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Senior Android Developer

Atlanta, GA, 30324
May 17, 2024

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Phone: 646-***-****; Email:

Lead Android Developer (12+ years)

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP, C/C++, React Native, Compose

Development IDEs: Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio

RESTful Web Services: REST, SOAP, JSON, GSON, Moshi, XML, AJAX, Volley, Retrofit, OkHTTP, okio, OkHttp Logging Interceptor

Development Tools: Git,GitHub, BitBucket, JIRA, Confluence, GitLab-CI/CD, DevOps, Bitrise

Dependency Injection: Hilt, Koin, Koden, Dagger 1 & 2, Butter Knife, IcePick, RoboGuice, AWS

Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Travis, Hudson, Bitrise, TeamCity, Circle CI, Gitflow, GO, Azure

Project Processes: Agile Scrum, Pair Programming, Extreme, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospective, Backlog, Daily Scrum, Kanban

MultiThreading: Coroutines, WorkManager, JobDispatchers, JobServices, RxJava, AsyncTask, IntentService, Handlers, Loopers, Loaders

Database: SRoom, Realm, QLite, SQL, Transact-SQL Firebase, MongoDB, Realm, SQL Developer for Oracle, SQL Server Management Studio, Write stored procedures & triggers

Images: Picasso, Glide, Fresco, Coil

Debugging: DDMS tool, ADB, LeakCanary, Firebase Crash Reporting, Crashlytics, Profilers, Charles Proxy

Bluetooth: Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth API, Bluetooth Kit, Beacons

Testing: Robotium, Espresso, Mockito, TestFairy, Junit, Mockk, Robolectric Calabash, Cucumber, JaCoCo

Architecture/ Design Pattern: MVI, MVC, MCP, MVVM, Builder, Abstract Factory, Visitor, Proxy, Singleton, Builder, Observer

Reactive-X: Reactive-X, RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBinding

Threading: RxJava, EventBus, Loopers, Loaders, Handlers, Coroutines

Jet Pack: Room, VIewModel, LIveData, WorkManager, Chips, Hilt, Paging

Firebase: Firebase DB, Remote Config, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Firebase Crash Reporting

Data Binding: Android Data Binding, View binding

Media: Adobe PrimeTime, ExoPlayer, Leanback, Android TV

Analytics: MixPanel, Google Analytics, UrbanAirship, PushWoosh

Version Control: Git, SVN, BitBucket, Gitlab

Build: Gradle, Maven

Servers and O.S.: Android SDK, Windows Server 2008/2012

Misc. Libraries: Nine Old Androids, Retrolambda, Parce, Parceler, Parselable, Support, Libraries, EventBus, Kickflip, Truth

Misc. Android Development: Fragments, SyncAdapters, Push Notifications, JobScheduler, EventBus, WorkManager

Google: Google Cloud Messaging, Google Location, Material Design, Google Places, Firebase, MLKit, ARCore

Diagramming: Mockito, UML and ERD diagrams

Professional Summary

•Android development experience: 12+ years with 9 apps published on Play Store.

•Experience programming in Java and Kotlin Programming languages.

•Experienced working on Agile teams and applying Agile project methodologies with Daily Scrums, Sprints, Sprint Planning, Sprint grooming, Sprint Retrospective, and Sprint Backlog. Wide experience working in multi-module environment projects.

•Experience with frameworks Rx Java, Rx Kotlin, RX Bluetooth, and Rx Android.

•Expert-level knowledge of git and continues integration.

•Experience in good app architecture using design patterns such as MVVM, MVP, MVI, and Clean

•Extensive understanding of Android framework components and respective lifecycles combined with solid knowledge of multithreading, networking, offline storage, and performance tuning.

•Thorough understanding of structured analysis, programming techniques, and change management.

•Build reusable Android components, orchestrate user interactions integrating with backend services via REST and Graph QL APIs

•Exposure to mobile middleware and integration with different web services and message exchanges (e.g., SOAP, REST, XML, JSON)

•Well-versed in Android third-party libraries such as Volley, Retrofit, Picasso, YouTube, Location API, Maps View, Google View, Google Maps, PayPal, Stripe, Android Pay, Butterknife, Dagger, Google Wallet payments, and Android Annotations.

•Knowledge and experience using payment gateways/systems.

•Knowledge of Google application guidelines and compliance requirements.

•Proficient in Working with different Android frameworks (Bluetooth, Location, Camera, Notifications, Maps).

•Experience with Push Notifications, Google Maps, Navigation, and GPS.

•Fluent in Android SDK/NDK and device driver development.

•Fully conversant with OOP principles, software development frameworks, and design patterns.

•Strong knowledge in Android multithreading frameworks: Async Task, Intent Services, Handlers, Threads, Runnables, Loopers.

•Implement asynchronous services to update local storage and notify updates in the UI (Content Providers, Services, Sync Adapters, Loaders).

•Implement the RESTful data consumption using Retrofit with an Ok Http client, GSON and Jackson converters and a custom interceptor.

•Stay up to date on the ever-changing mobile and Android technology landscape.

•Knowledge and demonstrated skill in applying Activities, Fragments, Custom Views, Services, Volley, Support library, and 3rd- party libraries.

•Adept with Android performance tuning and crash reporting applications as well as use of Leak Canary, Firebase Crash Reporting, Crashlytics and various profiling tools.

•Familiar with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, and other short distance wireless communications protocols

•Experience with various APIs including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube; uploading apps on the Google Play Store.

•Collaborates well with cross-functional teams, finding ways to add value for other teams, and contributing to the overall quality and success of application.

Professional Experience

Lead Android Developer Since October 2023

US Bank – Atlanta, GA (Remote)


Environment: Android + Point of Sale System (ELO, Poynt, Printers, Cashdrawers, Barcode scanners, Card readers, etc.)

Project Summary: During my time at Talech as a Senior Android Developer, I played a key role in improving accessibility features and ensuring compliance with standards for our point-of-sale applications. I led the migration of our codebase from Java 11 to Java 17 and integrated Kotlin into our systems. I also maintained various POS systems and peripheral devices. Additionally, I provided support via ServiceNow, conducted code reviews, and contributed to version releases and analytics. Collaborating in bug bashes, I helped enhance software quality and performance. My efforts extended globally, aiding in the creation of regional build variants, and expanding Talech's market presence. Overall, I prioritized quality and user experience throughout my tenure.

•As a Senior Android Developer at Talech, I ensured our application met and exceeded accessibility standards by:

•Addressing color contrast issues for improved readability, especially for users with visual impairments.

•Optimizing touch targets to facilitate easier navigation for users with motor impairments.

•Implementing focus and description functionality to aid users with screen readers.

•Utilizing Deque's Axe development tool to systematically address accessibility issues.

•Augmented the app's performance utilizing tools like React Native Performance and debugging tools like React Native Debugger, identifying, and resolving any performance bottlenecks to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.

•Improved app performance with React Native Hermes and Redux state optimization.

•Designed dynamic menu browsing with Flat List and Redux state management, offering a wide range of food and drink options.

•Enhancing the Android Keystore system for secure storage of cryptographic keys.

•Optimizing code reuse with Kotlin extension functions.

•Constructing comprehensive features using Jetpack navigation graph, pagination, and Jetpack Compose.

•Developing applications within a robust MVVM architecture using Android Jetpack Components.

•Managing reactive programming with Kotlin Flow and Coroutines.

•Ensuring application reliability and quality through thorough testing practices.

•Incorporating Firebase analytics framework for user behavior monitoring.

•Orchestrating seamless integration of navigation drawer with ModalDrawerLayout component.

•Implementing core banking RESTful services and multithreading with Executors/Job Intent Services.

•Leveraging Jetpack Compose for enhanced user navigation and interaction.

•Enabling user authentication via Fingerprint scan API.

•Demonstrating expertise in advanced dependency management with Dagger dependency injection.

Tech Stacks Used: Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, Elavon, Deque – Axe Dev tools, AWS Access portal, Citrix, Homebrew, Postman, Source tree, Gitlab, Jenkins, Zeplin, MySql Workbench, Pendo Analytics, CSDK 6.3.1, Browser Stack, Firebase crashlytics, Proguard, Room DB, SQL Cipher, Okhttp, Retrofit

Lead Android Developer April 2021 – Sep 2023

Fidelity - New York, NY


•As an Android Developer at Fidelity, I was responsible for developing and maintaining high-quality mobile applications for various financial products and services. Some of the projects that I worked on are:

•Mutual fund trade flow: Executed the features and functionalities for buying, selling, and exchanging mutual funds on the Fidelity app, using Kotlin, Rx Java, Dagger, and Retrofit. Safeguarded the security & compliance of transactions by integrating biometric authentication and encryption libraries.

•Fid Folios: Successfully designed & developed the UI and UX for Fid Folios, a personalized portfolio management tool that allows users to create, track and optimize their investment portfolios. Used Android Jetpack components, Material Design guidelines, and Firebase Analytics to create a user-friendly and responsive app.

•Cryptocurrency Trade Flow: Coordinated with the backend team & external partners to enable cryptocurrency trading on the Fidelity app, using WebSocket, Coroutines, and Live Data. Handled complex logic and edge cases for displaying real-time prices, balances, and orders of various cryptocurrencies.

•UI Revamp: Contributed to the UI revamp project by refactoring the existing codebase, migrating it to Android X libraries, implementing the dark mode and adaptive icons, and applying animations and transitions to enhance the user experience.

•Accessibility: Guaranteed that the Fidelity app was accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or preferences. Followed the Android accessibility guidelines and used tools such as TalkBack, Switch Access, and Accessibility Scanner to test and improve the app's accessibility features. Combined support for different languages, font sizes, and color schemes to accommodate diverse user needs.

•Performed unit testing, code reviews, bug fixing, and documentation for all the projects.

•Used Git, Jira, Jenkins, and SonarQube as part of the agile development process.

•Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using sprites.

•Applied intuitive Order Guide using React Navigation, Redux, and smooth UI transitions to provide a Single Page Application experience

•Learned new technologies and frameworks such as Jetpack Compose, Graph QL, and Firebase Cloud Messaging to keep up with industry standards and customer expectations.

•Led a team of 16 developers including 3 project owners, 3 testers (QA, BAT, Accessibility, 5 Android Developers and 4 iOS developers, UI/ UX, Analyst and Scrum Master

•Conducted frequent code review activities with the members of the development team.

•Facilitated requirement gathering sessions and wrote the high level and detail design for the Android application.

•Created an encryption algorithm to save sensitive data in the local database.

•Configured Git repositories in private GitHub for the Android development team.

•Created a successful proof of concept (POC) with a secure SSL layer to authenticate users and refresh login tokens.

•Configured the continuous integration process with a Jenkins instance hosted on a private server.

•Constructed prototypes of the User Interface integrating the latest Material Design guidelines.

•Contributed to full lifecycle development process from product definition through design, development, test, release, and maintenance.

•Documented the Android project details, functionality and quality testing.

•Coordinated with the testing team during the testing phase to resolve issues of Android app performance and user experience (UX).

•Created small testing suites with JUnit and the Android Studio IDE capabilities.

•Developed the app natively in Android Studio.

•Documented the progress of the daily stand-ups with the Atlassian stack (JIRA, Confluence, HipChat).

•Enhanced the UI/UX with expertise of well-designed UI/UX and by adding custom views and compound views. Also, collaborated with designers on the Android look and feel.

•Established communication with back-end server to consume Restful API using core Android classes.

•Implemented the use of handlers and threads on several tasks which improved the application performance.

•Managed teamwork and ensured good performance by knowing when to let the team work through a problem and when to help them.

•Staying up to date with the latest trends, tools, and technologies in the Android development space. Proactively researching and evaluating new frameworks, libraries, and development methodologies to improve the Android development process.

•Communicating effectively with stakeholders to provide updates on project progress, timelines, and any potential roadblocks.

•Troubleshooting technical issues and bugs reported by users or identified through testing. Providing timely support and resolutions to ensure a smooth user experience.

Senior Android App Developer May 2020 – Apr 2021

Walmart - Sunnyvale, CA

App Name: Walmart Shopping and Grocery


Description: Walmart app is used to order groceries online, you can either choose for Pickup option or Doorstep delivery. The new feature of Walmart I e. InHome delivers everything in Home. A team from Walmart delivers it to your home and keeps everything in place and groceries in the refrigerator. The Walmart app is very helpful to shop, checking prices, availing different types of offers, etc.

Synopsis: Worked with Walmart on 3 different teams, Offers team, Membership Management, Care team, and Data Acquisition team. Worked on adding a new offer to Walmart app that is when signing up for Walmart+ giving Spotify membership for 6 months, InHome feature, and refer a friend feature. Worked from scratch on building the UIs for this feature and some logic changes.

•Build new features with Compose, identify reusable elements, create a library of common UI components, and use lazy layouts to create performant UIs, advanced state, and side effects.

•Worked on UI for Spotify offer using Graph QL to make API calls and display data.

•Integrated Spotify offer into Walmart membership for 6 months of a free trial.

•Developed UI for review membership in Walmart's In-home feature.

•Added Analytics using Yabas specifications to be reflected on Spelunk for monitoring user behavior and logging errors.

•Used MVVM data binding, Kotlin Coroutines, Binding adapters, Koin dependency injection, Mockk TDD techniques, and Jetpack components like Paging, NavGraph, Work Manager

•Handle the stream of data asynchronously that executes sequentially using Flow API

•Build, transform, and consume a Flow using coroutines and control concurrency by coordinating the execution of several coroutines declaratively with Flow.

•Adding Unit testing using Junit to keep branch and code coverage above 80%

•Developed features using MVVM architecture along with Hilt DI to various modules to perform reusability of classes and decoupling of dependencies.

•Modified logic for referring a friend feature to allow associate members to refer.

•Designed UI specified in Figma / Zeplin

•Monitored for errors, and user journey during on Call using Splunk and Queries

•Implemented Deep links for Spotify and Refer a Friend feature.

•Developed MLP (Marketing Landing Program) for In-home feature for finding user addresses, displaying offers, etc

•Worked with the Membership Management Care team and Data Acquisition team to develop UI and add Analytics to it

•Helped teammates during their onboarding process, by explaining the flow of some Walmart features and resolving their doubts during the initial phase.

•Participated in sprint demos to represent the progress of feature development.

Senior Android App Developer Oct 2019 – Apr 2020

Providence DIG - Seattle, WA



•Worked on existing applications Providence and Swedish Health Connect to improve their performance and increase the number of users by integrating MyChart Sign In into their Apps using MyChart credentials.

•Performed development work in alignment with an Agile project management methodology with the practice of Scrums and Sprints.

•Co-ordinated with teammates and designed networking calls and architectural designs for integrating MyChart sign-In feature,

•Utilized Slack, Outlook, and Teams to communicate and coordinate with the team.

•Applied MVVM Architecture to structure both applications.

•Programming using the Kotlin language.

•Utilized Jackson, Retrofit, and RxJava to handle the networking part.

•Applied a Chuck HTTP network interceptor to record and observe network calls.

•Integrated and used MyChart SDK to help users log in using MyChart credentials.

•Migrated feature flag features from using Launch Darkly to Kameleoon.

•Integrated Apollo client and used GraphQL queries and schemas to display blogs on the dashboard.

•Loaded user-profiles and blog content from Apollo.

•Displayed Blogs and other articles using WebViews.

•Developed Blog feature for Android apps using UberFlip

•Programmed and designed Login features and email validation logic.

•Implemented Kameleoon A/B Testing.

•Improved Chat Bot application by displaying more options using pop-up animation.

•Added analytics for multiple screens to observe user behavior on Amplitude.

•Configured apps with User permissions for the location after Signing In / Logging In.

•Configured Scroll and Transition animations.

•Implemented deep links and analytics to support marketing requirements.

•Migrated user database from Auth0 to Azure DB.

•Utilized Room, Shared Preferences, and Firebase for Data persistence.

•Tested applications and tasks using Junit, Mockito, and Espresso.

•Developed Dynamic dashboard cards for target sorting based on different use cases for improving user experience and easier usability.

•Implemented Covid-19 Vaccination Booking flow to show Covid screening questions and schedule appointments around user location radius.

•Integrated Biometrics SDK to enable Login using Fingerprint scanners and Face scanners.

•Applied Bitrise to trigger automated testing after pushing changes to development.

•Debugged and fixed access to Bluetooth settings, network connectivity, Wi-Fi Multicast reception, and connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi.

Senior Android Developer February 2019 - Sep 2019

ESPN Inc. - Bristol, CT


•Managed the build creation with a Jenkins instance hosted on a private server.

•Dynatrace SDK implementation to track network performance in the app and identify pain points in the user experience.

•Used Dagger2 for dependency injection.

•Worked with Android developers to design, implement and test new features or refactors.

•Used Kotlin as the main code language for the Android application.

•Implemented newer features in Kotlin as well as migrated some existing Java code into Kotlin.

•Debugged and fixed critical defects reported by customers and in-house testers.

•Improve efficiency and readability of defective code modules through code refactoring and optimization utilizing SOLID principles.

•Implemented ExoPlayer to display application videos.

•Migrated REST calls from the Robospice library to Retrofit2 and RxJava.

•Actively consumed, parsed, and created JSONs using GSON and Jackson libraries.

•Developed unit testing, instrumentation testing, and automation testing for each new feature using Junit, Mockito, Roboelectric, Powermock, Espresso, and Calabash for Android.

•Applied reactive frameworks such as RxJava, RxAndroid, RxBluetooth, and RxKotlin.

•Followed MVVM and MVP architectures utilizing LiveData for MVVM.

•Used Git with GitHub and GitLab servers for source control.

•Worked within the agile team, provided estimated effort and technical input to backlog management, and used Jira for task tracking and effort.

•Participated in Agile ceremonies, grooming, retrospectives, daily stand up, etc.

•Intense usage of Android SDK components, Activities, Broadcasts, Services, Intents, Job Scheduler, RecyclerView, Custom Views, Constraint Layout, Fragments, Looper, Handlers, Shared Preferences, Room, etc. Managed relational and NoSQL databases.

•Implemented Kotlin coroutines on new application features.

•Consumed RESTful services using Retrofit with an OkHTTP client, a GSON converter, and a custom interceptor.

Android Mobile App Developer September 2017 - February 2019

Johnson & Johnson - New Brunswick, NJ


•Worked with Volley and Retrofit to consume RESTful services.

•Implemented new application features in Kotlin and MVVM architecture using LiveData and Jetpack components in Android.

•Built the UI/UX using material design implementing Fragments and Navigation Drawer.

•Implemented data persistence using Room Database.

•Performed multiple code reviews that helped deliver a cleaner and uniform shared codebase.

•Experience with network programming and consuming third-party APIs.

•Monitored and participated in workflow tracking with HP Quality Center.

•Worked with GSON and Jackson library to parse JSON files.

•Use of YouTube to incorporate video playback functionality for trailers.

•Got the design team up to speed with Material design, familiarizing them with some of the design concepts as well as the new widgets and their UI/UX ramifications.

•Use of material design for the User Interface Model View Presenter (MVP).

•Worked with an internal QA team on system, performance, and acceptance testing.

•Supervised the creation of the testing suits developed with Espresso and Mockito.

•Consumed web services to display user history on the user interface.

•Detected new features that could be implemented and did so.

•Always adding value in a multi-cultured environment.

•Conducted weekly SCRUM meetings to set up goals and help developers meet deadlines.

•Added a user configuration setting to persist and switch the network usage.

•Supported multiple screen resolutions implementing different layouts for portrait and landscape.

•Worked with Product Management, Delivery teams, and Project Management to translate requirements into tasks for deliverables.

•Implemented the best practices for Android mobile development with their main components: Activities, Services, Content Providers, and Broadcast Receivers.

•Followed best practices for coding, security, and mobile design.

•Used APIs from different API levels to support backward compatibility.

Android Mobile Developer January 2016 – August 2017

Citibank - New York, NY


•Interact very closely with both the Product and the Design teams.

•Collaborated with Software Engineers for the design and development of back-end services.

•Designed and implemented Android applications to product and UX specifications.

•Used Navigation Drawer and Tabs to provide quick and easy navigation.

•Use of GIT for source control management.

•Ability to independently set tasks and complete work for yourself and your team with limited direction.

•Gathered requirements and generated detailed technical documentation.

•Used Butter Knife library to apply binding in Android views.

•Worked with Android Query library for asynchronous tasks to manipulate UI elements.

•Used the color palette support to extract different resources in different contexts.

•Used Android Studio as IDE and all his capabilities: Build Variants and social media plugins.

•Use of the Gson library to deserialize JSON information.

•Conducted code review implementing Paired Programming including Java, Spring, iOS, SQL, and Android.

•Maximized the productivity of our Agile SCRUM methodology by eliminating friction points and roadblocks to productivity.

•Usage of core Android resources like Fragments, Styles, Themes, and 9-Patch Images.

•Led multiple teams in every step of the software development lifecycle.

•Recommended and implemented changes to the Architecture of some legacy data structures to better support our primary use cases.

•Design and develop functionality between user’s interaction and delegate it back to the server using RESTful web services and JSON parsing.

•Solid understanding of Android app development life cycle including Google Play and Amazon App Store compliance policies and submissions requirements.

•Translated designs and wireframes into high-quality views and code.

•Developed Unit Test and Stress test cases with JUnit.

Android Developer May 2013 – January 2016 – Santa Clara, CA


•Collaborated with three other Mobile Software Engineers.

•Reviewed other developers' code using pull requests in Bitbucket.

•Removed deprecated Activities and XML Layouts from the User Onboarding Flow.

•Supported backup location using Google Play Services Location API as an alternative to native Android Location Manager.

•Fixed bugs as assigned in Jira that were raised by the QA team.

•Researched and proposed using Dagger 2 for creating a dependency graph.

•Prototyped new simple Android Studio projects to test out different types of proposed UI designs.

•Replaced findViewById’s with ButterKnife to reduce boilerplate code.

•Wrote Java mode JSON Parsers for the API URL call data.

•Customized Settings View UI using a Preference Activity by adding a custom layout for the provided List View.

•Researched and proposed new Android Architecture Components including Live Data, View Model, and Room Persistence Libraries.

•Used Alert Dialogs, Loopers, and Handlers to flag error cases.

•Updated Android Mobile App UI for the Terms and Conditions, Fall Detection Acknowledgement screens, and Device Card View.

•Replaced Circular Progress Bar in Firmware screen with Horizontal Progress Bar.

•Unit-tested Android Java code using JUnit and Mockito.

•Used fragments for modular User Interface and Navigation Drawer to create a consistent user experience throughout the application.

•Used Firebase Ads SDK to present assets using RecyclerView providing a seamless user experience.

Academic Credentials

MSc - Computer Science from Binghamton University

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