.

Created Ansible manifest files, roles, and profile modules to automate system operations and manage servers on Microsoft Azure Platform, Azure Virtual Machines, and encrypted data using Ansible vault.

Installed OMS agent as a daemon set on Kubernetes cluster.

Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, created reproducible builds of Kubernetes applications, and managed Kubernetes manifest files and Helm package releases.

Configured Splunk Forwarder as a daemon set to forward application logs from Kubernetes cluster to Splunk.

Set up New Relic minion in Azure to monitor application services, write JSON scripts and create APM dashboard to identify bottleneck areas.

Wrote API proxies on Apigee Edge platform.

Created jobs in Azure Databricks to extract data from databases.

Environment: Aws, Azure, Azure Devops, Terraform, Ansible, Docker, Git, Jira, Jenkins, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Maven, SonarQube, ELK, Java, shell, Bash, Python, WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat, Nginx.

Pearson, TX March 2017 to Nov 2021

Role: AWS DevOps/Senior Reliability Engineer


Installing and configuring Kubernetes Cluster on AWS using CloudFormation scripts and responsible for the administration of the cluster.

Worked on setting up the namespace, CPU/Memory constraints, and Storage in the cluster.

Installed and managed Kubernetes applications using Helm.

Managing multiple AWS cloud accounts. Automating the creation of entire VPCs with EC2, Elastic Cache, S3 Bucket for storing and Backup, SQS, SES, SNS, and Route53 assets using Cloud Formation.

Created and deployed an AWS Lambda function with AWS CloudFormation.

Monitor and perform code integration and resolve merge conflicts in case of any issues.

Maintain version control of both Infra-related and application-related code.

Worked on creating release pipelines creation and deploying applications to non-prod.

Developed, maintained, and distributed release notes for each scheduled release.

Integrated JIRA with subversion and configured with Jenkins to automate the entire Build and release process. Tracked backlogs and fixed bugs using JIRA.

Kept track of all the releases and requests of the developers through Infrastructure management tools.

Supported engineering plans and schedules by providing CM.

Released Engineering services to build, deploy, and develop scripts.

Implement Alerts/Alarms Management for the supporting applications record alarm, causing error condition and mitigation strategy.

Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment in the JBoss Application Server.

Worked with the Architects on SDLC process being the owner of post-development environments.

Stand by administrator for Clear Case and PVCS.

Performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion functions for the project like merging, creating branches and tags using Tortoise SVN / Visual SVN.

Performed Load/Functional testing using Mercury Load runner and HP QTP. Coordinated Instance Refreshes and Environment Rebase lining.

Oversee branch and merge strategies and build automated tools as necessary.

Created tickets for bug stories and featured stories in JIRA with co-ordination of QA/BA team respectively and issued it to developers to fix bugs and include necessary feature additions.

Mentored Business Areas on Subversion Branching and Merging strategies concepts using Git SVN.

Environment & Tools: Subversion, AWS, Clear Case, Jenkins, Java/J2EE, ANT, MAVEN, DB2, UNI.

CTM (clinical trial media). Austin, Texas May 2014 to Jan 2017

Role: Build and Release Engineer


Responsible for Development, UIT, SYSTEM, UAT, STAGING, PRODUCTION Builds and Releases.

Installed and configured Nagios monitoring tool to manage infrastructure.

Used Nagios as a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they affect critical processes and worked on Nagios Event handlers in case of automatic restart of failed applications and services.

Worked on User Group creation, monitoring, and maintaining a log for system status/health using Linux commands and Nagios system monitor.

Build a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins to automate the process using the Python and Bash script.

Migrating the data to respective DEV and QA Oracle database before doing code roll-out

Developed bash, shell, and Perl scripts to automate application and system management activities. These scripts provided the following functionality: application startup and shutdown, monitored systems and applications health, and website management.

Developing scripts for deployment of customer environments into AWS, using Bash and Python.

As a member of the Release Engineering group, redefined processes and implemented tools for software builds, patch creation, source control, and release tracking and reporting on the Unix/Linux platform.

Managed and administered all UNIX servers, including Linux operating systems by applying relative patches and packages at regular maintenance periods using Red Hat Satellite server, YUM, and RPM tools.

Planned and performed the upgrades to Linux (RHEL 5x, 6x, SUSE 10, 11, CENTOS 5, 6, operating systems, and hardware maintenance like changing memory modules, and replacing disk drives.

Planned, scheduled and Implemented OS patches on Linux boxes as a part of proactive maintenance.

Created local repositories on Linux servers Performed server updates, patching, upgrades, and package installations using RPM and YUM.

Deployed and configured Apache in Linux and IIS in Windows for web hosting servers.

Environment & Tools: Subversion, AWS, Clear Case, Jenkins, Java/J2EE, ANT, MAVEN, DB2, UNI.

Techstar Software Development, Hyderabad. March 2013 – Feb 2014

Role: Build and Release Engineer


Worked as a Build and Release Engineer in automating, building, deploying, and releasing of code from one environment to another environment

Installed and configured an automated tool Puppet that included the installation and configuration of the Puppet master, agent nodes, and an admin control workstation

Created and updated Puppet manifests and modules, files, and packages stored in the GIT repository

Using ANT, Puppet Scripts with Ivy to build the application and deploy

Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plugins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker

Setting up continuous integration and formal builds using Bamboo with Artifactory repository

Automated the build and release management process, including monitoring changes between releases

Worked with development/testing, deployment, systems/infrastructure and project teams to ensure continuous operation of build and test systems

Responsible for status updates and communication on SWARM Goals

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