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Software Development Developer

Charlotte, NC
May 16, 2024

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Mikal Gebremedhin

Charlotte, North Carolina



Experienced software developer with over 5 years of professional expertise in Java, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, RESTful, NoSQL, MySQL, Kafka, Git, GitHub, ReactJS, AWS, Docker, and SOLID software design principles. Proficient in implementing design patterns like MVC, Factory, Facade, and Command to engineer complex, scalable, and maintainable applications. Skilled in Agile methodologies, operating effectively in high-performance and secure environments. Familiar with cloud and containerization technologies, ensuring adaptability to modern development practices. Microservices, Software Development Life Cycle, Test-Driven Development, Problem-Solving, System Testing, Component Reusability, Analysis


Languages: Java, JavaScript

Software Development: Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, EJB, Swing, Rest & SOAP web Service, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), DDD, TDD principles, clean code and others. Architectural Design: SOA, Microservice, Layered, Event Sourcing, CQR Web Services: Restful, Microservices, Reactive programming, Json, and SOAP Webpage Development: React, HTML5, JSP, JSF, Redux, Node, CSS, jQuery, AJAX, Express.JS, Bootstrap, Thyme leaf, XML, Junit and Mockito

Database: MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, SQL

Application Server: Node, Apache, Tomcat and Netty IDE: IntelliJ, Eclipse, VS Code

AWS: EC2, ECS, EKS, ECS Faregate, ELB, EBS, S3, Cloud Front, VPC, IAM, SQS, SNS, Lambda, Cloud Watch, API

Gateway, Aurora, Route53, Kinesis, Cloud Formation, Elastic Beanstalk, Autoscaling, RDS, DynamoDB, Aurora and


Code Repo Tools: Git, GitHub

OS: Windows and Linux

SDLC: Agile / Scrum, DevOps

DevOps: CI/CD, Jenkins, GitHub, Docker

Design Patterns: MVC, Singleton, Facade, Command Strategy, Dependency Injection, Builder, Factory, Front Controller, Template Method, Observer, Decorator, state pattern and more. Techniques: Prototype, Session, Dependency Injection. Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Code, Web Storm Chrome, Docker, Kafka, ELK, Git, GitHub, Postman, Maven, Jenkins, JWT, Prometheus, Star UML, Kafka, Zipkin, Sleuth, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ and more. Platforms: Windows, Unix


Soft Guide Technology, UAE

Full Stack Developer (2018-2023)

• Applied robust technical skills in the Software Development Life Cycle and core Java technologies to tailor applications to precise client requirements.

• Created a RESTful API to enable communication with a visual application developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Thyme leaf templating engine.

• Managed CRUD operations and employed MySQL for efficient data persistence. Integrated real- time data from the Zillow API to offer current insights on agents' reviews and listings. Developed a CRM system enabling agents to personalize profiles.

• Implemented site security using Auth0 for advanced authentication and authorization. Demonstrated proficiency in crafting custom exception classes to manage specific scenarios, enhancing code robustness.

• Utilized Git for version control and collaborated on projects via the Bitbucket source code hosting platform.

• Successfully decreased bugs by 20% through enhanced code quality.

• Developed detailed, well-structured test plans and cases.

• Proficiently handled container technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.

• Conducted thorough quality assurance testing on applications, resulting in an average performance error reduction of 97%.

• Implemented service projects using Agile Methodology and actively participated in running scrum meetings.

• Conducted rigorous quality checks and identified data-related issues, such as corrupted data and incorrect data sources.

• Utilized Amazon Web Services (AWS) as our cloud hosting platform to deploy applications. Leveraged AWS services including Amazon EC2 for hosting, Amazon RDS for database management, and Amazon S3 for storing static assets.

• Ensured scalability, reliability, and security of deployed applications through AWS infrastructure. Technology Stack: Java 1.8, Java EE, MongoDB, Spring MVC, Bitbucket, Jenkins, STS (Spring Tool Suite), Windows, Spring Boot, HTML5, XML, DOM, JSON, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular, PostgreSQL, Docker, CSS, HTML, Node.js, React, Spring, Hibernate, CodeIgniter, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Cloud Technology and Restful Services.

Project: E-Commerce Application System

• Led the development and implementation of new features for the e-commerce application system. Provided

• guidance and oversight to the development team, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality solutions.

• Ensured the system met functional requirements, performance standards, and security measures.

• Designed and implemented features that allowed users to view products, register and authenticate, place orders,

• and process payments securely. Ensured a seamless and user-friendly e-commerce experience, focusing on

• usability and performance optimization.

• Spring Cloud for distributed architecture, Spring Security for secure authentication, JWT for secure communication,

• and Kafka for real-time data streaming. Utilized Eureka Server, Spring Cloud Gateway, Open Feign, Resilience4j,

• Load Balancer, Config Server, Zipkin, Rest, Tomcat, Mockito, Spring Boot, MySQL, MongoDB, and Kubernetes for

• various system functionalities.

• Designed and implemented features that allowed users to view products, register and authenticate, place orders,

• and process payments securely. Ensured a seamless and user-friendly e-commerce experience, focusing on

• usability and performance optimization.

Project: Package Delivery System

• Led a team of five professionals, providing guidance, coordination, and leadership to ensure

• successful project outcomes.

• Developed RESTful Web Services, utilized Spring Security for authentication and authorization, and

• implemented JWT for secure token-based communication. Leveraged Spring Boot and Spring MVC

• for robust and scalable web application development.

• Ensured efficient and reliable data storage and retrieval by utilizing MySQL as the database for the

• delivery system. Administered and maintained the database, ensuring seamless connectivity and

• data integrity.

• Employed a comprehensive technology stack, including RESTful Web Services, Spring Security,

• JWT, Mockito, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, MySQL, and Android, to build a fast, secure, and robust.

• Package delivery system. Demonstrated proficiency in utilizing industry-standard technologies and

• frameworks.

Project: Ai-Driven Auditing Management System

• Develop an AI-Driven Auditing Management System using Java and microservices architecture for a company like PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

• The system will automate auditing processes, improve efficiency, and provide intelligent insights through AI Algorithms.

• By effectively allocating these resources in the Audit Planning microservice, audit managers can optimize resource utilization, ensure compliance with audit requirements, and enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the audit process. Education:

CAREER NOTE: Completed on-campus studies and currently taking distance education courses to complete a master’s degree in computer science (Available for full-time, W-2 employment) MSC, Computer Science, Maharishi International University -Fairfield, Iowa Dec 2024 Key Courses: Fundamental Programming Practices, Modern Programming Practices, Database Management Systems, Web Application Programming, Web Application Architecture, Modern Web Application (MEAN Application), Enterprise Architecture, Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Software Architecture.

Bachelor of Science -Civil Engineer Eritrean Institute of Technology Asmara, Eritrea. July 2018

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